More energy

28 posts Member
edited October 2018
Especially with the newer players Just not enough energy even veteran players.. especially with how much grinding it takes to get just one part of gear you need can takes days or even a week for just one piece and to actually make a whole piece of gear can even take month especially when you going for gear level 12..Now neededing to farm characters for events, need to get the gear for characters you already have be helpful if to have even twice the amount of energy as we currently have..


  • Dwest
    171 posts Member
    Should use guild store for gear farming. Farm character shards with energy. I can’t imagine trying to craft a carbanti from nodes.
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    Dwest wrote: »
    Should use guild store for gear farming. Farm character shards with energy. I can’t imagine trying to craft a carbanti from nodes.

    It takes DECADES. Once I realized it’s nearly fruitless to farm gear from nodes, I stopped and just farm straight shards. It’s nice when I need a shard and gear I need is on the same node but it’s not often.

    I’m a veteran player, more or less and the energy consumption is fine for me, without refreshes. You get something like 375 total free regular energy for farming per day (less on cantina, mods, and fleet, but still more than the 144 cap). If you don’t let your energy fill completely you can use all of that to it’s fillese extent, once it tops off you don’t get any more except during the 135 from the 3 shop refreshes per day.
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    Well the problem characters you can do battle on same one trying to get shards to lvl up and use all your energy on one and still end up with nothing. It is close to like a 6 month grind for just one person if you don’t pay money. And ones light and dark have attacked 16+ times and have gotten zero shards to show for it.
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    Csb2147 wrote: »
    Well the problem characters you can do battle on same one trying to get shards to lvl up and use all your energy on one and still end up with nothing. It is close to like a 6 month grind for just one person if you don’t pay money. And ones light and dark have attacked 16+ times and have gotten zero shards to show for it.

    What did you get the next day? The day before? The day before that? Because it evens out to a 1/3 drop rate on all shards. 16 battles is not a valid sample size. There were days I did 24 Bossk sims and got 2 shards. The next day I did 24 sims and got 10.
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    For the record, I’ve never paid money for refreshes. As a long-term player, most of the toons I need are “problem toons,” and I still have more than enough energy to farm 3 high energy nodes a day.
  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    You should be able to farm 3x20 hard node characters their full 8 times a day with a single energy refresh. Which will coincidentally push you over the 600 threshold for Raid Tickets. If you choose to farm gear, so be it.

    I refuse to farm purple gear that requires more than 20 pieces. I'll also only spend ship energy on it because I seem to have better luck (1/3 I know, believe me I know). There also isn't much I want from the ship hard nodes, except Lando Falcon which gets me "him, the ship, the Mk3 Holo, and no questions asked."

    I've also started dumping GW credits into 7* characters and just buying gear from shard shop. Guaranteed one decent purchase a day and more if there's Assault Battles going on.
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    Last character I got from cantina took me close to 100 days to go from zero to 7star that’s a little to long for just one toon.. so to actually level up people for new events 5 people would take 450-500 days if you don’t spend your shards from arenas in refresh
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    Csb2147 wrote: »
    Last character I got from cantina took me close to 100 days to go from zero to 7star that’s a little to long for just one toon.. so to actually level up people for new events 5 people would take 450-500 days if you don’t spend your shards from arenas in refresh

    That’s about what’s always been the normal drop rate, on average it takes about 3 months to farm a toon from 0 to 7 stars. 165 free cantina energy per day, highest level farm would be 10 sims per day, averaging ~3 shards per day.

    If you want it faster, spend crystal refreshes. That’s what everybody does, and has been doing forever. You’re asking for more shards free.

    It’s been said hundreds of times before: the game is about conscious choices and goals. You can’t farm everybody at once for everything unless you’re a whale. Pick a goal, stay with it, finish it, move on to the next goal.
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