Can’t follow any chat threads because Gear Requests takes up the whole screen

Seriously Devs, I love you guys. You’ve made a really good game that I’ve played for several years now. But, come on. You fixed something that was not broke (just not used) and you broke it. Having gear donations pop up in chat was a neat idea, and it is most likely making people donate more (where’s the data?), but it totally ruins chat threads. I can’t read chat. It is a chat program that you can’t chat on. It’s designed to chat. See where this is going? Whoever is the lead on this, please do not take this personally. It was a really neat idea, and I dig being reminded to donate gear. But, as is, you have created a gear donation center, and effectively disabled your new shiny chat program. If you are so inclined, I have no doubt you will figure out a way to make this work. Thanks, Shea.


  • CamaroAMF
    1286 posts Member
    Donate the gear and you can see the chat. Problem solved.
  • Options
    Camaro, you just solved the issue. The request remains until it is fully filled, but if it disappeared once that individual maxed their donations, then it would be great!
  • TVF
    36674 posts Member
    I guess I don't understand how hard it is to only look at the non gear lines. I don't have any trouble with it.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Ummmmm you make a second guild chat called “clutter free” like my guild did and it’s simply conversation text. Problem solved
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