New MOD changes- Complaint before it's released!


  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    Well if your not participating in raids and not gearing your characters across your full roster for TB and TW it sounds like the real looser is your guild mates. Keep up your self centered approach I see its making you a lot of friends here on the forum.
  • KausDebonair
    1293 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Worst complaint ever. Literally amounts to “they gave me free stuff but I hate it and they should only cater to me and my playstyle.”

    I’ve been playing a long time and I’ve never once heard anybody say they farmed every cantina character first because they didn’t want to farm mods. It was your choice. I didn’t listen to the Old Ben farm when CLS first hit and I didn’t get CLS. My choice. Does it make me mad? It did. But i changed my choice. But with alllll that shard shop currency, why even complain? With 3.35 million GP and only 23 g12 characters, maybe your choices are bad. I’m only 1.5k below 2mil and have 19. A guildmate has less gp than me and has 22. So perhaps your choices are bad.

    Also, there’s never a time you don’t need carbantis. Even if you don’t have the other stuff to complete a piece of compound gear, you still need them.

    So, in conclusion... Boo. Hoo.

    Just because your one of the many players this change didn't negatively affect you doesnt give you the right to downplay my argument its still valid. If a new gameplay mechanic is introduced it should keep in mind every possible playstyles and routes ppl may have chosen. Just because 95% choose differently doesn't mean they should ignore it.

    Only 23? I have more then you or your guildmate so plz **** with your nonsense critisism.

    Also im "swimming in shard shop currency" because I don't constantly buy carbanti's because at some point I will run out ofcourse, and that would be **** because there are way more import pieces to keep getting then carbantis. like stun guns and cuffs and such. Using all your currency just to buy carbanti's which have no real use on them own (without other items in the recipe) Is just plain dumb, so you don't have other currency to buy the real valuable gear that appears there. While you have a steady flow of free carbanti's..

    Now shoe. I know my opinion isn't a popular one but it's a valid one nonetheless. Just hard for people to get because they have been playing the game very differently.

    Ignoring the g12 toons to GP ratio that I brought up doesn’t make your point valid. What I was getting at, is that if my GP was 150% higher than mine like yours is, I’d have made better choices to actually have geared, valuable toons than this nonsense about “nah I don’t need gear.”

    Also, your argument about “missing out on mods” ...hate to break it to you, but you did exactly that by choosing not to farm mods in favor of toons. I don’t farm mods either, but my toons are capable because of the mod shop.

    And not participating in raids? Good lord. What do you do in this game? Raids are an I reveal part of this game, unless you’re a huge whale.

    “I can always refund my spent amount.” Fine, go ahead. Take your ball and go home.
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    This just smells of troll. There is no other reason someone would think this
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    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Worst complaint ever. Literally amounts to “they gave me free stuff but I hate it and they should only cater to me and my playstyle.”

    I’ve been playing a long time and I’ve never once heard anybody say they farmed every cantina character first because they didn’t want to farm mods. It was your choice. I didn’t listen to the Old Ben farm when CLS first hit and I didn’t get CLS. My choice. Does it make me mad? It did. But i changed my choice. But with alllll that shard shop currency, why even complain? With 3.35 million GP and only 23 g12 characters, maybe your choices are bad. I’m only 1.5k below 2mil and have 19. A guildmate has less gp than me and has 22. So perhaps your choices are bad.

    Also, there’s never a time you don’t need carbantis. Even if you don’t have the other stuff to complete a piece of compound gear, you still need them.

    So, in conclusion... Boo. Hoo.

    Just because your one of the many players this change didn't negatively affect you doesnt give you the right to downplay my argument its still valid. If a new gameplay mechanic is introduced it should keep in mind every possible playstyles and routes ppl may have chosen. Just because 95% choose differently doesn't mean they should ignore it.

    Only 23? I have more then you or your guildmate so plz **** with your nonsense critisism.

