Ships 2.0 Time Commitment: Going Backwards for Top Players?!

I currently steamroll thru a ship battle in 30 to 90 seconds on average, as do most in my shard. The new beta footage claims it’ll shorten our time spent on ships. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case in the footage, where each battle took 2-3 min to complete. It clearly appears it’ll lengthen the time for us top players. Am I missing something, or are us top players being punished?!




  • sying
    982 posts Member
    I honestly think it’s too early to tell. I think the time commitment will be longer at the start with the new pve table, for sure. Beyond that, we just have to wait and see.
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    Also, what's with the click-baity title and wording?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    sying wrote: »
    I honestly think it’s too early to tell. I think the time commitment will be longer at the start with the new pve table, for sure. Beyond that, we just have to wait and see.

    This is a safe bet.

    No reason to be a debbie downer right off the bat snakes :wink:
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    lmao, another hilarious snakes post about top players.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    I’m pretty interested in the new ship situation. Of course I’m worried that it’s upset my top ranking in Fleet, but this new method sounds like an actually different game mode. Right now, it’s like Arena with almost no options.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Pick it apart after it’s out. We may not even see those changes. Too early to tell. Besides you should expect them to make useless toon ships viable now, it’s makes them money when you have to gear and star them up after forgetting about them for the longest.
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    I am down for this. It includes the ship modifications which sound pretty good, the new table, which does not require cantina energy!, and the new PVE rules. It translates into TW as well which means you can have all 4 commanders in play now as well.

    I am down for putting a little more time into fleets PVE if the rewards get restructuring as well. Right now I am content to hang in the 40s while I finish off a few pilots.
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    I was going to post about this. I take first in fleet every night. I have the entire galactic republic fleet at g12. They are g12 because they are my fleet. It took priority for me when g12 hit. Now they are going to change everything I have invested in. I am dreading when abilities drop, my rank will drop while I hope I can adjust to the drastic changes.
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    I'm normally top 10 daily.

    All they need to do to speed things up is share my RNG from today. Lost TFP twice within 3 seconds.

    Spread that farce about and battles will be finished in no time. Forfeit, rinse and repeat...

  • Options
    I am down for this. It includes the ship modifications which sound pretty good, the new table, which does not require cantina energy!, and the new PVE rules. It translates into TW as well which means you can have all 4 commanders in play now as well.

    I am down for putting a little more time into fleets PVE if the rewards get restructuring as well. Right now I am content to hang in the 40s while I finish off a few pilots.

    I agree with the ships PvE.. but to me, the new ship abilities won't do squat(unlike mods/hardware).. I am kind of guessing that top players/youtubers/game changers will release "what works best" and then it will be sams as we have now
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    Seemed also as prolonged battle to me... The ehole 3vs3 sounds dumb as well.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    A change of pace is always fun. Let’s see how it works.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing 3 vs 3 characters in TW. No reinforcement. Could be a cool way of setting D and playing O.
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    been listening to a few of the GC interviews... interviewees kept saying this was in no small part due to wanting to shorten the ships battles from 7.5 to 5 minutes...

    almost all battles i've been involved in take 1 minute, 1:30 tops... one of the devs on Warrior's interview just stated most battles will now be around 3 minutes... so in essence, you're ADDING 2 minutes to a battle vs. removing 2.5.... geeeeeeeeee thanks. if timing is your intent, shorten to lag between battles to 5 minutes and save us all 1/2 hour at payout.
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    3v3 to me sounds like RNG will play an even bigger role in deciding who wins since you have less chance to recover from a few poor dice rolls...
  • Rapid
    421 posts Member
    So apparently one of the things about ships 2.0 is about reducing battle time if I've watched correctly. Reduced timer therefore less time in battle right? Not from my experience with ships.

    I run a typical meta team and win most battles in around 1 minute on manual. less on auto. This is mainly due to having 5 ships that hit hard and thrawn able to use a special off the bat. The only time a battle ever takes longer is if both teams get reduced to few ships and we end up waiting for more reinforcements and someone to reach ultimate (sometimes several times).

    By reducing the battles to 3 v 3, two things happen. First you have much reduced hitting power, likely meaning you can't take a ship out quickly. Second, every capital will be pulling in a reinforcement instead of thrawn for example, AOE killing or giving offense up to attackers with his first turn.

    I also think it's quite possible that due to this tankier ships may become meta (kylo's) which would also result in more time taken per battle.

    Not sure if people agree or disagree with my assessment?

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    I personally like the reducing time to 5 min. I also had the feeling from the video that battle took longer than before (despite a Game Changer saying otherwise), but for standard climbing I dont see an issue. I have to fight for 1 every day, and not waiting to finish your battle after 7.5 but 5 mins, therefore reducing the attention time before payout at least in my case sounds very good.
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    I’m sure the longer battles stats are all coming from newer players or players that don’t run Chimera. I remember pre-Chimera days with epic battles when it would come down to the last ten seconds. Same with the pre-Executrix rework. My guess is that the updates are made to try to engage players outside the top 20 to get more involved. Wouldn’t be suprised if they expanded the range for crystal payouts with the new changes.
  • FieldL
    96 posts Member
    Top players don’t even fall into 30s overnight. Or, they fall into 30s overnight and they climb back to 20s after they wake up.
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    3v3 to me sounds like RNG will play an even bigger role...
    Rapid wrote: »
    By reducing the battles to 3 v 3...

