Jtr or cls?

13 posts Member
Hi everyone,
I unlocked last stage of cantina battles and got all battles to 3 stars. I was wondering if collecting vets is worth it compared to collecting characters needed for cls event.
Is cls even viable end-game?
Is it worth it to go and collect vets and all pieces needed for jtr event before collecting for cls event?
Thanks in advance.


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    Which of the characters needed for both do you already own?

    CLS is very much viable everywhere (not as much for sith raid though I guess). I think toons needed for him are a lot quicker to farm than the ones you need for JTR. For that reason I’d go get CLS first.
  • Perks
    13 posts Member
    I have r2, leia and han for cls, and i have rey and finn for jtr, while i have fo team ready to obtain bb8.
    I understand vets are a harder farm than old ben and luke, but is it worth it considering luke fell off in arena due to palpatine and vader updates?
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    If your guild is ready or close to ready for hSTR go for JTR. If not go for CLS. (Almost) fully maxed CLS, Zolo, R2, Chaze is a pretty ok counter against Palp meta. JTR, R2, BB8, Chaze might also work against current meta (never tried).
  • Wardai
    252 posts Member
    Pretty sure based on what I've read on the vets + how easy it can be to farm Luke (farmboy) and old ben, think they are both on 8 energy nodes, they would be a quicker farm. I'm about to finish old ben and only started farming him 3 weeks ago although I already had him 4*.
  • burby888
    55 posts Member
    I use JTR lead with CLS BB8 raid Han and R2 and beat palp lead pretty easily. They are both game changers really.
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    locodiel wrote: »
    JTR, R2, BB8, Chaze might also work against current meta (never tried).

    JTR R2 BB8 is holding ok if you look at the meta report. Variants don't include Chaze though, they're too easy to deal with now. It's usually GK + 1, either Thrawn, CLS, or Han. Looks like some Scav Rey in place of GK too.

    I use GK Thrawn and went from top 200 to top 50 overnight (managed to hit 20 when I had time over the weekend). CLS teams are a cakewalk, other JTR teams are easy as long as my BB8 is faster, and EP teams are generally easy as long as my BB8 can go before Vader. The one team I seem to not be able to beat is NS, or really anyone with MT, as her plague eats away at me and I can't get rid of it. I haven't tried much Rex yet.
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  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    I sit in the top 20 between payouts and can take 1st with my CLS squad. I run zzzCLS, zRHan, zzOB, zzR2, and zzThrawn.
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    The quicker farm would be CLS and would be my first suggestion. Still viable in a lot of modes and great in LS TB, HPit, HAAT and can be used a little in Sith

    The Vets farm is quite long and while your gearing CLS etc you could start on the 3 month farm of vets (assuming not many refreshes and starting from 0 shards)
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    I still use cls team (cls r2 han solo thrawn gk) all gear 12 with 3 g12 gears, fully zetaed except thrawn's unique. Yeah this team can't rule the shard anymore like in august 2017 but it still can beat pretty much any other team lineups in the shard. I've even beat a traya team (palp, thrawn, sith trio, all gear 12 except 5* Gear 11 traya, fully zetaed and omegaed)
    Hardest enemies are those with very very good mod sets. Like +130 speed thrawn. But they are still beatable depending on rng. And there are only 2~3 such players in my shard so usually I can climb to 3~5th with no problem (all win) and take 1~3extra trials to take nr 1. Or 2. (Since I and another player with same payout time take turns to take 1 on rotation)

    I usually spend 50 crystal for arena attempt refresh everyday


    (Some days when my rank is below 2nd is either: 1) I was too busy 2) I fell to 5~6th before my rank was submitted on swgoh.gg, but still after the actual payout. The .gg rank actually reveals my rank at (my payout time+7min)
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    Sure everyone else above has been talking sense...

    Both are end-game characters.

    You're likely to be able to get CLS first.

    So do so - he's great :)
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    The best advice was already given here but I'll say it again, JTR if your guild is doing or is very close to doing heroic sith, otherwise CLS. CLS still fits in a TON of places and is a much easier farm.
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    Cls is better still imo
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    Cls is better still imo

    That's too broad of a statement. It entirely depends on your roster, your arena shard, and where else you use them.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Cls is better still imo

    That's too broad of a statement. It entirely depends on your roster, your arena shard, and where else you use them.