    Also im "swimming in shard shop currency" because I don't constantly buy carbanti's because at some point I will run out ofcourse, and that would be **** because there are way more import pieces to keep getting then carbantis. like stun guns and cuffs and such. Using all your currency just to buy carbanti's which have no real use on them own (without other items in the recipe) Is just plain dumb, so you don't have other currency to buy the real valuable gear that appears there. While you have a steady flow of free carbanti's..

    Now shoe. I know my opinion isn't a popular one but it's a valid one nonetheless. Just hard for people to get because they have been playing the game very differently.

    Well then, it seems that you explained all of the other points exactly with that, just because you are one of the few that were affected, that doesn't give you the right to downplay arguments, furthermore, the needs should always seek to cover the most people.

    Why not make it ALL, when it is possible? You automatically assume it's beyond their capabillities.
    "the need should always seek to cover the most people."
    Isn't it better to say the need should always seek the cover the most POSSIBLE players.
    Im not asking for something impossible I think.(though thats for them to decide) Also however if it is possible or not...if they willing to do so is another thing..
  • Jml727
    120 posts Member
    You realize this forum has A LOT of people that complain about every aspect...and you get A lOT if people that back each other up. You are the ONLY one that has said they wouldn’t benifit from this change and no one is helping your “argument” out! And also you still would but like @kyno said, You choose not to spend the endless supply of shard currency on all gear needed on your toons. Your profile proved that when you still have half of them in purple gear...
    Stop being the **** that complains when your points are only valid in your head.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    with all the new characters that were released, a few of them are going to end up in cantina. You'll still have farms to complete there.

    Or you can just farm kylo unmasked and double up on shard shop currency. That shop is great, contrary to vocal minority opinion.

    Seems like you people are deaf.. im swimming shard shop currency.. more then I can spend on useful gear..
    So yeah that argument doesnt hold any water.

    You must have bad luck on the gear that shows up in your shop. I'm spending between 800 - 1k shard shop currency a day... I mean, unless you have over 50k in shard shop currency, I just don't see how this is possible. Guns, Carbs, Cuffs, Implants, Medpacs, and holo projectors always show up on the reg for me. I buy them all to stockpile even if the toon I'm working on doesn't need them.

    I buy what I really need in the moment. Cuffs/Guns, Yellow Orbs and the other Yellow Raid item I always buy.
    Holo projectors sometimes but is not really needed.
    Im not rly into buying carb very rarely i do.

    Choosing not to use it and swimming in it are not the same as not needing it and not needing a good source for it.
    So you buy ALL gear in the shop even **** ones? Wel good for you.
    Argument invalid.
    I have more shard shop currency then I will ever need. Why waste it on things i dont need

    No I buy things I need, like caribanti.

    I'm sure you dont need any of those, which is why you choose not to.

    Well I don't need carbanti's because I get them from challenges. Most of the "single 50" carbanti's i have filled for charachters that are interesting to me at this time. All gears which require carbanti's have other parts to go with them which I don't have at this moment so no reason to have more carbanti's if I can't even use them for the charachters that im working on.
    By the time I have those items I will have enough carbanti's again from challenges etc.
    Also I farm them with fleet table.

    Maybe youre at a different part of the game, or have different goals.
    If my goal was to gear up old kenobi. Then I'd buy them for example..

    That's a great strategy for you, but that doesnt make what they are doing to canitna energy and mods a bad thing. It just doesnt fit your play style, which may not be ideal, but still does not make it a bad thing.

    Look. I entertained your "shard shop is great" thing but still it isn't the point do i really have to spell it out? OK here we go.

    A. Input Cantina energy ---> Shards gained---> Shardshop- Gear Gained Is at such low conversion rate as to compared;

    B. Input Cantina energy ---> A **** load of mods that propell you forward.

    That's the comparision that you are giving me.
    Option B is INFINITELY more better as to progressing in this game.

    What you are telling me is, that the many months that I spend farming charachters (which I could have used for farming mods ) Equals farming cantina nodes for shardshop.. **** are you mad?

    Let's say from the 2.5 years that I play I could have farmed 1.5 year mods or whatever.

