
222 posts Member
So I will probably get raked over the coals for this. Yes, I am looking at you Kyno hahaha.

But whatever happened to "we are going to improve our communications" thing? Last time I can see a dev or someone at CG post anything was on the 8th. 10 days ago and nothing since.

There are a lot of unanswered questions out there. I understand that you have to talk to someone that has to talk to someone and so on. But saying things like "Following the current Light Side Territory Battle, we will evaluate the extent of players that have been affected and determine what compensation is warranted." Then disappearing kind of puts it back to how it was prior to the March fiasco. At least when Kozi was around she would drop in and make a joke or throw a meme. Now we have the lagging communication again.

Can we get an update on the road ahead and what not? We all know you are busy but just a little love to the community would be greatly appreciated.


  • Options
    Well said, well said.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I am starting to worry...
    on the second thought may be we just unable to receive their telepathic transmissions...
  • LynnYoda
    1017 posts Member
    of course they have increased communication have you not seen all the youtube spam?
    those who are able to watch youtube video's get more info / communication. if your deaf, hard of hearing etc then tough luck there is no such thing as increased communication
  • Options
    "A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion."

    Separatist rework incoming ;-)
  • lovemat
    270 posts Member
    Their focus is on the new ships table coming out end of this month
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    They're probably busy trying to get Fleet PvE ready and those two new G12 slot pieces for all toons but I do miss the What's Next and occasional updates on what's to come
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    They're probably busy trying to get Fleet PvE ready and those two new G12 slot pieces for all toons but I do miss the What's Next and occasional updates on what's to come

    Yeah, terribly hard to stop for 10 seconds and check the forum during work and drop a message.
    Oh, wait... that's what I'm doing now...
    No, but I think CG is working on another game altogether - STR and ships 2.0 was supposed to "hold us over" while they went to work.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Why are you looking at me?

    They did specifically state that this could have ups and downs. Improved communication doesnt mean they will just talk for the sake of talking.

    Even in response to feedback, they need to take it all in come to a conclusion about what actions will be taken and make an appropriate statement.

    When they have tried the " we hear you", but dont make any action statement, they get "raked over the coals" for giving out canned answers. So maybe there is just some down time to see how things settle from the most recent updates and they will give us an update accordingly.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They also stated a timeline for road ahead statements, we are not due for one yet
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    I would just expect to see the Community Manager out here more, even if he can't answer our questions. He should be making the community felt heard. Instead, with more than a week between communications, the natives become restless...
  • Yes
    145 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Lol. They're waiting till 2nd quarter cash flow comes through, then evaluate if they should pull the plug or rethink hiring this shmo of a CM. I do believe these people know the definition of a CM and well really, it's not plugging little memes, and knowing how to even send a message from his her phone.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Perro wrote: »
    jkray622 wrote: »
    I would just expect to see the Community Manager out here more, even if he can't answer our questions. He should be making the community felt heard. Instead, with more than a week between communications, the natives become restless...

    This is what I am talking about Kyno

    You do realize you can tag him and ask him yourself.

    And as I stated, they have done that and then people complain they are just getting lip service. Can't please everyone.
  • Options
    I suspect they have been busy at e3
  • Yes
    145 posts Member
    Wow an answer to our prayers. Lol, really man. This silly implement and no response to your ^^ thread you started a month ago? Wow bro wow.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Why are you looking at me?

    Likely because you might be the only one that thinks their communication level is adequate. ; ) <- honestly dont mean it in a mean spirited way.

  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Perro wrote: »
    jkray622 wrote: »
    I would just expect to see the Community Manager out here more, even if he can't answer our questions. He should be making the community felt heard. Instead, with more than a week between communications, the natives become restless...

    This is what I am talking about Kyno

    You do realize you can tag him and ask him yourself.

    And as I stated, they have done that and then people complain they are just getting lip service. Can't please everyone.

    How can anyone defend the communication of EA/CG? They Just ignore players and dont answer anything
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    I try to respond to as many threads as I can a day but please ping me if you see any burning questions and I'll pop over when I can. Unfortunately I'm only one man and as mentioned previously, communication improvements would be a process and not a instant fix. Today I'm over in this thread trying to find answers from the team on raid limits.

    Also I'm brainstorming some ideas for a regular weekly update. Not the State of the Game posts (those are still on track and coming like usual) but something that covers weekly discussions, updates on top issues, and maybe some fun facts. Something that lets everyone know what we know and are working on.

    What would you like to see in a weekly Friday post?

    Also our replies to discussions aren't showing up in searches some times, not the whole issue but contributing
  • Options

    What would i like to see in a weekly communication?