    Battles will not be 3 v 3.

    They will start at 3 v 3.

    There's a difference.

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    I believe they are shorting their timer from 7:30 minutes to 5 minutes because people are using it to hold their position in the last hour of combat so they do not lose their spot. Personally the long timer helps. If you don’t attack until the last 2 minutes then you have 5 minutes of holding you basically have an hour where nobody can attack you to advance in positions. I’ve found this tactic to help me stay in the 1-20 rankings for fleet
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    Depablo wrote: »
    I believe they are shorting their timer from 7:30 minutes to 5 minutes because people are using it to hold their position in the last hour of combat so they do not lose their spot. Personally the long timer helps. If you don’t attack until the last 2 minutes then you have 5 minutes of holding you basically have an hour where nobody can attack you to advance in positions. I’ve found this tactic to help me stay in the 1-20 rankings for fleet

    I was going to say something similar. If CG is seeing data that indicates people are taking a full 7:30 to do battles, it's because many players use timer manipulation to keep opponents from attacking. Dropping it to 5 minutes is going to negate that strategy.

    Not going to form an opinion on this change either way until it actually rolls in.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    When they announced that they were going to INCREASE raid rewards, it became DECREASED after implementation.
    When they announced that they were going to DECREASE Fleet battle time, previews and guesstimates already show that it’s going to take an average of 3 mins as compared to my current 90s or so. I don’t need it to be rolled out or implemented to know that it is obviously an INCREASE in Fleet battle time.
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    been listening to a few of the GC interviews... interviewees kept saying this was in no small part due to wanting to shorten the ships battles from 7.5 to 5 minutes...

    almost all battles i've been involved in take 1 minute, 1:30 tops... one of the devs on Warrior's interview just stated most battles will now be around 3 minutes... so in essence, you're ADDING 2 minutes to a battle vs. removing 2.5.... geeeeeeeeee thanks. if timing is your intent, shorten to lag between battles to 5 minutes and save us all 1/2 hour at payout.

    I would love to see the fleet you’ve assembled that is able to in 30 seconds take out the opposing fleet. Or are you one of the top 3 mafia that just rotated turns so you are only facing a single fighter and Capital Ship at payout time?
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    edited April 2018

    almost all battles i've been involved in take 1 minute, 1:30 tops[/b

    I would love to see the fleet you’ve assembled that is able to in 30 seconds take out the opposing fleet. Or are you one of the top 3 mafia that just rotated turns so you are only facing a single fighter and Capital Ship at payout time?
    He said 60-90 seconds, not 30. 60-90 seconds is most of my battles in fleet as well. Regular arena takes longer these days.
    But to answer your question: Thrawn, Biggs, Reaper, TFP, FOTF, Vader - scimitar first rein. My shard doesn't pull ships for people to take first, you have to fight for it.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    @SnakesOnAPlane yes you are being punished. No TV, no internet, and no complaints for one week while you think long and hard about what you did.

    One shouldn't judge time commitment based on carefully selected beta video footage.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »

    almost all battles i've been involved in take 1 minute, 1:30 tops[/b

    I would love to see the fleet you’ve assembled that is able to in 30 seconds take out the opposing fleet. Or are you one of the top 3 mafia that just rotated turns so you are only facing a single fighter and Capital Ship at payout time?
    He said 60-90 seconds, not 30. 60-90 seconds is most of my battles in fleet as well. Regular arena takes longer these days.
    But to answer your question: Thrawn, Biggs, Reaper, TFP, FOTF, Vader - scimitar first rein. My shard doesn't pull ships for people to take first, you have to fight for it.

    Use Bistan instead of Vader, if your TFP goes first and lands a TL, you gain Advantage and TM on another ship and might steamroll the opponent before they even get a single move.
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    FieldL wrote: »
    Top players don’t even fall into 30s overnight. Or, they fall into 30s overnight and they climb back to 20s after they wake up.

    In ships they do. Everyone has the same fleet. Nothing holds on defense.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Yeah that comment confused me as well. I haven't spent more than 2 minutes on a ship battle in a long time.

    Not a fan of the changes so far (excluding the PVE table, and I'm reserving my final judgement until it's released, obviously). I was hoping for new ships to spice things up (they want to change things, but with the limited number of ships available, there's not a whole lot you can do).

    Here's what's going to happen. They'll re-arrange everything (3 ships to start with, hardware,etc) , people will theory-craft for a week, maybe 2, then we'll be back to the same old stale RNG-fest (stale as in everyone is running the same team, not the gameplay, I enjoy that).
    Here's hoping I'm wrong.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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