Where is justice

1 posts Member
Why are opponents with zeta abilities exhibited during the passage of the galactic war, I play for 5 months, accumulated 5 zetas, spent my time and money playing a good game but the selection of opponents is not clear, both in the arena of squads and in the arena of the fleet why I'm at level 84 I'm fighting 85 level answer Where is justice


  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Justice is where everyone has been through the exact same situation in the past.
  • Options
    I don't feel sorry for you - not even a little:

    In Galatic War and both Arenas, I have been facing level 85 teams since I was in the mid to high 70s, with increasing regularity as I have progressed. I am now at level 82 - almost all of the opponents I now face in all 3 areas are level 85 - I just unlocked the ability to apply Zetas, however, I do not have enough mats, yet the vast majority of my opponents have multiple Zeta Abilities, and many, many more Omegas (I think I have 5 or 6 in total...)

    You getting the picture here? You're not alone, and it sounds like your are better off than many of us, so I would say that you shouldn't expect too many people to gather around your soapbox, ready to take up banners and follow your battle cry... try walking a mile in our shoes and see if your feet still hurt when you put your fuzzy little orthopedic slippers back on.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member

    If you want easier opponents in arenas, then either use the refresh button or let yourself drop to lower ranks.
    If you want easier opponents in GW then develop your roster further until you pass the cap for the hardest opponents.
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