Thrawn doable at lvl 78-79? Which Omegas are requiered?

Hey guys, i wonder if u think its possible to handle thrawn 7* before i hit level 80. im currently level 77 right now and it will hardly depend on the spawn time of thrawn if i hit 80 or not. Im hoping for a late july spawn.

Heres my team:

Ill farm a few more decent speed mods to push things forward. As also my Ezra will be 7* anytime soon.

Another point - which omegas should i go for? Ive got the Ezra basic attack omega right now and nothing else. For the supporters etc i dont think it is mandatory to go for the basic omegas - but i think i need at last a few passive ability omegas. But i would like to spend the least omegas i can right now since i want to swap over in arena to my empire team and really need to save some omegas for them to stay competitive.

Looking forward for ur hints and advices.

May the force be with ya.


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    For me the absolute minimum was level 80. I put omegas on Hera lead, Zeb and Kanan uniques, and Chop’s taunt. And I still just barely squeaked by.
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •
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    I also took Ez to G10 and Chop to G9. Definitely more speed, specially on Ezra and Hera. And more Potency on Zeb. You need him landing his faxes and stuns every time.
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •
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    My Ezra is close to G10 - i just need level 79 to upgrade him to G10 - the gear is ready already. Ill try to hit 50+ Speed with all of my toons - and yea, i need to push my Potency on Zeb - im aware of that. Is there a good amount of Potency to go for? like 70% or something`?
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    So you didnt put any omegas on any other passive? Like Ezra passive?
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    70% potency for Zeb is a good target. I was just over 50 I think, and I struggled.

    No, I didn’t have the other omegas at the time. I have since put an omega on Chop’s passive, which is excellent, but you have to get to 82 to use that one. I still don’t even have Ezra’s passive omega’d.
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •
  • Vanitas
    46 posts Member
    Gear & level them as much as possible... I was struggled with the event when they were almost all lvl 85 and gear 9 or higher. This event depends on RNG heavily
  • ManuG
    131 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Yeah it's possible, I got it when I was only lvl 78.

    Hera g9 (195 speed)
    Ezra g9 (205 speed)
    Chopper g9 (212 speed)
    Kannan g8 (168 speed)
    Zeb g8 (185 speed)

    I remember perfectly the speed because I put all my arena mods in them. It took me a lot of tries but finally rng blessed me.

    Edit: I forgot to mention the only omega I had was on Ezra's basic attack
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    IMO, the only omegas that are an absolute MUST are kanan's unique and zeb's unique. I was able to 7* this event with those 2 omegas. G10 for ezra and G9 for hera. chop, zeb and kanan at G8.
  • thedrjojo
    960 posts Member
    IMO, the only omegas that are an absolute MUST are kanan's unique and zeb's unique. I was able to 7* this event with those 2 omegas. G10 for ezra and G9 for hera. chop, zeb and kanan at G8.

    I'm going with omegas on all unique and at least Ezra basic, but g8 cause those carboni and stun guns are more valuable than omegas imo... Here's hoping. But 6* thrawn is still badass
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