Chewbacca event tier VII ideas or success

Anyone that was able to finish that event? How far you go before the inevitable loss? Any ideas? My personal best is 2 turns long battle with Dengar lead. And here is my squad:



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    Yes I did it, with almost the same team except my IG-88 is G12. I've put my best speed mods, and I tried to manage the healing with Bossk leader skill (by inflicting malus to adversaries).

    Of course, I've been lucky too =)
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    I have a lot of attempts with Bossk for leader, and it was disaster everytime :| , probably you will need a lot of luck for that event
  • Pulsehammer
    158 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I'm running ZzBossk(L, G12), ZBoba(G12), ZGreedo(G12), ZIG88(one mod short of G12), Zam (G11). All aside from Zam have serious focus on speed mods with ratings as follows: 225, 226, 201, 209, 165.

    I do not come REMOTELY close to beating this challenge.

    The relevation of EA's most insidious and evil intent on this event is that (I assume) you need Jango's speed boost leadership to have any prayer of beating the ridiculously quick rebels.

    Which means you have to spend serious money to get Jango to 7* just to compete since they were so gracious to release him as a Marquee.

    Though he is not officially listed in their corporate directory, I suspect Lex Luthor is thriving in the ranks of EA's upper management.
  • Member5973
    127 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Sobering experience so far. Hundreds of dollars for Jango and gear didnt make a difference. 4 G12 toons, my best mods ... nothing. I just get wiped out in T7. Jango lead works better than Bossk lead but it is impossible to trigger the contracts. With Bossk lead I managed to trigger contracts but they just one-shot me immediately afterwards. I am completely out of ideas.
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    I'm wondering if Embo lead will be useful, because of the counter chance, but no way to check it because Embo is on 5* in my roster
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    LoneCat - no offence but I don't believe you. Can you put up a screenshot or link to your SWGOH?

  • Spixx1109
    33 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I have g12 zBossk, g11 boba and Greedo, g10 ig-88, g9 Dengar. Just gotta get lucky tbh. Then I aimed down chewie, lando, Han, Leia, and finally r2. It took at least 30+ tries
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    I can kill Chewie first. But that is not enough. Al least it looks funny how all my BH get kicked off the screen within seconds.
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    In my best attempt, all I was able to do was to get Chewie protection down...
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    I did it with g12 bossk zeta lead, boba g12 zeta, zam g11, cad g11, dengar g9. Took 40 tries.
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    Member5973 wrote: »
    I can kill Chewie first. But that is not enough. Al least it looks funny how all my BH get kicked off the screen within seconds.

    Don’t get discouraged just keep going at it. I was where you were at and then all of a sudden I was able to beat it. It’s a female dog of an event but it can be done through the grace of rngeezus.
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    Looks like this guy did it with G12s:
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    ??? Nationality, really ?? You are weird ....

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    Speed: 235 (Bossk), 233 (Boba), 220 (Greedo), 179 (Dengar), 218 (IG-88). I guess I've ben lucky, but I found this legendary event MUCH easier than Thrawn event which was a nightmare for me. Good luck !
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    I'm running ZzBossk(L, G12), ZBoba(G12), ZGreedo(G12), ZIG88(one mod short of G12), Zam (G11). All aside from Zam have serious focus on speed mods with ratings as follows: 225, 226, 201, 209, 165.

    The gear level should be enough, but they are too slow.
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    LoneCat wrote: »
    Speed: 235 (Bossk), 233 (Boba), 220 (Greedo), 179 (Dengar), 218 (IG-88). I guess I've ben lucky, but I found this legendary event MUCH easier than Thrawn event which was a nightmare for me. Good luck !

    Congrats LoneCat. I had to make them much faster to be able to beat it.
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    I'm running ZzBossk(L, G12), ZBoba(G12), ZGreedo(G12), ZIG88(one mod short of G12), Zam (G11). All aside from Zam have serious focus on speed mods with ratings as follows: 225, 226, 201, 209, 165.

    I do not come REMOTELY close to beating this challenge.

    The relevation of EA's most insidious and evil intent on this event is that (I assume) you need Jango's speed boost leadership to have any prayer of beating the ridiculously quick rebels.

    Which means you have to spend serious money to get Jango to 7* just to compete since they were so gracious to release him as a Marquee.

    Though he is not officially listed in their corporate directory, I suspect Lex Luthor is thriving in the ranks of EA's upper management.