    That means... I am MISSING 1.5 year worth of mods when compared to "shard shop currency"
    Because it is now IMPOSSIBLE to gain progress using cantina energy with mods.

    Can you see what I mean? It's lost time/resources which I now never can get back. and I couldve spent better, and now everyone in this thread is like What you crying for men.... there is shard shop... while they don't see that compared to farming mods thats poor use of energy. You do know how much energy and shards you need to buy 1 stack of decent gear...

    Im frankly appalled by the complete disregard by some the users here, I am just as much part of the playerbase, Don't tell me not to whine, just because you are not part of the ones negatively affected.

    I can't imagine it to be completely impossible for EA to read this post and keep people like in mind when making these changes, that these players won't be negatively affected.
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    with all the new characters that were released, a few of them are going to end up in cantina. You'll still have farms to complete there.

    Or you can just farm kylo unmasked and double up on shard shop currency. That shop is great, contrary to vocal minority opinion.

    Seems like you people are deaf.. im swimming shard shop currency.. more then I can spend on useful gear..
    So yeah that argument doesnt hold any water.

    You must have bad luck on the gear that shows up in your shop. I'm spending between 800 - 1k shard shop currency a day... I mean, unless you have over 50k in shard shop currency, I just don't see how this is possible. Guns, Carbs, Cuffs, Implants, Medpacs, and holo projectors always show up on the reg for me. I buy them all to stockpile even if the toon I'm working on doesn't need them.

    I buy what I really need in the moment. Cuffs/Guns, Yellow Orbs and the other Yellow Raid item I always buy.
    Holo projectors sometimes but is not really needed.
    Im not rly into buying carb very rarely i do.

    Choosing not to use it and swimming in it are not the same as not needing it and not needing a good source for it.
    So you buy ALL gear in the shop even **** ones? Wel good for you.
    Argument invalid.
    I have more shard shop currency then I will ever need. Why waste it on things i dont need

    No I buy things I need, like caribanti.

    I'm sure you dont need any of those, which is why you choose not to.

    Well I don't need carbanti's because I get them from challenges. Most of the "single 50" carbanti's i have filled for charachters that are interesting to me at this time. All gears which require carbanti's have other parts to go with them which I don't have at this moment so no reason to have more carbanti's if I can't even use them for the charachters that im working on.
    By the time I have those items I will have enough carbanti's again from challenges etc.
    Also I farm them with fleet table.

    Maybe youre at a different part of the game, or have different goals.
    If my goal was to gear up old kenobi. Then I'd buy them for example..

    That's a great strategy for you, but that doesnt make what they are doing to canitna energy and mods a bad thing. It just doesnt fit your play style, which may not be ideal, but still does not make it a bad thing.

    Look. I entertained your "shard shop is great" thing but still it isn't the point do i really have to spell it out? OK here we go.

    A. Input Cantina energy ---> Shards gained---> Shardshop- Gear Gained Is at such low conversion rate as to compared;

    B. Input Cantina energy ---> A **** load of mods that propell you forward.

    That's the comparision that you are giving me.
    Option B is INFINITELY more better as to progressing in this game.

    What you are telling me is, that the many months that I spend farming charachters (which I could have used for farming mods ) Equals farming cantina nodes for shardshop.. **** are you mad?

    Let's say from the 2.5 years that I play I could have farmed 1.5 year mods or whatever.

    That means... I am MISSING 1.5 year worth of mods when compared to "shard shop currency"
    Because it is now IMPOSSIBLE to gain progress using cantina energy with mods.

    Can you see what I mean? It's lost time/resources which I now never can get back. and I couldve spent better, and now everyone in this thread is like What you crying for men.... there is shard shop... while they don't see that compared to farming mods thats poor use of energy. You do know how much energy and shards you need to buy 1 stack of decent gear...

    Im frankly appalled by the complete disregard by some the users here, I am just as much part of the playerbase, Don't tell me not to whine, just because you are not part of the ones negatively affected.

    I can't imagine it to be completely impossible for EA to read this post and keep people like in mind when making these changes, that these players won't be negatively affected.

