Fearsome Foe II Nihilus

Don't roast me at the stake, but I'm curious. Nihilus has +1 action while he is not toppled. If his basic has ability to steal buffs and apply to himself, while reducing cooldowns of Drain and Annihilate by 1 for each buff stolen, then on his second action Drain assuming he stole buffs, how is this balance ? I understand it's supposed to be challenging, but where is his topple to slow him? He always targets the toon without Unbreakable Will, so maybe add 1 or 2 more henchmen so we have some sort of chance at fighting if he cannot be toppled?
If there is a topple, anyone figure it out yet?


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    I will risk commenting that you need to activate Unbreakable will, just because the icon shows, doesn't mean it's active, you need to hit the shield icon on the chars turn. When you activate it , even annihilate does not kill that char, and every enemy attacks that char. Works well, timing it to cover annihilate is key. Kinda similar to counting hits in gg in a way I suppose
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    With my rng I end up with at least 3 toons who cannot activate it because Nihilus' Annihilate comes way to quickly, all due to lack of his minions.
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    It's definitely an interesting ride trying to figure out what works well tho ;)
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    I agree with that, I was just looking for some insight into the mentioned topple. If his basic had a cap of Cooldown refresh by 1(regardless of buffs stolen), I think it would be somewhat reasonable. Since all his specials lead to Annihilate so quick, it outpaces his minion summoning thus losing a toon every 4 turns since he targets one without Unbreakable Will active.
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    He can't target any char other then the one that has Unbreakable will active,

    Also, re topple, I believe that is just a wording thing, similar to the other raids when the describe the fearsome foe ability, I believe Haat says similar in p3 but there is no way to topple there, nor in p1 .
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    Well guess I'm special, not in a sense I'm not getting your point, but somehow he hits one without it, even if I activate it from the corner. Its always Biggs for me.
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    Is he hitting Biggs, or is he using drain force on everyone? Cuz one little annoying detail they threw in is hitting around protection , makes healers very relevant now
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    And the only reason I'm repeating the activate Unbreakable will part is because we had a few folks that thought it was automatic , and they had similar sounding issues, until they activated it lol
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    His Annihilate, while Unbreakable Will is active on someone, who has not taken a turn with it active.
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    Gonna get a screen recorder and replicate it I guess.
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    Be a good idea, cuz if he is ignoring that, is needs to be posted to answers hq , and the vid will be invaluable
  • Narzis
    34 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed something strange: while one of my toons had unbreakable will active on him (and nihilus had his annihilate's coolddown on zero), he just simply skipped using annihilate, and instakilled my toon next turn, when unbreakable will already expired...
    It is possible, or I just missed something?
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    Narzis wrote: »
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed something strange: while one of my toons had unbreakable will active on him (and nihilus had his annihilate's coolddown on zero), he just simply skipped using annihilate, and instakilled my toon next turn, when unbreakable will already expired...
    It is possible, or I just missed something?

    Same thing happened to me
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    Narzis wrote: »
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed something strange: while one of my toons had unbreakable will active on him (and nihilus had his annihilate's coolddown on zero), he just simply skipped using annihilate, and instakilled my toon next turn, when unbreakable will already expired...
    It is possible, or I just missed something?
    It happened to me twice in the same battle. Nihilus just passed up Annhiliate and made unbreakable will useless. It doesn’t seem like that is working as intended.
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    Narzis wrote: »
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I noticed something strange: while one of my toons had unbreakable will active on him (and nihilus had his annihilate's coolddown on zero), he just simply skipped using annihilate, and instakilled my toon next turn, when unbreakable will already expired...
    It is possible, or I just missed something?
    It happened to me twice in the same battle. Nihilus just passed up Annhiliate and made unbreakable will useless. It doesn’t seem like that is working as intended.

    As in you activated it by clicking in the abilities bar ? He did not target the toon with it active? Or did he target the toon with his basic first and then annihilate ?
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