Need advice on how to beat JTR

252 posts Member
ATM I’ve got no way of getting jtr and I’ve just started moving up the arena atm with a Phoenix squad (yes I know I need to change been building an empire team but need thrawn and ep), what is my best bet as I don’t know when these events will come back around what is the best way to combat these teams?


  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    Also this shard is jan/feb this year so pretty much only EP teams in my top end of the shard.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Rex lead, with Thrawn, a tank and 2 attackers (f.ex. Talzin and EP) work well against both Empire and JTR teams.
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Rex lead, with Thrawn, a tank and 2 attackers (f.ex. Talzin and EP) work well against both Empire and JTR teams.
    Would Vader/Ezra work?

    My collection

    I’ll unlock thrawn and ep defiantly on the next round, just need to get chopper up to lvl7
  • Options
    since your shard is only a month old you wont be seeing any JTR squads (maybe 1, tops 2, but those are krakens that were top anyway) so no need to be worried about them
    I was beating 55k GP phoenix teams with a 42k empire team. Seeing where you are now you might make it top 100, which is still not bad, with phoenix. Anything above that the empire teams will just eat you.
    your other option is Nihilus L/sion/dooku/sidious/vader. As long as EP doesn't stun your nihilus you have a real chance of winning, even with 3 stars Nih/sion. Sion will feed your Nihilus 20-30% TM as soon as opponent vader force crushes. Drain force of nihilus is one of the top abilities in the game, period. Unless EP gets lucky with shocks and another team stun, you win. But I have not played this team myself and I dont know what mods you have. It's all about speed.
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    LaksonVell wrote: »
    since your shard is only a month old you wont be seeing any JTR squads (maybe 1, tops 2, but those are krakens that were top anyway) so no need to be worried about them
    I was beating 55k GP phoenix teams with a 42k empire team. Seeing where you are now you might make it top 100, which is still not bad, with phoenix. Anything above that the empire teams will just eat you.
    your other option is Nihilus L/sion/dooku/sidious/vader. As long as EP doesn't stun your nihilus you have a real chance of winning, even with 3 stars Nih/sion. Sion will feed your Nihilus 20-30% TM as soon as opponent vader force crushes. Drain force of nihilus is one of the top abilities in the game, period. Unless EP gets lucky with shocks and another team stun, you win. But I have not played this team myself and I dont know what mods you have. It's all about speed.

    ATM I’ve only got health mods, only been focusing on getting Hera to lvl 7, also about the JTR supposedly the event is coming back on the 15th? So I just want to be prepared. I’ll start getting sion geared up and abilities lvl’d up then.
  • LaksonVell
    421 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    for the JTR you need both vet han and chewie 7 starred, they have a supposed drop of 1 shard per 50 cantina energy. so 50x330 = 16500 cantina energy EACH. And this is the supposed droprate, a lot of people are saying the droprate is lower than 0.3
    In short, anyone who is lower than lvl 77 cannot get it because the vets are locked on 8th node group, anyone who made it to 77 had to spend a minimum of 33000 cantina energy after reaching 77 to be ready. Yeah unless they are krakens, that didn't happen.
    I strongly believe your Nihilus led sith band will do good. Dooku has always been a proper nighmare with his counters, Sidious applies a healing reduction to which the currently empire team is weak (especially ol palps himself) so I believe you will do good. Dont forget to focus on getting dooku and sidious up as well. Let us know how it went!
    Mod type does not matter, only arrow being a speed mod and speed secondaries matter (I mean having 30 speed primary, not being a speed group mod)
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    Okay thanks been focusing on Tarkin with squad for fleet but might swap then back to sidous and leveling up my sith squad
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