Shoretrooper vs Sith Trooper

Only writing this because from reading around it seems people say Sith Trooper is very overrated?

If you were doing an Empire squad like EP, Vader, Tarkin TFP, which would one would you have as your tank ?


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  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Sith Trooper
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    That’s an Empire based squad, so Shore would be better
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    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Only writing this because from reading around it seems people say Sith Trooper is very overrated?

    If you were doing an Empire squad like EP, Vader, Tarkin TFP, which would one would you have as your tank ?

    after rework, ofc SithTrooper. but ShT is more universal
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    still confused.. 2 say shore 2 say sith lol. I have both at 4 stars if that helps.
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    You described an Empire squad that happens to have two Sith. Shoretrooper
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    I think ShT is better under EP whether the rest of the squad is sith or empire.
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    If you are running a classic Nightmare squad, EP, DV, DN, and DS, then Sith Trooper is pretty tough to beat. He buys a lot of time for DS to get his uber special off, and between the two of them, are a tough nut to crack.

    Most other situations, namely your proposed team where two of your team don't trigger Sith Trooper's unique to get defense up/taunt/retribution I would say go Shore Trooper.
  • MuCuS
    126 posts Member
    What level are you?
    I’m lvl 75 and have a 4* shore at g7 (almost g8)and a 5* SiT
    at g8 . Both very different and viable in arena at low star level when using emp/Vader + whoever else .

    Anywho, either way they both are a good choice and interchangeable for me and I hover around 50 in the arena and I’m one of lowest level players in top 50 of my shard with the highest being level 82 as of yesterday .
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    Shoretrooper. He heals party every other turn so Nightsisters can’t beat you, feeds everyone TM, and Empire characters get more out of EP lead then Sith.
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    For your squad? Shore trooper all the way, better for empire because of the TM feed and health recovery. Trust me, I have both fully geared and used them a lot for a long time.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
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    Obviously shore bcause if u using sith troop, only 2 sith there who sinergize with sith troop.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    The real question is shore or gk...
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    Shoretrooper. You would also need him for your fleet arena.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    Shore. Pretaunt protects the glass cannon that is tfp.
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    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Shore. Pretaunt protects the glass cannon that is tfp.

    Sith Trooper also has pre taunt...
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    Ok so EP, Vader, Tarkin , TFP and Shoretrooper it is, thanks everyone!
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    I prefer Shore on offense because he gives 15%TM to EP when he uses his mass stun, and if you also have Thrown, it's 30%, so you get full TM if you only stun 4 enemies. Plus he heals ;-)

    I didn't know on defense though as Sith Trooper should be tankier with his 100% defense and protection recovery on special and health steal
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    pinkfloyd wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Shore. Pretaunt protects the glass cannon that is tfp.

    Sith Trooper also has pre taunt...

    Shows what I know. Still probably get him for the heal and crit immunity mind.
  • mrail
    18 posts Member
    I don't have shore, but I recently removed SiT from my nightmare lineup and replaced him with Thrawn. The problem w/ SiT is he just sits there and doesn't do anything. Sure he soaks up damage and counter attacks, but his counter attacks are fairly weak and as soon as he gets hit w/ buff immunity he's useless. He's good for TB and TW squads, but I'm holding much better on Defense in Arena w/o him in my squad. Arena requires a toon who can be a much more active participant.
  • Goodgil
    349 posts Member
    I recently benched my Shore (he's maxed) in my full Empire EP team. Not for SiT - I'm running a lineup with no tanks - but I found out he's not doing much on my team. Defensively, he is just too easy to control if he's a lone tank.
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    mrail wrote: »
    I don't have shore, but I recently removed SiT from my nightmare lineup and replaced him with Thrawn. The problem w/ SiT is he just sits there and doesn't do anything. Sure he soaks up damage and counter attacks, but his counter attacks are fairly weak and as soon as he gets hit w/ buff immunity he's useless. He's good for TB and TW squads, but I'm holding much better on Defense in Arena w/o him in my squad. Arena requires a toon who can be a much more active participant.

    For real - he's annoying at best - but he himself is no real threat. Shore trooper has an actual pre-taunt and a heal - he doesn't hit any harder but it's more of an issue to let him just sit there.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    mrail wrote: »
    I don't have shore, but I recently removed SiT from my nightmare lineup and replaced him with Thrawn. The problem w/ SiT is he just sits there and doesn't do anything. Sure he soaks up damage and counter attacks, but his counter attacks are fairly weak and as soon as he gets hit w/ buff immunity he's useless. He's good for TB and TW squads, but I'm holding much better on Defense in Arena w/o him in my squad. Arena requires a toon who can be a much more active participant.

    For real - he's annoying at best - but he himself is no real threat. Shore trooper has an actual pre-taunt and a heal - he doesn't hit any harder but it's more of an issue to let him just sit there.

    Sith Trooper also has an actual pre-taunt, and an auto taunt (though as mentioned not as useful if you still have CLS on your shard). He is also harder to kill than Shore is because of all the defense.

    However, I was unaware of the TM gains Shore provided to Empire, so in that squad Shore is probably better. In my squad (EP DV DN Thrawn SiT) Sith Trooper is much better, but it's more Sith than Empire.
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    Slightly off topic, but I run EP Vader Thrawn, and have to choose between TFP and Tarkin for who to drop when I need to get Shore in there.
  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I love how someone mentioned a "classic nightmare squad" as if its been around forever...a bunch of youtubers made up that name like a week ago, and most of them dont really play arena very well.

    I like shiretrooper alot more than sith trooper. The heals and crit immunuty and tm gain from shoretrooper are really great, and his special cools down very fast.

    But as others have rightly stated, either of them as the sole tank on the team are very easily.

    For a sole tank, i find GK to he better by far bcz ofnthe crit immunity he gives allies even when fractured.

    2 taunters are the best in my opinion for a palp lead.

    Personally, i have just switched to ep, vader, thrawn, shore, gk.

    Even though full ds teams have more bonus speed to vader, i havent faced any difficulty.
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