    You chose to farm toons and have been reaping the benefits of your farming plan. If you are unhappy about this thats not the fault of the dev team, or make this change a bad idea.

    it is not impossible for you to gain progress towards mods, you will have the new "mod energy" to do that. you are losing out on nothing. then on top of that you can if you choose use the cantina energy given out for free to farm something that can lead to shard shop currency. that currency can be used to get gear if you so choose.
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    I can always refund my entire spent amount in starwars... If people are so completely disregardfull of my point of view.

    What I am asking is for simple adjustments. For example Allowing to also use cantina energy on mods if we so do desire. aswell as mod energy. Problem solved. Everyone happy. So you can choose wether you want to focus more on charachters or mods. Idk. Thats just one idea i came up with in 1 minute. Im sure developers can be more creative.

    every move the make in this game has the background of pacing the grind. to "double" the amount of energy available would throw off that pace. so not a solution.

    Seems you are incapable of grasping that Indeed I am losing something.This game is for a part about pace and balance indeed. It's a race in a way.
    Sure special mod energy is nice, but ALL players will be getting that. Players who have more EFFECIENTLY used their cantina energy because of how this new update worked fpr many many months even years. Are benefitted more then as a player who has no charachters to farm. If you or other can't see it. well then thats just stupid.

    Like I said im sure there are more creative ways to make cantina energy usefull other then "shard shop".

    It's funny how everyone is trying to make it my fault. While there is no way of knowing what update may come in the future. Players should not be "punished" for exploring the valid avenue they choose in the game with the knowledge that is known at that time.
    Yes mods were always a good part of the game. But there was absolutely no inclination to believe they would do away with cantina mod energy farm.
    No one could have foreseen that.

    Yes I have been reaping the rewards of my farming plan. But those "rewards" are going to turn sour very soon. As basically i have spent my cantina energy "through time" because of this update.The energy that i would have used to farm mods instead of charachters is to be used NOW, but NOW(when update live) it is impossible with cantina energy THATS what I am losing. And NO mod energy is what everyone wouldve gotten anway. Can't you understand it now even still? Because it all adds up your account is collecting time and choices. And now a choice is being removed from me that would have netted me more!!

    VERY simple question for you what is better for example 90.000 cantina energy spent on mods or 90.000 on shard shop currency. That's 90.000 cantina energy (or whatever the amount would be, probably alot alot higher) I could have used better which is soon no longer possible

    And that IS the fault of the dev team if they keep it as is. No matter how you slice it!
    I really don't care how many people disagree with me. It only matters if the right people agree with you.

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    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    Just want to point this out:

    You - 3.35M GP
    Me - 3.4M GP

    You - 50 G10,G11,G12 characters
    Me - 80 G10,G11,G12 characters

    You - swimming in shard shop currency with no need for gear
    Me - running out of shard shop currency daily and in desperate need of gear from the shard shop

    I'm not real sure what to make of it. I'm excited for more shard shop currency. Maybe I'm wrong?

    You can't make comparisons like that. I hardly parcipate in raids for the last 8 months.
    There is no way of knowing how raid paricpation is. and also RNG.

    Wait, what ? This person have more geared characters and still need plenty of gear from shard shop and you are saying that thats not fair comparisons because you hardly parcipated in raids in the last 8 months. If thats true you need even more gear.

    For me looks like you trolling because of this:
    Flitsmuis wrote: »
    Well I don't need carbanti's because I get them from challenges. Most of the "single 50" carbanti's i have filled for charachters that are interesting to me at this time..
    You joking right, challanges give insignificant amount of those compared to the amount that is needed for all characters and dont tell me you dont care if some characters need them because you are not going to gear them anyway because game changes all the time and there is no way of knowing which characters might become good in the future, not to mention all new charcters that will be added and possible new gear lvls.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    There will be a point in everyone’s game that thier cantina farming is finished, you chose to get there sooner. You are not losing out your are at an end game area in just that 1 aspect. Nothing left to do but to get end game in other areas.
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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    There will be a point in everyone’s game that thier cantina farming is finished, you chose to get there sooner. You are not losing out your are at an end game area in just that 1 aspect. Nothing left to do but to get end game in other areas.