    Without dengar it is impossible.
    He is the key, not as leader, as member of the team.
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    I was able to beat it with Zbossk L, dengar, boba, ig88, and greedo. All g12 had to put my arena mods on and it still took about 15 tries. Some of them have some of the g12 pieces but no g12+. No zetas besides bossk lead.
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    BadWolf79 wrote: »
    LoneCat wrote: »
    Speed: 235 (Bossk), 233 (Boba), 220 (Greedo), 179 (Dengar), 218 (IG-88). I guess I've ben lucky, but I found this legendary event MUCH easier than Thrawn event which was a nightmare for me. Good luck !
    Congrats LoneCat. I had to make them much faster to be able to beat it.
    Thanks. I am unable to increase the speed further: it is really the best I can get ...

    I think Bossk leader and Dengar are mandatory. I succeeded in less than 5 tries =)

  • DarkSouls
    26 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    [/quote]Thanks. I am unable to increase the speed further: it is really the best I can get ...

    I think Bossk leader and Dengar are mandatory. I succeeded in less than 5 tries =)[/quote]

    You are one lucky person!! :) Congrats!

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    I did it it bossk, boba both g12 and zam, cad and dengar all g11, used my arena mods. I made bossk go 1st gave him taunt+frenzy, then zam dropped her thermals then bossk uses his mass assist on the weakest toon, zam pops the thermal and goes again uses her special and of goes bossk, then use the specials of the rest so bossk keeps getting extra turns and you activate all payouts. Took down leia 1st then han, lando chewie and finally r2, didn't loose a toin
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    Ok, got it with zBossk for leader, speed Bossk (245), Boba (215), Greedo (155), Dengar (145) and IG88 (167). Only Bossk died during the play
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    I'm running ZzBossk(L, G12), ZBoba(G12), ZGreedo(G12), ZIG88(one mod short of G12), Zam (G11). All aside from Zam have serious focus on speed mods with ratings as follows: 225, 226, 201, 209, 165.

    I do not come REMOTELY close to beating this challenge.

    The relevation of EA's most insidious and evil intent on this event is that (I assume) you need Jango's speed boost leadership to have any prayer of beating the ridiculously quick rebels.

    Which means you have to spend serious money to get Jango to 7* just to compete since they were so gracious to release him as a Marquee.

    Though he is not officially listed in their corporate directory, I suspect Lex Luthor is thriving in the ranks of EA's upper management.

    Without dengar it is impossible.
    He is the key, not as leader, as member of the team.

    Since they said we could use any 5 this cant be true. Of course "any 5" does not mean you have good strategy options.
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    I did it with zbossk lead g12, bobba g12, zam and Greedo g11 and Cad g10. I loaded them with health and protection mods and speed secondaries to survive the initial salvo. Then zbossk regen helps on aoe attacks and keeps them going. Need good rng for R2D2 to miss a few stunsmky3prcxx39m.png
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    Boba (L), cad, greedo, ig88, dengar, all G12, no zeta, trash mods (most of them are blue grade with fastest is +68 speed for greedo). got my 7* chewie.

    try kill chewie first.
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    I did it after a lot of tries with the next team:

    zzBossk (l), zBobba, zGreedo, zDengar and Cad Bane. All g12 except Cad who is g10.
    Average mods. Speeds: Bossk-184, Bobba-215, Greedo-182, Dengar-152, Cad-137

    Luck is mandatory. If R2 lands the smoke screen, good bye.

    Then, focus on Chewie. Execute him, stun him and throw Bossk's net to him for the assists.

    Termal detonators, to recover health and protection.

    After you finish him, buffs from both Leia and Han wil be gone.

    After that I went for Lando, Han and Leia. R2 was the last one.

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    DarkSouls wrote: »
    Ok, got it with zBossk for leader, speed Bossk (245), Boba (215), Greedo (155), Dengar (145) and IG88 (167). Only Bossk died during the play

    Hey, quite easy after all, isn't it ?
  • jedilord
    343 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Boba (L), cad, greedo, ig88, dengar, all G12, no zeta, trash mods (most of them are blue grade with fastest is +68 speed for greedo). got my 7* chewie.

    try kill chewie first.

    any other advice? what about potency mods or so? g12? g12+3? g12+5? do you have a swgoh-account? can we have a look into your team?
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    Screw CG and EA, the palpatine 7* event has recomendations of lvl 80, gear 9+, moded toons. But hey its been a year since the last new legendary so it makes total sence to have this event recommend gear 12+, based in what logic I cannot tell you but I'm sure it has to do with greed. I'm by no means a whale but now I may never spend another dime on this game. So congrats on making a customer into a completely F2P-er.
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