In need of solid direction.

I had a bumpy start but kept trying to learn along the way to make more efficient decisions. Thus I sat down and mapped a bunch of things out; primarily towards the goal of earning the event characters + scoundrels. Since that in itself requires multiple squads, which then I can just aim for key characters to accent that further.

Well.. I'm getting lost in the mess of it all. The events are not going as previously planned anymore.. which placed a big monkey wrench in the cog machine. So I need advice on how to get back on the right track.

I'm a light spender - mostly a 20$ crystal pack a month for a couple cantina refreshes; splurge on the cheaper bundles if it's a hard farm character. So not really looking for advice that suggest go all-in on chromiums or something weird please. Thanks!


  • Options
    You need Leia and R2 to get CLS.

    You need Empire to get R2. You've got a good Empire team - Vader, Thrawn, Moff, RG and TFP. Farm all of them.

    You could do with getting Wiggs. And then have Wedge, Biggs, Leia, STHan and Lando as your Arena team. Eventually switch Lando for R2. Or maybe play a wild card and have Thrawn instead of Lando. Why not?

    You only really need 3 good scoundrels for heists - if you follow the above you'll already be farming STHan and farm Boba too.


    Boost up the abve characters you already have and farm the ones you don't yet have.

  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Solid advice from CoastalJames.

    For your fleet aim to get 5 non—capital dark side ships at 4* and 8 non—capital ships of any alignment at 5*. This will give you access to gaining zeta materials. Also keep building your Phoenix and rebel ships to prepare for the Chimaera event. Scimitar, Tie Advanced, Slave 1 and Reaper are good dark side ships for the challenge (along with your current DS ships) and also do well in fleet arena (3 of them are used in most top teams).

    If you have any spare credits, spend them to boost your pilots. Your phoenix pilots are good for obvious reasons, but especially your FOTP, TFP, Biggs and JC are trailing. Improving their skills and giving them mods (any 5* / lvl 15 mods will do.) also strengtgens your ships.

    Your best fleet for arena currently would be Ghost, Phantom, Biggs, Imperial Tie and FO Tie with JC as your first replacement.

    Wauw! You have a 20 speed secondary already? My best is still 17 after 2 years of playing. It looks like your mods are pretty well sorted. Good job! :—)
    However, if you complete tier 3 of the defense mod challenge, you will see mods of higher quality appearing quite frequently in mod shipments.
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    Not sure I'd add reaper into the list of DS ships for the zeta challenge. Yeah it's a great end-game ship, but ideally he's clearing that challenge long before he's able to activate reaper and get it to a usable level. Unless you're spending hard cash you can't even farm DT until 85. That's 3 levels of NOT clearing the challenge.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Not sure I'd add reaper into the list of DS ships for the zeta challenge. Yeah it's a great end-game ship, but ideally he's clearing that challenge long before he's able to activate reaper and get it to a usable level.

    Good point. However, he might as well farm it as soon as he's able to. It's a long farm.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    Not sure I'd add reaper into the list of DS ships for the zeta challenge. Yeah it's a great end-game ship, but ideally he's clearing that challenge long before he's able to activate reaper and get it to a usable level.

    Good point. However, he might as well farm it as soon as he's able to. It's a long farm.

    Agreed - I just hit 82 and started the farm. Too bad I can't farm DT yet.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
  • Options
    I keep re-reading the title of this thread and thinking of those spam Viagra emails.

    Maybe it's just me.
  • TVF
    36636 posts Member
    I think it's just you lol.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Not the first time old boy... ;)
  • Options
    Appreciate it. Basically keep on trucking towards CLS, Fleet, and Empire.
  • Turvantus
    223 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Well, I keep making the daily grind of progress.

    Phoenix is just about complete - considering their headache of gearing. Ezra/Hera are almost g10 each (for next Thrawn/Palpatine), and I could potentially aim for g10 Chopper if needed.

    Lando/Boba/STH are just about considered complete (for Hiest) as well. Soon to be all 7* and aiming for g8's.

    That leaves my Empire something to be desired. Luckily I finally found a luck streak of Vader shards in Fleet after a long drought which finished him off, and now to finish the rest.

    Not really sure which direction be great for Empire; other than the obvious EP(L), Vader, and Tarkin. I have a few sorta fill-ins that could be plausible but just not sure what the last two spots should be.

    List of suspects;

    Colonel Stark - 6*
    Royal Guard - 4*
    Stormtrooper - 4*
    Snowtrooper - 5*
    Tie Fighter Pilot - 4*
    Admiral Thrawn - 6* (might not be an event to 7* for awhile)

