response to Stormtrooper Han crystal reimbursement request - post on the forums

posts Member
edited March 2018
So I purchased a vault of crystals on Tuesday morning after watching some of the videos showcasing the synergy of sth with a number of teams in the sith raid. I didn't have sth when we were first doing the heroic tank but remembered how he worked in a similar fashion in the chirpatine team in phase three.

About 3 hours after I purchased the vault spending the crystals to refresh the store purchasing gear to take sth to g12, the developers announced the changes to the character as his interaction violates the spirit of the design.

In response I contacted ea help to request a reimbursement of the crystals I had spent after purchasing them literally two hours prior to the change and the end result of that conversation was to go post on the forums. Apparently it's our avenue to share our frustration with the recent change.

I admit I've spent too much money on this game. I was not asking for a refund of my 100 for the vault I was asking that they just return me the crystals. I said I would be happy if they would return sth to the g9 level I'd had him at before if they could return the crystals. I think this was a very reasonable request, heck I didn't even ask for anything to reimburse for the zeta I applied to him.

The end result though was being told to post in the forum, so that's what I've done. I'm sure something will come out of this.
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Wow, sorry man.
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    I do hope they do the righy thing and give you back your crystals. They should by rights give you back the crystals and let you keep the 7*.

    And if they want to save some face, they really should give everyone 20k crystals after they nerf our raid toons.

    It would go a long way to repair the damage they have done in my opinion
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    I'd be getting my $150 bucks back if that happened to me. I'm not surprised though, they can't do anything because they can't access in game accounts. Only have 2 options live with it or refund.
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    If there is trouble, we should contact support. Seems u doing the right thing. But refund (or similar) post is not allowed in the forum per forum guidelines, but the support reccomend u to post in the forum.

    Well congratz!! u just get infinite loop :lol:
  • Rui99
    43 posts Member
    Best thing you can do is I think is go ask google play are iTunes if you can have a refund if you spend money that way. EA\CG hardly every makes up for any of their mistakes. And they have been many for sure. I believe people have had decent luck in the past asking for refunds from those companies due to fraudulent actions of EA. Good luck and hopefully EA will eventually learn, highly doubtful.
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