The Millennium Falcon.... Seriously. You Made it the worst ship in the game.

3 posts Member
edited May 2018
I was really excited about ships 2.0. Thought that Hey, I just might get to bring out the Home one again, and started thinking about a setup..... I decided to use reinforcement mat to boost the Millennium Falcon.... Man was that a mistake.

Apparently the ship doesn't drop the Thrust Reversal stacks when it uses the Gambit any more....

So Now I'm stuck with slow Piece of junk ! labeled an attacker that does less damage than most of my tanks....

Thanks a lot :-(
Post edited by Elorion82 on


  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    True that. The reinforcement capability made it look promising with the additional stacks, but you can't consume them for more AOE power. Really disappointing
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    Maybe because it would be insanely OP otherwise?

    Not sure, I never use it.
    I need a new message here.
  • Be987
    1 posts Member
    It was a great attacking ship but now it truly is a piecexcellent of junk
  • BAST420
    33 posts Member
    Seriously so glad I wasted all the time it took to 7 star my falcon, which is now just a slow lump of crap that does nothing but take up space on the screen
  • BAST420
    33 posts Member
    LMAO Seriously..... cr ap is a censored word?? C'mon what is this kindergarten??
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