    1. Lost of new topics under discussion in the dev groups. Not necessarily any details, just that this or that subject had been brought up.
    2. List of issues being actively worked on.
    3. What items have been tabled and why. Even if the why is "we're stumped". I imagine sometime things get delayed because the code involved deals with something else in development for later and its easier to deal with it all at once
    4. Maybe a simple tips and tricks type block at the end for newer players. Not everyone uses the other areas of these forums. And when they do it's usually to address a specific question. Give out tips that newer players may not realize they need yet.

    I'm sure there are other things that people will want to see, that's just a few things off the top of my head.
  • Yes
    145 posts Member
    Sorry man but this answer here is about as lame as my dog ate my homework. Lost posts? Hahaha who do you think we are? I know this new lame SW movie brought some fresh kids to the game, but sheesh give us some credit. This post is a couple of hours old and you posted to it, but one that's a month old you can't? Wow.
  • Options
    The last time Crumb asked a question he bailed on thread. Why would this be any different? Seems a waste of time.
  • Options
    xanderxman wrote: »
    The last time Crumb asked a question he bailed on thread. Why would this be any different? Seems a waste of time.
    I have zero faith that it’ll be any different, but it would be a nice show of faith if he @CG_SBCrumb could at least come back to the thread he started asking for feedback and say something or anything at this point
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    I try to respond to as many threads as I can a day but please ping me if you see any burning questions and I'll pop over when I can. Unfortunately I'm only one man and as mentioned previously, communication improvements would be a process and not a instant fix. Today I'm over in this thread trying to find answers from the team on raid limits.

    Also I'm brainstorming some ideas for a regular weekly update. Not the State of the Game posts (those are still on track and coming like usual) but something that covers weekly discussions, updates on top issues, and maybe some fun facts. Something that lets everyone know what we know and are working on.

    What would you like to see in a weekly Friday post?

    Also our replies to discussions aren't showing up in searches some times, not the whole issue but contributing

    @CG_SBCrumb I would like to see them not die like they did before. Think we had them for about 2 months before than they just stopped with no communication, reasons or anything.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    I try to respond to as many threads as I can a day but please ping me if you see any burning questions and I'll pop over when I can. Unfortunately I'm only one man and as mentioned previously, communication improvements would be a process and not a instant fix. Today I'm over in this thread trying to find answers from the team on raid limits.

    Also I'm brainstorming some ideas for a regular weekly update. Not the State of the Game posts (those are still on track and coming like usual) but something that covers weekly discussions, updates on top issues, and maybe some fun facts. Something that lets everyone know what we know and are working on.

    What would you like to see in a weekly Friday post?

    Also our replies to discussions aren't showing up in searches some times, not the whole issue but contributing

    @CG_SBCrumb Dude, instead of asking new questions how about we start with the SITH RAID FEEDBACK THREAD. You know, the one you started, the one people took a ton of time to respond to, the one you went Kaiser Soze on. Its easy to find, its the gigantic one you and all of CG have been ignoring. There you are tagged, or pinged, or whatever. You're it.

    Here is the link just to eliminate that excuse.

  • Options
    But they released JTR! And they told everyone about it with a warning this time.
    That fixes everything!
  • Options
    Why on earth would I give *more* feedback when the last 438 pages of feedback got me nothing but heartache and misery...
  • MoBlaq
    583 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    I try to respond to as many threads as I can a day but please ping me if you see any burning questions and I'll pop over when I can. Unfortunately I'm only one man and as mentioned previously, communication improvements would be a process and not a instant fix. Today I'm over in this thread trying to find answers from the team on raid limits.

    Also I'm brainstorming some ideas for a regular weekly update. Not the State of the Game posts (those are still on track and coming like usual) but something that covers weekly discussions, updates on top issues, and maybe some fun facts. Something that lets everyone know what we know and are working on.

    What would you like to see in a weekly Friday post?

    Also our replies to discussions aren't showing up in searches some times, not the whole issue but contributing

    Personally, I think what this game lacks in a major way is not massive overhauls, but minor tweeks to characters that improve their usefulness. We all know Jedi lack damage and yet nothing is done. There are scores of useless characters and just minor tweeks to their damage output might make them useful, keep the community happy, and not require massive amounts of time like revamps

    1232 posts Member
    I just have one question. When is General Grievous getting his rework? @CG_SBCrumb
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Perro wrote: »
    jkray622 wrote: »
    I would just expect to see the Community Manager out here more, even if he can't answer our questions. He should be making the community felt heard. Instead, with more than a week between communications, the natives become restless...

    This is what I am talking about Kyno

    You do realize you can tag him and ask him yourself.

    And as I stated, they have done that and then people complain they are just getting lip service. Can't please everyone.

    Also, let's be honest @kyno, he's been tagged more than @CG_Rydiggs at employee sensitivity training. They all have been tagged, multitudes of times, with zero zip zilch in way of response.

    The sheer fact that they seem to think the internet shuts down when the shop lights go off boggles my mind. We live in a connected 24/7 world.
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