İs gs too strong or not

108 posts Member
edited March 2016

İs gs too strong or not 122 votes

Too strong need to be balancing
EnigmaticienSekuDariovincentlondonMoscbak2solbrirosigodSmithieWillkimm98HendijuEllo_AstyJediMasterGibsSavageopMegadeth3700Boba_The_FetterOniRenkaiHeisenAKK889LlyodGWallaceGeofRiv 49 votes
Not too strong i think
LargKelleindarksidePreemo_MaginCazaanichotolotfikretkuruReyalptjw_tjw14MacjackylScorpion1980DarthNicoChewy_Johnson68Plague_IncKr4itok_walkyourpathjeffouleMASSHOLEZekexBiel_StarboyTriqui 73 votes


  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    This is a long post. TLDR at the end.

    Soooooooo. Geonosian Soldier, aka GS.
    I hate this character for several reasons, and here are the main :

    - Lore-wise : Who the **** is this guy ? How is he killing Jedi and one-shotting Sith Lords ? The Geonosian Soldiers are not the worst soldiers in the SW universe for sure, but they got crushed during the Clone Wars. Hell, they couldn't even fight flamethrower clone troopers.
    And now, you can witness a basic, boring, weak soldier one-shotting the best force users in the galaxy.

    "But Sikho, the game can't be based entirely on Lore!"

    Of course it can't. But would it be impossible to make him at least a Geonosian General?
    Add some shiny armor pieces or whatever, give him a dope helmet or something. Bam, a glorified Geonosian Soldier who was granted the rank of General because of his heroic feats and his countless victories. Still can't kill a Jedi in theory, but heh, at least it's not a grunt with no background.

    - Gameplay-wise : GS is the most boring type of character. A pure damage dealer that does damage while doing damage, with no mechanics or combo involved.
    His basic does damage. Ho hey, you also gain a buff that lets you do more damage !
    His special does damage too! And guess what, it calls in an ally to do even more damage!
    Much damage, such dps, wow.
    He's a 1-dimensional character. It doesn't get more 1-dimensional that this.
    Please, give him something more than just damage, and change his mechanics.

    - Strategy-wise : This game is already simple, yet CG manage to make it even simplier. When do you use his special? As soon as it is available.
    Who do you target? The character you want to do damage to.
    It's seriously boring. You always do the same thing.
    It's even worse when facing him. Does the enemy have a better damage dealer? If no, kill him. If yes, let him live. It's not really a threat except for damage, which is predictable and BORING.
    His synergies are dumb. He only benefits from Poggle, and calling Poggle as an assist isn't satisfying because he does no damage.
    By the way, what does he gain from his unique? That's right, even more damage and turn meter.

    And you know the worst? Everybody has him. He's one of the most boring toon and EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. HAS. HIM.
    He's easy to farm, and in the early levels he's the only viable toon you can farm in cantina battles.

    I use him and he disgusts me on every aspect. I'm just hoping he will stop being fotm soon.

    TLDR : No identity, only damage and a boring kit, low player interaction, no strategic value.

    I hate this guy. I'm glad they killed many geonosians during the Clone Wars.
  • Options
    Well said
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    I agree the accuracy is way off these random characters shouldnt be this good! They should OP beloved characters like Jedi and Sith and not make them easily attainable. Like everyone had the best sith lord maxed in a month or 2. Then theres anakin who should be the best character and he's worse than FOTP, Geno and even royal guard at this point! They need to seriously look at what people are saying and watch the movies. Have a look at who is actually doing anything! A jedi or sith can slaughter hundreds of these people!
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    Same is said about phasma, sid and qui gon. Every team runs them. I see more friggin Sid than anything. Nerf.
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    I agree. Now pardon me while I crit you in the face.

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    Faff2D2 wrote: »
    I agree. Now pardon me while I crit you in the face.


