Sith Fifth

2288 posts Member
edited July 2018
Traya(L), DN, Sion, Sith Trooper and...

With the buff to potency, reduction in being crit and double-tanking, zEP, Maul and zSidious (all squishy & all benefit from potency...zSidious the most imo) seem 2 b the best choices. Aoe stun vs aoe daze vs aoe dots and heal debuff. I'm leaning towards Maul. Appreciate the feedback.

Have a little time as Traya and Sion r both 5* atm.


  • Options
    I'd go for Maul. With all the AoE, he'll get buffs from the defeated enemies.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    I don't have Traya but with 2 tanks guarding him, Maul with daze would be my guess. It really screws up the other 2 common meta teams.
  • Options
    Why go with a Sith ? Why not use nest?
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Nest is not difficult to counter on offense if you know what you're doing. She's very good, but the biggest thing she brings to this particular lineup is her AoE Daze. Maul can do that while getting full synergy benefits.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    Of course maul can, But maul is inherently slow, and nest tends to be on the insane side of fast.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Actually, I'm not looking for speed. Don't get me wrong, my current Arena team all runs +108 to +128 speed but w/ 2 tanks, tm gain for Triumverate, DN zeta debuffing each opponent that takes a turn so his special sticks when he does go...I'm good w/ playing the long game. Just need my DN to go b4 an opposing DN, otherwise I'm good.

  • SithTrio_PO
    263 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.
  • Options
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Of course maul can, But maul is inherently slow, and nest tends to be on the insane side of fast.

    Enfys is faster agreed. Maul has a shorter cooldown on his aoe daze. If he's disabled by stun or slowed, Traya cleanses it, plus he gets crit avoidance and potency to help stick Daze due to Traya lead. Maul vs. Enfys in this particular set-up...I have to go w/ Maul.

    I appreciate all the input. Thx to those that responded. Maul's my boy 4 this team.
  • Options
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    its more like seeing how crucial auto-taunt is by fighting someone else and not being able to get anywhere near fighting him, combined with someone else using Traya and seeing the survivability, combined with experience and trying stuff, combined with talking to friends and in shard group and understanding the weak/strong spots of those lineups.
    i would never guess this is gonna be my lineup before i unlocked traya. never. i would think i'll go 5 sith, something with vader and palp, something like that.
    but cant be happier now. winning against harder opponents, no RNG needed, 100% winrate, doing fine on defense aswell.
  • Options
    Sidious is so underrated imo, he would be my suggestion. Everyone seems to favor maul but I just can't get passed his super low HP. Flick a booger at him hard enough and he flops over dead faster than EP.
  • Options
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    its more like seeing how crucial auto-taunt is by fighting someone else and not being able to get anywhere near fighting him, combined with someone else using Traya and seeing the survivability, combined with experience and trying stuff, combined with talking to friends and in shard group and understanding the weak/strong spots of those lineups.
    i would never guess this is gonna be my lineup before i unlocked traya. never. i would think i'll go 5 sith, something with vader and palp, something like that.
    but cant be happier now. winning against harder opponents, no RNG needed, 100% winrate, doing fine on defense aswell.

    You. Are. A. Boss.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    If the struggle is getting DN to go first, why not SA? She’ll do that for you
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Oh hi Poe!


    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    I dont remember who posted it but somone said: "Since when do we need degrees to understand kits?"

    Some of them are getting a little complicated with all of the conditionals. Dont get me wrong I enjoy figuring it out and seeing how they work together, but I dont expect others to be warped like me.

    Trying to explain some of the difficult mechanics in the limited chat system is an excercise in frustrated brevity. I really wish they would give you a red number pop up when you have a new message. Without that the PMs are limited.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    I dont remember who posted it but somone said: "Since when do we need degrees to understand kits?"

    Some of them are getting a little complicated with all of the conditionals. Dont get me wrong I enjoy figuring it out and seeing how they work together, but I dont expect others to be warped like me.

    Trying to explain some of the difficult mechanics in the limited chat system is an excercise in frustrated brevity. I really wish they would give you a red number pop up when you have a new message. Without that the PMs are limited.

    The more difficult the mechanic, the more fun it is for me. It’s like the difference between people who love to play phase 10, and those who love to play Magic the gathering or D&D
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Ender22 wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    I dont remember who posted it but somone said: "Since when do we need degrees to understand kits?"

    Some of them are getting a little complicated with all of the conditionals. Dont get me wrong I enjoy figuring it out and seeing how they work together, but I dont expect others to be warped like me.

    Trying to explain some of the difficult mechanics in the limited chat system is an excercise in frustrated brevity. I really wish they would give you a red number pop up when you have a new message. Without that the PMs are limited.

