The Vets

3843 posts Member
edited March 2018
Han and Chewie. Forced to farm them so want to use them. Do they have any real use outside of [EDIT] obvious JTR event and TW teams? Dont think I have ever seen one in Arena or even GW. Any raid viability? Or just dust collectors?
Post edited by VonZant on


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    JTR event is outside TW
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    JTR event is outside TW

    Yes. That part is obvious. Hence the "forced to farm them" comment. Outside of that is there any use for them?
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    TW teams?
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I got them to 7* g11 to unlock JTR, and have never used them since. I’m not kidding. No synergy with anyone but each other—and half of that is only useful if the other one dies. I think they’re useless.
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    So galactic war?

    Once you solo it 150 times and can auto it, does the vets become useless?
    Hit the gym.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    I was afraid that was the answer. You would think a forced farm like them would have some utility. At least for the other events the OG rebels, empire and FO are all useful.
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    VonZant wrote: »
    Do they have any real use outside of [EDIT] obvious JTR event...?

    In a word- no.

  • Stokat
    832 posts Member
    Its kind of sad that they don’t, both scoundrels and bounty hunters are so much fun to use. They deserve to be better as a faction (but hey lets see what the Han Solo movie brings in terms of new toons and possible reworks).
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    I think they would be good were they counted as Resistance or had a good Scoundrel leader.
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    They could be useful for LSTB missions, the stuns and dazes would help quite a bit. But no Rebel tag so...
    Personally i think if you like a toons kit then you should go for it regardless of the meta.
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    I have used them on offense in TW, under a Boba Fett lead, with limited success against B and C level defense teams. That team can usually take out a phoenix squad or an HK-47 lead droid team. Just don't expect them to be game changers or take out an arena level meta team.

    I certainly wouldn't consider them of value equal to the investment (cantina energy for shards and gear) but as they are required for the RJT event I was "forced" to put some effort into them. Therefore, I refuse to let them collect dust on the bench.
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    Credit/training Droid heist, but you probably already have a team for that
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    They are horrible, no use in the game, a waste of credits gear & materials.
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    I suppose the SOLO movie is our only hope.
    Hit the gym.
  • gufu21
    335 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I sometimes hear people say they're good for LS TB. Lots of daze could be a big help there. But the lack of synergy is still kind of a bummer.
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