Compatible first order characters

Could anyone recommend any other characters that is compatible with first order team with a kru lead. I need more of a punch in my team. I have most of first order at lvl 12 gear 7 stars fully modded.


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    zKRU, zFOST, FOE, FOO then plug in a 5th depending on preference. I use OG zKylo to spam Lash Out for the bonus TM. FOSFTP is also good for assists and stuns. Phasma still has her uses for Victory March, but FOST essentially does the same thing but tankier.

    Thrawn works great on the team. Or Vader.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    zKRU, zFOST, FOE, FOO then plug in a 5th depending on preference. I use OG zKylo to spam Lash Out for the bonus TM. FOSFTP is also good for assists and stuns. Phasma still has her uses for Victory March, but FOST essentially does the same thing but tankier.

    Thrawn works great on the team. Or Vader.

    Nice one thanks. Just wondering why does Vader work well in the team.
  • Vendi1983
    5024 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    He just works as a plug and play on teams. Not as well as Thrawn but you'll get plenty of stuns and debuffs from Kylo, KRU, FOST for him to Force Crush + Culling Blade.

    A full First Order squad works better to take advantage of KRUs lead. FOO is essentially Thrawn with lesser abilities. TM swap, TM removal, etc.
  • komji15
    534 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    KRU FOST FOO FOE is fixed. The last slot could be Kylo or Pilot. When you try to beat Palp Team or Bastila Team, use Kylo. He can give TM for all FO allies. But If you try to beat CLS or JTR Team, I recommend FOTP. Because CLS team can counter attack. Also, JTR Team can counter attack by BB-8 with R2 or JTR’s assist. So Kylo’s AoE isn’t very useful.

    Plus, Thrawn can be a great ally with FO. Fracture is always wonderful. And He can recover 40% Protection. It’s really helpful.
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    ZKRU ZFOST. Their bouncing taunts is hectic. Great synergy.

    Kylo is a key.

    This team is..not meant to face training rey teams or zfinn teams.
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    Normally I start out passing a turn from FOO to OG Kylo. He does Lash Out and even against Bastila with pre-loaded TM my entire team then takes at least a turn each (more if Kylo managed to reset Lash Out). Same concept works if you have Phasma. If there's a hyper critical enemy you need to control pass the turn to KRU and cleanse & stun them for two turns right off the bat.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Normally I start out passing a turn from FOO to OG Kylo. He does Lash Out and even against Bastila with pre-loaded TM my entire team then takes at least a turn each (more if Kylo managed to reset Lash Out). Same concept works if you have Phasma. If there's a hyper critical enemy you need to control pass the turn to KRU and cleanse & stun them for two turns right off the bat.

    Ii have my speeds specifically set up for Bastila teams right now..... foo passes tonight, who cleanses the taunt and applies stun (usually old ben), then OG Kylo goes and uses lash out in case Yoda got foresight off, then fox drops the hammer on Yoda, then phasma hits with victory march.....
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    Very similar to what I do. It's a coin toss after Lash Out, FOST always goes next so I throw his taunt up for more TM. Then either FOE or KRU are up next. It's ideal for FOE so he can clear Old Ben taunt then KRU double stuns Yoda and cleanses everything. Kill Yoda and the rest fall like dominoes.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »

    Very similar to what I do. It's a coin toss after Lash Out, FOST always goes next so I throw his taunt up for more TM. Then either FOE or KRU are up next. It's ideal for FOE so he can clear Old Ben taunt then KRU double stuns Yoda and cleanses everything. Kill Yoda and the rest fall like dominoes.

    Sounds about right.... The nice thing about double taunt is it keeps them off FOO......
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    I "main" First Order (but I suck), but fully agreed.
    zKRU, zKylo, FOO, FOST, FOE is my go to squad for raids.

    Personally, I sub Thrawn in for FOST for my arena team and we do ok (Top 500-300) with Kylo being my only g12.
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