Who should I zeta?


Been running my Jedi last few weeks but Vader's leader ability is tempting as well as emps unique. Who should I zeta?


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    If you want to switch away from Jedi, Thrawn or DN's uniques under a Palpatine lead are probably your best options. Vader's lead isn't really worth it, unless you need a Rancor solo team, or help getting through the mythic tier ewok assault battle we just had

    Otherwise, GMY's Battle Meditation or Old Ben's taunt are both good. You seem to be succeeding with Jedi though, so I'm not sure why you'd want to switch.
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    Stick with the jedi and really all of your arena characters are worth putting a zeta on. For all around usefulness you could do Ezra, but GMY and OB have good ones as well.
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