    Lol :lol:! I sure wish I had him.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Noktarn wrote: »
    Same is said about phasma, sid and qui gon. Every team runs them. I see more friggin Sid than anything. Nerf.

    I think that more good would come from carefully buffing unviable toons to their level rather that straight nerfing them.

    Reasons :

    - Doesn't make them useless, so people who farmed them aren't **** by these nerfs.
    - Allow for more diversity in pvp and pve, because people will try out new toons
    - Makes the pve game a bit easier

  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    The language filter on this forum is way too strict by the way.
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    I love the Geonosian General idea lol
    Tekken 7
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Noktarn wrote: »
    Same is said about phasma, sid and qui gon. Every team runs them. I see more friggin Sid than anything. Nerf.

    Though I agree with you, I think they provide more and aren't as binary as GS.

    Phasma has several tools that need to be properly used, and her damage can be countered by removing her advantage.

    Sid provides high strategic value by debuffing with his aoe (setup for a vader or 88 combo) and applying healing immunity (allows focus fire or counter heal teams)

    QGJ offers a lower strategic value, but his debuff must be used effectively.

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    Hey! ) Not all the peeps are the same)) FYI I don't have him and don't even wanna farm him anyway... :D
    But agreed - he's just a Soldjeru The Damaja ))
    cheers from Ukraine! and may the force b with u!
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    I just started farming him as he seems to be way too OP not to have him
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Not too strong i think
    I agree with your points 2 and 3.
    I feel assist should be a Support thing, not an attacker thing.
    Ideally, you should have Support with low damage such Biggs calling the true damage dealers like FOTP or Rey. Best example is Fives, although he is labeled as a tank. His basic does low damage, but a useful debuff. He can call an assist, and in the proper team, if he calls one of the Pilots, Hoth Rebel Scout, Rey, etc, he can do a lot of damage, through his role of support: enabling others to do damage.

    Geonosian and IG86, and also QGJ (even if labeled as Support), are too damage focused to also grant an assist. Poggle (or some Geonosian Commander with Poggle level of damage) should be the one with an assist attack, not Geo. Same with IG86, it should be HK47 the one with assist (or some Tactical Commander Droid).

    But I doubt they go this route, they seem happy with the faster chars having the highest damage, and control abilities being less important than pure damage
  • Options
    Too strong need to be balancing
    Im up for general idea
  • NonValidUser
    424 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Give into your hate
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    Well, you might be comforted to know they killed off every last Geonosian in last night's episode of Rebels. So while the bugs might be everywhere in game, the Star Wars universe is now free of them.
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    I play yoda not because he is good, but because he is fun =D not like you have to play him
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Astris wrote: »
    Well, you might be comforted to know they killed off every last Geonosian in last night's episode of Rebels. So while the bugs might be everywhere in game, the Star Wars universe is now free of them.

    Now that's a good incentive to watch Rebels!
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    Another goodie for this guy is that the AI can't go wrong with him. As opposed to many others that the AI obviously fails to handle (most popular example being Luminara: waste her shot on slippery Sidious, then heals a guy that was heal-blocked by the same Sidious).
    If all the above wasn't reason enough, this also add to why we see so many of them.

    Swarm is the word.
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Tiggus wrote: »
    Another goodie for this guy is that the AI can't go wrong with him. As opposed to many others that the AI obviously fails to handle (most popular example being Luminara: waste her shot on slippery Sidious, then heals a guy that was heal-blocked by the same Sidious).
    If all the above wasn't reason enough, this also add to why we see so many of them.

    Swarm is the word.

    You are correct, his simple kit makes it impossible for the AI to screw up with him.

