Chaze/Rebel Arena Team advice

8 posts Member
This is my arena Team ATM.

This is My aim.

My mods arent completly updated on swgoh, so speed numbers should be abit higher.
Was thinking Number Crunch on R2 as Next zeta and new mods r2 is massively conscentrated on offense and speed , and already have solo zeta. Gettin CLS Next time around as well.

Currently struggeling around 100. I can come up to top 50, but i fall so far. So i am guessing my team is bad on defense. My arena is all Palp n Thrawn so thats the only thing i fight and sometimes first order.. With that in mind. How is my Aim? Am i gonna do better? Or Skip it and go palp and Thrawn like everyone else..?


  • Options
    You will probably want to replace Wiggs with CLS(L) and R2 and keep Chaze.

    Chaze works great with CLS, R2 and Raid Han until you eventually replace Chaze with Thrawn and Kenobi.
  • Options
    Agreed with rodandreelguy. Wiggs is a terrific early game combination, but falls off sharply as you and your opponents continue to progress through the game. Once you unlock CLS and get him geared up and ready, you'll want to put him in the lead and drop both Biggs and Wedge (who will continue to find use in other game modes). CLS (lead), Han Solo, and R2D2 make the core element of many late-game teams that do well in the Arena, although they have dropped out of the strongest meta choices. Your final two should probably continue to be Chaze, initially, since you have them more prepared than alternatives, but they aren't really viable for late-game Arena play, and you'll want to replace them with Thrawn and either General Kenobi or Old Ben (both are fantastic tanks). If you haven't unlocked Thrawn yet, an alternative would be to gear up Nest; she looks to be fantastic, even as low stars.
  • FailingCrab
    1155 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Completely agree with the above posters - I'm in a 6 month old shard and there are still 3 CLS/Han/R2/Chaze teams which are easily making top 5 every day. I struggle to beat a couple of them with my (admittedly undergeared) EP/Vader/Thrawn/Sion/Tarkin (still gearing Nihilus) team because of the R2 zeta which clears debuffs on a crit - that zeta's a game-changer!

    Wiggs, on the other hand, doesn't cut it anymore.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • Ceno
    8 posts Member
    Got wedge to gear 12 and rest is 11, cranked some more speed up. Biggs is at +102, rest is 80-100.. Steady in top 50 now, my shard is late dec 2017 so not that old. And pilots wedge and biggs keeps me top 20 fleet so not all waste :) So will see when i get cls and thrawn later, got all chars needed :)
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