    Sorry obviously not great in sith raid
    I use him in arena and pretty much everywhere if he is eligible to be used
    My shard is from august 2017 and it's very mature. There are a couple of people who use traya too
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    My shard is older (April 2017) and JTR is more viable than CLS. I went from top 200 finishes with CLS to top 50 finishes with JTR (Top 20 on Sunday when I had time to refresh).

    JTR is more valuable in TB as well, you have to try hard to actually not finish every wave. Although you do need CLS for the special mission, so I should say she's stronger, not more valuable.

    My JTR team can almost solo P3 and P4 of HAAT, but I need both her and CLS.
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  • Anakin_Skywalker
    1801 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    It's true that jtr teams are better than cls teams given same mods but cls is bit more flexible in that he doesnt necessarily need to be leader.
    What's better is his tm gain. When he doesnt have 'call to action' buff (i rarely use that buff when i'm on offense in arena these days), he gain 10% tm whenever a rebel ally is damaged. Now palpatine does some damage to rebel allies whenever rebel ally takes a turn. And I use Han solo. So cls is guranteed to gain tm from han, some more from r2.
    Even better, he feeds tm to all allies when he scores a debuff

    In short, cls can contribute more when you fight a meta team(with very good mods) on offense (palpa, traya, sion, vader/thrawn, nihilus all zeta)

    Yes when you go against easier teams rjt can just hit auto. Cls needs control. But still that doesnt mean he cant beat

    Also i can make a makeshift rex team and put cls in the lineup when i go up against hyper fast rex lead palp talzin gk thrawn team
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    You said "Cls is better still imo." My point is that it's completely situational, therefore imo neither is better.
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    Oh to clarify, the comment was considering arena only, and since neither is truly the meta anymore, i was considering how much do each of them contribute when I fight those meta teams with better mods than mine
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member

    Rey 19%, CLS 16%, so pretty similar.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Range1974
    901 posts Member
    Me, I would farm vets for JTR. I just got a ton of old Ben and farmboy shards from the new quests so farming them might be a waste of effort. JTR is essential for Sith raid P1, is great in TW defense, works very well on TB offense and does well in arena. No one wants to farm the vets, but those that do well in the game suffered through it.
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    Ok meta report is something i dont refer to anymore I'm just using what works/has worked in my experience and I get to rank1 everyday with cls titans so that's that. But i could be wrong who knows if rjt would have done better if i knew how to use her
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Cls is better still imo

    That's too broad of a statement. It entirely depends on your roster, your arena shard, and where else you use them.

    Sorry obviously not great in sith raid
    I use him in arena and pretty much everywhere if he is eligible to be used
    My shard is from august 2017 and it's very mature. There are a couple of people who use traya too

    CLS is pretty vital in the STR P3 chexmix team.
  • Anakin_Skywalker
    1801 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    There are several reasons I don't use meta report
    1. Rotation exists. In some payout timezone, there are multiple people who share payouts, and if they have a chat room (discord or line or anything), they tend to coordinate it and make a rotation. (Ex) today I take first and you take 2, tomorrow you take 1 and I take 2, and the day after tomorrow, I take 1 again and so on
    Therefore daily meta report is influenced by who's turn it is to take nr 1 today.

    2. Drop immediately after payout.
    Swgoh.gg takes time to investigate my rank so the rank registered on .gg reveals not the rank at my payout but the rank after the delay (usually 7 min for me, so my rank at 18:07). If that happens(the person with 1 hr later po attacks me in 7 min), even though I ranked 1st at my payout that day, I'm not registered as rank 1. Supposedly me and the person whose payout is 1 hr later should be equally registered as rank 1, but only the person after me is registered.

    3. Makeshift lineups (i.e. rex)
    If enemy is unbeatable or almost unbeatable with my major lineup, I compose a makeshift rex lineup and that some days that lineup will be registered instead of major lineup

    4. Joke lineup
    Some people might feel like they should mess up and set a random team in arena right before the swgoh.gg register time, leading a coruscant underworld police to be spotted on the rank 1 leader character list

    5. The meta is unobtainable anyway.
    Yes traya sion, all good, but unobtainable for me practically. I have to use what I have. So meta report doesn't help, especially these days
  • Anakin_Skywalker
    1801 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Thanks I should say good but not as great as jtr ( I put it inaccurately)
  • Random9
    510 posts Member
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