    The more difficult the mechanic, the more fun it is for me. It’s like the difference between people who love to play phase 10, and those who love to play Magic the gathering or D&D

    I am ashamed to admit it, but I was up until 4:30 playing MTG last night for the first time in a while, so yeah, I agree. D&D was my gateway drug. ;)
  • TVF
    36612 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    I dont remember who posted it but somone said: "Since when do we need degrees to understand kits?"

    Some of them are getting a little complicated with all of the conditionals. Dont get me wrong I enjoy figuring it out and seeing how they work together, but I dont expect others to be warped like me.

    Trying to explain some of the difficult mechanics in the limited chat system is an excercise in frustrated brevity. I really wish they would give you a red number pop up when you have a new message. Without that the PMs are limited.

    I send a mate a message by opening a new chat room. Conversation runs its course, I delete the room, and then start a new one when necessary.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    With fire mate.And big bangs. Like really big bangs.

  • Options
    VonZant wrote: »
    i run Trio+zKRU+Thrawn. simple reason: kru auto-taunt will guard you from DN isolated, and thrawn is just best support option. his fructure will do better than any Sith you can think about.. this team win 100% of time, and do great on def aswell.. i guess SithTrooper can do the same as KRU about eating that isolate, but KRU can offer 2 turn stun on non-sith or isolated sith, which sithtrooper cant even come close to. so the auto-taunt will be sitting useless for all game, and its good enough to win, but KRU > SithTrooper imo for this kind of team.
    regarding the 5th, if you dont want thrawn (because hes in meta for too long, i totally understand if you dotn want use him) you can use Hoda (i remember you used Jedi teams for long time, so maybe you have him g12 and ready to rumble) because of his master training buff. putting it on DN/Traya will call them to basic, and those basics can change how game goes (CD to annihilate -1, or traya big damage and inflicting tons of debuffs) and on Sion, 25% tenacity offense defense is really big, especially when you have hatred up. little heal aswell, but mostly the master training buff makes Hoda actually really great as 5th there.
    just fyi, i tried Trio+Auto-taunt + 5th with lot of 5th - wampa, zhan, palp, vader, sa, Shore.. after lot of stuff, i just realized that DN + 2 supp + 2 tanks : where 1 supp is traya and 1 tank is Sion , are probably the best hide the dn variation there is. i still havent lose on offense, even against better modded or better geared teams (g12 sions) and even when RNG is horrible for me, this team is just amazing and reliable. on defense, its not as good as the Palp+Thrawn+Trio, but that team isn't 100% offense wins for me, because it relies on having the Top mods and if not, relies on some RNG, while my team doesnt.

    An aside, gosh I love how technical some people are in the game...really admire it.

    All I'm capable of is lining a team up and making them try to blow up the other team lol.

    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    I dont remember who posted it but somone said: "Since when do we need degrees to understand kits?"

    Some of them are getting a little complicated with all of the conditionals. Dont get me wrong I enjoy figuring it out and seeing how they work together, but I dont expect others to be warped like me.

    Trying to explain some of the difficult mechanics in the limited chat system is an excercise in frustrated brevity. I really wish they would give you a red number pop up when you have a new message. Without that the PMs are limited.

    One of the happiest players in an mmo I play had made it from 0 to max level, didn't know how to spend skill points, etc., he was happy playing the game. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    With fire mate.And big bangs. Like really big bangs.

    One of my favorite meta events is in GW2 in Dragon Stand. 50 or 60 players form 3 groups and work through the map in a never ending battle, die, run back, etc.. if you are lucky a commander heads each group, that culminates in fighting a Jungle Dragon (Mordremoth). Why my fav? So many stumbling around in tremendous battles, it's crazy but fun :)
  • Bill0207
    375 posts Member
    Maybe try thrawn or even wampa
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    .. Marauder?
  • Maztoras
    153 posts Member
    I particular like ep as 5th with SIT. At least on my shard i beat all the ep..traya..rey...yoda...luke teams np. Never drop into the 20s
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    Dude, you should have been in games/guilds in the MMO world I have run with. They had degrees in their class, they know to the second when to trigger skills etc.. I'm like, can't we just kill it?

    With fire mate.And big bangs. Like really big bangs.

    One of my favorite meta events is in GW2 in Dragon Stand. 50 or 60 players form 3 groups and work through the map in a never ending battle, die, run back, etc.. if you are lucky a commander heads each group, that culminates in fighting a Jungle Dragon (Mordremoth). Why my fav? So many stumbling around in tremendous battles, it's crazy but fun :)

    I have no idea what you're talking about lol.

    But it's all good! :smiley:
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    Roopehun wrote: »
    .. Marauder?

    He's great.... at 7* or better.
    Also not the best under a Palp lead, better with Vader or IG.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    @Ender22 if you see this send me a message. For some reason I can respond to messages but not send them.
  • ZCD_9915
    356 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Thrawn always works
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