    PS: Ships should finally be progressing again too in Galactic shipments since Biggs is almost done. I already purchase Tie Advanced and Slave 1 when possible. Though they are long and slow grinds.
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    Thrawn is good, even at 6*. His fracture, TM swap and cleanse/protection recovery makes him useful in a variety of squads, especially Empire based squads. While Strack and Snowtrooper will eventually need to be farmed for later phases of DS territory battles, your biggest weakness right now is the lack of a taunting tank to draw fire away from Palpatine, who is squishy, even at maximum gear. Stormtrooper would not be a waste as a beginner tank, as he can be used again on DSTB until you can farm better empire tanks such as Shoretrooper and Deathtrooper. Another idea is to run TFP instead of a tank, which I sometimes do in arena, as his buff block and foresight is really good, plus he is a pilot, so is needed for the ability mat fleet challenge. Currently, Tie Fighter is one of the best ships, but that may be changed with the ships 2.0 rework.
  • Turvantus
    223 posts Member
    So you recommend Stormtrooper over Royal Guard for the tank spot?
  • Options
    I don't even run a tank....maybe in the highest levels of arena you might need them, but guys like stormtrooper provide taunt and not much else. Guys like TFP provide ability block, buff block, AoE and strong single target damage. Plus he's a cornerstone in fleet.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
  • Kai_Mulai
    683 posts Member
    In my arena, there are a number of tankless Empire teams (including mine) running Palpatine, Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin, TIE Fighter Pilot. In the absence of a tank, you need speed on everyone - I'd say 180 speed or higher to work, and faster at the top. Currently, the slowest character in my arena team is 196, and there are much faster teams than mine.

    The kind of tank you need to handle that is ideally one who pretaunts (Kylo Ren unmasked, Shoretrooper, Sith Trooper, Baze, etc.) and can prevent your other team members from getting targeted for fracture, shock, etc. at the beginning of combat. Sion also has a selective taunt that can be useful.

    Royal Guard, Sith Trooper, and General Kenobi have conditional taunts that can help as well. So your Royal Guard can have some use, but he's going to need to be modded with lots of health and protection to take punishment in order to be effective, and at 4* he's too easy to kill. But get him to 7* and he's an option for you.
  • Options
    You didn't specify if you're working on Empire for Arena or for the next R2 event. While it's likely you'll have 7* Thrawn before the event cycles around again, it's always good to have a backup. EP, Vader, Tarkin, TFP, and Stormtrooper or RG will get you there. Just make sure you finish one of them. I found Stormtrooper to be easier to get, and he can be used in an Imperial Trooper squad later on.

    Agree you don't need a tank in an Empire squad for arena, and TFP is a great pilot (for now).
  • Turvantus
    223 posts Member
    My mistake, I meant primarily for ease of farming for next r2, but still not be a waste of a toon. Then again, if it works for Arena too; bonus?

    So anyway the recommendation is Palp(L), Vader, Thrawn, TFP, and Tarkin? Sounds good to me.
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    If you are looking at r2 palp comes back on the 10th (i should check the calendar but a bit lazy) you could look at him as a 5th. I know I am and he could help your arena team as well.
  • Options
    If you're relying on Legendary characters to fill out your R2-D2 requirements, then I suggest you pick out a Plan B character that you can farm up just in case. The last thing you want to do is miss an event because you're stuck waiting on a Legendary character's event to seven-star your event team.
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    If you're relying on Legendary characters to fill out your R2-D2 requirements, then I suggest you pick out a Plan B character that you can farm up just in case. The last thing you want to do is miss an event because you're stuck waiting on a Legendary character's event to seven-star your event team.

    A quick alternate farm for this could be magma out of gw, it’s what I’m doing atm because I thought palp was coming back first but started my farm one day late. Could help you if you don’t want to take away from cantina/hard nodes.

    Edit: magma can also be used for a trooper team until you get shore/death trooper
  • Options
    Starck in the guild store is another quick option--and gets you one of those pesky Territory Battle characters pretty early; his cleanse can help in the event itself, too--and it's worth noting that Magmatrooper is essentially dead weight in R2-D2 T7, because they're immune to TMR. I wound up using both of them (Thrawn's event didn't return until after the event, and Tarkin wouldn't be 7 stars until the middle of the event, and I preferred using the credits and such on my CLS team instead), but my Palpatine and Vader really wound up carrying the day. If I remember right my team was: lv. 85, G8 Palpatine (L); Lv. 85, G8 Vader; Lv. 80, G8 Stormtrooper; Lv. 75, G8 Starck; Lv. 65 G6 Magmatrooper. Did it the first try, and Vader wound up soloing half the enemy team.

    OP should be able to get Palpatine rather easily with his Phoenix team, so there's that.
  • Turvantus
    223 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I have Stark 6* 100/100. Just broke as a joke all the time cause I'm OCD and star upgrade too often, when they could just sit there with max shards. Hence I gunned/detoured for some Hiest characters. Now back on track for Empire farming though.

    I thought about doing Magma, but I feel like it will be far more advantageous to stick to ship farming through GW now to catch up. Hence that avenue is taxed. I'm most likely just going to finish off Stormtrooper as an expendable 5th in case I don't unlock 7*Thrawn next round (though I should be able to by then). Although I'd very much like to finish another star on FOO first. In hopes of at least a 5* BB-8 to go with my 5* R2-D2.
  • Turvantus
    223 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Not sure why my comment didn't post earlier. Guess I'll write it again.

    Basically mentioned how I already have a 6* 100/100 Stark but haven't forked the 1m out due to being broke as a joke due to my OCD and needing to promote all the time. :/

    So I detoured for Hiest characters (which are a smidge off from being 7* and working towards g8).

    I thought about going Magma but my GW currency is a taxed avenue since I'm trying to farm 3 ships to catch up. (FO Tie & Tie Fighter and Biggs' X-Wing.)

    I think after I finish up FOO (to keep on pace for atleast a BB-8 unlock, I'll go back to Stormtrooper and finish that as a backup toon in case I don't get 7* Thrawn next time.

    Storm just seems easier than Royal Guard, since so many necessary characters are from cantina battles. We shall see! I appreciate the continued feedback and discussions!
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