    Now that you mention it, I wonder if Geonosians have genitals. There's a Queen that seems to be laying eggs regularly, but we don't really know how they reproduce.
    I hope they can catch STDs.
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    I don't have him. I face him a lot. I like him. He still is a noname. He deserves to die that often in arena. End.
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    To be fair the geonosians were weapons speaclists, they created the Death Star and thier weapons could not be repelled by lightsaber. I hate gs too but there's some fact
  • numore
    40 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Lol, I have to admit I had so much fun reading the entire post.
    But have you ever play a game based on collecting cards, heroes, etc...?(Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone, Pokemon...). Of course everyone uses it, because the meta right now is speed + dps damage and he completely fits the META. I used to play MTG and in tournaments you always come across people using the exactly same deck as you, not only 1 person, but dozens. Get used to it, in a game as this one, the trends will always trump over variety. Everybody tries to have the best team, and that requires having the best characters that fit the meta.
    Are we ever going to have a meta where all heroes are equal, and that we can use to get to the 1st position in arena? I doubt it. As the meta changes, new characters will become useful and some others will go to the bench. GS wasn't used before, now it is. Poe and barris were kings of their meta, now they are benched for obvious reasons. In 2 months from now, new heroes will reign the meta and GS will be long forgotten. To all this add also that the game is a new game so we expect a lot of changes.
    Get used to the meta, and if you feel like you are the kind of person that want to have diversity over power, then go for it. However, as long as you don't fit the current meta, you won't probably rank high in arena, unless you discover a new meta (always possible).
    Finally, it is a random character? Yea it is. But in a game every character must have the opportunity to be as good as other characters. This is not the lore. Here you won't see yoda being the most powerful being of the game

    TL;DR Stop crying
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    GS will never have a place in my roster. I have him at lvl 1 2* too boring and OP for my taste.
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    OP, share your thoughts completely. A couple of days ago I just resigned and started farming him. Too fast and powerful to ignore.

    It's basically an RPS game of four slots at this point...!
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    I don't use him. I have him unlocked, but never wanted to farm him. He's ugly and boring. I cash out in the top 5 on my server every day running Sid(lead), Poe, IG-88, Poggle, and Dooku. Don't want him, don't need him. Although 9/10 of my opponents use him.
  • Options
    Not too strong i think
    Astris wrote: »
    Well, you might be comforted to know they killed off every last Geonosian in last night's episode of Rebels. So while the bugs might be everywhere in game, the Star Wars universe is now free of them.

    So the good guys are xenocides. Good to know.
  • Options
    Well said, im also refusing to use gs, and rven tho its startin to become a struggle to keep the rank 1-3s, its not worth it for me.

    After all im here to enjoy the game, lvling up and playing a character that i have no interest in ( heck, dont even know ) is just not an option for me.

    Players are not playing anymore for the love of the game, or the class, characters. They dont care if a character, class is fun, or not, the crowd will always play the most broken one, cuz the only thing they care is power numbers.

    Same pattern in mmos, ppl dont even like their class, going on forums checking out what others claim to be most broken and easy to play, roll on it, even tho it might be a boring 1 dimensional character...

    Ppl we are playing against be like.
    Doesnt matter mate, i shoot your toon ( insert silly ogre voice )
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    numore wrote: »
    *long post that would make my answer too long*

    I'm not complaining because he's good. I'm complaining because he's always good.

    As you said, a perfectly balanced meta isn't a realistic goal, and there will always be better teams.
    The issue right now is that most OP toons don't require any setup to perform well.

    Most of them are just always effective and don't really have any counter or drawback.

    This is due mostly to the lack of synergy between factions and the very low skill floor of this game.

    We end up having a mess where some toons crush opposition without any worry. How comes a full Nightsister or Empire team will fall to a random meta team without any real synergy ? This is stupid and promotes static gameplay.

    I want a game where some teams are stronger than other because they are harder to play and force you to make decisions.
    I want opponents with clear strengths and weaknesses, and I don't want 99% of cookie-cutters team.

    I want complexity, and power attached to it, because it feels fair to be beaten by a team who set up a deadly combo that I COULD HAVE prevented.

    I don't want a meta axed on damage, speed and more damage where who goes first determines the outcome of a 25-seconds arena match.

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