Sith Immune to Expose?

The sith raid is new, so I haven't watched any tutorials yet, and my damage is puny compared to others in my guild who don't have better rosters, so I assume I'll learn some things soon. I'm not here to say the raid is too difficult or anything like that.


I did read the "details" section, and although it says that they take reduced damage from % health effects, it NEVER says that the raid bosses are immune to Expose. I should be able to get some TM bumps from Resistance toons under Finn, but expose did not land once. Expose also failed to land from other characters (Hera, Jyn, Sidius... I didn't try Mace). There is a list of debuffs to which Traya and other bosses are immune. That's fine. It makes Jyn's leadership much less useful since there aren't as many debuffs that can trigger her lead, but whatever: if you could just stun raid bosses, it wouldn't be much of a raid.

If the bosses are intended to be immune to Expose, that's also okay. But you can't make a list of immunities and leave off some things to which the bad guys are also immune. Can you please clarify? I've checked with 2 other people in my guild who ran expose-heavy teams and they also reported no exposes landing. With so many players, RNG effects will guarantee a couple guilds like mine where they don't land due solely to chance, but if there's a bug (or a failure to write the raid details correctly), I wanted to log it here so that y'all at EA/CG could know about it and fix it.

Thanks for the new raid.


  • TVF
    36611 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
  • Syrup_Chugger3
    2171 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    If you read the description, pretty much every boss gains 50% tenacity every time they are hit until the end of their turn

    Ps. There's no bug therefore nothing for cg/EA to fix
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    The Sith bosses have amazing tenacity so you probably need to mod for potency to land expose.

    This is why Jedi training Rey is so awesome (exposes from her leadership can be resisted)
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If you read the description, pretty much every boss gains 50% tenacity every time they are hit until the end of their turn

    Ps. There's no bug therefore nothing for cg/EA to fix


    They are trying to limit the tricks we learned in old raids. Basically the more times you pull that trick the more they resist. Then they get a turn and it resets. It's a good idea, it's flexible and makes you pay attention to strategy.
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