    Yes everyone will get there. HOWEVER. They will have had the chance to use their cantina energy to farm mods and prolong that moment.. That's exactly what were talking about!!! They prolonged that moment in the "past" but now that won't be longer possible anymore. Thats the advantage they will have over me. Since they can prolong the moment to get to the "useless shard farming"

    Really people come on use your brains.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    So you didn’t have a chance to use yours for mods? You gotta be trolling screen shot your shard shop if your not.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Dodged this point I’m not sure that swgoh account is his if he can’t screen shot his abundance of shard shop currency. How long has your cantina been completed? Yet you still didn’t start farming mods? And it’s cgs fault?
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    “This game is for a part about pace and balance indeed.”

    Seems you proved your invalidity.

    You can’t whine about not having balance when you’ve wildly used your time and energy in a supremely imbalanced way.
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    Can I just point out that you keep spelling “character” wrong. You keep saying “charahcter”. Surely you noticed this error the first time
  • Jml727
    120 posts Member
    Some people just want to see the world burn...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Flitsmuis wrote: »

    Seems you are incapable of grasping that Indeed I am losing something.This game is for a part about pace and balance indeed. It's a race in a way.
    Sure special mod energy is nice, but ALL players will be getting that. Players who have more EFFECIENTLY used their cantina energy because of how this new update worked fpr many many months even years. Are benefitted more then as a player who has no charachters to farm. If you or other can't see it. well then thats just ****.

    Like I said im sure there are more creative ways to make cantina energy usefull other then "shard shop".

    It's funny how everyone is trying to make it my fault. While there is no way of knowing what update may come in the future. Players should not be "punished" for exploring the valid avenue they choose in the game with the knowledge that is known at that time.
    Yes mods were always a good part of the game. But there was absolutely no inclination to believe they would do away with cantina mod energy farm.
    No one could have foreseen that.

    Yes I have been reaping the rewards of my farming plan. But those "rewards" are going to turn sour very soon. As basically i have spent my cantina energy "through time" because of this update.The energy that i would have used to farm mods instead of charachters is to be used NOW, but NOW(when update live) it is impossible with cantina energy THATS what I am losing. And NO mod energy is what everyone wouldve gotten anway. Can't you understand it now even still? Because it all adds up your account is collecting time and choices. And now a choice is being removed from me that would have netted me more!!

    VERY simple question for you what is better for example 90.000 cantina energy spent on mods or 90.000 on shard shop currency. That's 90.000 cantina energy (or whatever the amount would be, probably alot alot higher) I could have used better which is soon no longer possible

    And that IS the fault of the dev team if they keep it as is. No matter how you slice it!
    I really don't care how many people disagree with me. It only matters if the right people agree with you.

    you chose the farming path you chose.

    if you feel that 90,000 cantina energy would have been better used to farm mods why did you choose to farm characters?

    again you are not losing out on cantina energy because you have a new energy to use. that new energy as far as we know is a 1 for 1 to cantina and therefore you can use that to farm whatever you choose, just like you did previously.
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    More characters are coming to cantina. You’re a collector. Keep collecting. Your issue is unique and devs aren’t going to change anything to accommodate your perceived slight. You’ve lost no advantage over others. You already forfeited that advantage by focusing solely on characters. In the same way that not gearing certain toons is important to you, flat out not farming certain characters is important to us.
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    Mod farming with no crystal refreshes gets 10 mods a day. Mod inventory cap is 500 unless used on characters. 50 days = 500 mods. Plus they give 30 or more mods from events each month. In 2 months you'll have maxed out your mod inventory once they activate the new energy.

    Cantina will get new characters added, so you'll always have something to farm.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    I mean just shut this thread down he said acolyte isn’t 7* he’s going to get it from dathomir, doesn’t need carbonti’s, never farms mod but profile given has multiple +30 speed mods for someone that doesn’t farm mods,won’t show screen shot of his “abundance of shard shop currency” even though he had all the cantina toons still chose to spend on cantina and not mods. There is just very little credibility to his premise.
  • Viserys
    461 posts Member
    He is wishing he could divert the cantina energy and farm mods twice as fast as everyone else because he finished his cantina farms. This, of course ignores that everyone would do that too.

    He thinks people don't understand his argument, but we do, we just think that it is nonsense.

    If you knowingly chose to use a contested resource for one thing instead of the other, well... you aren't gonna get much sympathy. You reaped the benefit of that choice (wider access to characters). There was no contract that you would get to go whole hog farming mods and gain an advantage.

    In fact, you skipped farming mods in the part of the game where the return rate of doing that was horrible. You could theoretically argue that you got much more value per cantina energy spent because of that than the people who spent all that energy farming mods when they had trash drop rates.

    It's all relative to the resource management choices you made. We do see your point, we just think it is a bad argument.
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    Viserys wrote: »
    He is wishing he could divert the cantina energy and farm mods twice as fast as everyone else because he finished his cantina farms. This, of course ignores that everyone would do that too.

    He thinks people don't understand his argument, but we do, we just think that it is nonsense.

    If you knowingly chose to use a contested resource for one thing instead of the other, well... you aren't gonna get much sympathy. You reaped the benefit of that choice (wider access to characters). There was no contract that you would get to go whole hog farming mods and gain an advantage.

    In fact, you skipped farming mods in the part of the game where the return rate of doing that was horrible. You could theoretically argue that you got much more value per cantina energy spent because of that than the people who spent all that energy farming mods when they had trash drop rates.

    It's all relative to the resource management choices you made. We do see your point, we just think it is a bad argument.

    Ah man, I’d forgotten when mod sims didn’t even guarantee a mod. Those were hard times.
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    The OP has not been farming mods all along? You are one of the players that caused all the changes by not using them very well (assuming you do use ones from rewards and shops)
    You are in the same minority as the whales that bought crystals to farm those same toons. Farm high level shards that also have a chance for omega pieces then.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    I mean just shut this thread down he said acolyte isn’t 7* he’s going to get it from dathomir, doesn’t need carbonti’s, never farms mod but profile given has multiple +30 speed mods for someone that doesn’t farm mods,won’t show screen shot of his “abundance of shard shop currency” even though he had all the cantina toons still chose to spend on cantina and not mods. There is just very little credibility to his premise.

    @3pourr2 i think you may have looked at the wrong profile. this was the one he posted

    not a single mod above +18
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    @kyno that’s link is a filtered view excluding 30 ,+30 speed mods, pretty impressive for not farming. Click filter and look at the arrows with speed primary.
  • Waffandrord
    55 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    @kyno that’s link is a filtered view excluding 30 ,+30 speed mods, pretty impressive for not farming. Click filter and look at the arrows with speed primary.

    To be fair, 5 dot speed arrows aren't that rare in mod shop
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    You’re in the very late end game stage. You’ll be fine.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    @Waffandrord that is fair and maybe why he neglected to farm from cantina energy. If that’s the case he should be glad not to spend credits on them anymore but it takes away the certainty of the mod.
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    What is the point I’m missing here?
    You get a whole new currency solely for mods which is a good thing. By not using the cantina energy on your mods you can spend it on newly released characters to cantina (which you know they will do), on cantina tokens for excess ship building for new ships and MODS, and then turn any excess shards into shard currency for gear. Not to mention that sweet omega drop every 5000 rolls :smile:

    But I digress, this isn’t a bad thing no matter how much you spin it. The only thing that would make this bad is if they closed the cantina store, stopped adding toons to the cantina table and also made newly released toons go to the mod store.
  • Abflexer
    25 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Maybe we should accept the fact, that OP isn't the brightest star in the sky, and ignore this thread.
    Not that it gains any dev attention and they reverse their really great ideas, just to please "I farm what I want without any sense"-Folks...
This discussion has been closed.