Revan isn’t our Savior

4363 posts Member
edited October 2018
Unfortunately. He’s a good character, but still falls short in multiple areas, one being Defense. His kit, while simple to control, is a complicated one (an obvious attempt to try and counter Traya). This is still not our Savior for the Sith/Empire Meta. He ultimately plays second fiddle to them, but at least is better than all other characters. Maybe Jedi Rey or Jedi Luke will finally put LS over the top again.


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    Yeah but the only problem is that were does it stop. So they release Jedi Luke or Jedi Rey and they are OP as he'll and become the new meta. Now another character has to be released which will be wven more OP otherwise it just becomes stale like ships was a few montha ago.
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    To make arena interesting, every faction needs to be made viable. The only trouble there is that if everyone is balanced, there would be no point in changing your team, meta keeps character development happening unfortunately. It’ll never end or there would be no need to farm anyone else
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    "Pretty good" is still, you know, pretty good. If the only bar you ever use is "does it beat the most wildly overpowered arena team in the game right now," then 98% of all new characters are going to suck. Raids exist. Territory wars exist. Everything doesn't have to be ARENA ARENA ARENA.

    I haven't seen anyone comment yet on his use as a non-lead under, say, Bastila or GMY. Obviously he's designed to be a strong leader, but I feel like someone will find some sneaky synergy under somebody else.

    Also: it's been one freaking day. Give people a chance to tinker with him and use some different comps.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    He is a hard counter to Traya, that can be countered on defence..... It is exactly how it should be ...

    There should never be an "I have these toons I win" team. Mirror matches are boring...

    Edited to remove swearing shorthand. - EA_Cian
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    He is a hard counter to Traya, that can be countered on defence..... It is exactly how it should be ...

    There should never be an "I have these toons I win" team. Mirror matches are boring...

    Edited to remove swearing shorthand. - EA_Cian

    No, instead there are "I have this much money I win" teams.

    Excelt there aren't..... I do just fine as a dolphin, and would do well as ftp as well....
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
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    CLS, han, chewie, r2, thrawn took out a revan lead pretty easily. He's very squishy, though he comes back once. Went up against Revan, GK, hyoda, gmy, bast, which seems to be a popular squad right now (zezra is another, subbed for bast). Maybe will all 3 zetas he'll be a bigger threat. Killed revan, revan again, gmy, gk, bast, match.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    I think chewie rebels are actually the most meta now. Viable squads.

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    My maxed g12+ Sith team (+138 and +147 speeds, for example) just lost to a maxed Revan team in about ten seconds. I had two characters take a turn and then only Sion was left, so I forfeited.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    My maxed g12+ Sith team (+138 and +147 speeds, for example) just lost to a maxed Revan team in about ten seconds. I had two characters take a turn and then only Sion was left, so I forfeited.

    Mod harder.

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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    My maxed g12+ Sith team (+138 and +147 speeds, for example) just lost to a maxed Revan team in about ten seconds. I had two characters take a turn and then only Sion was left, so I forfeited.

  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Olddumper wrote: »
    I think chewie rebels are actually the most meta now. Viable squads.


    Maybe in your shard. The meta report clearly shows that CLS Rebels (including Chewie) aren’t handling Traya as easily as some thought they would. Revan Jedi destroy CLS Rebels.
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    you guys clearly havent gone against a maxed well modded revan team lol
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    Olddumper wrote: »
    I think chewie rebels are actually the most meta now. Viable squads.


    Maybe in your shard. The meta report clearly shows that CLS Rebels (including Chewie) aren’t handling Traya as easily as some thought they would. Revan Jedi destroy CLS Rebels.

    We need to get past this meta report stuff..... There are many teams that take out many other teams now ... We are past the. "you have this team you win era", and it's about time....
  • Options
    To make arena interesting, every faction needs to be made viable. The only trouble there is that if everyone is balanced, there would be no point in changing your team, meta keeps character development happening unfortunately. It’ll never end or there would be no need to farm anyone else

    If that’s the goal (and I would personally like it, but I know many won’t) The way you do that is to make certain factions counter other factions. Then, in arena, eliminate choice for who you get to attack. This way, if you have to face faction A you might might need faction X, but for faction B you might need faction Y and so forth. You would be required to use a variety of teams if you want to climb efficiently.
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    I can now auto traya.

    I am happy.

    Still havemy traya team who can beat anything else.

    Now it isall up to who is awake at payoff
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    I’m gonna actually admit something here. Not that I was wrong (AS IF!), but that I purposely lied to try and soften the impact for those not being able to acquire him 1st time around. >:)

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    "There's always a bigger fish.." QGJ
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    Revan owns the arena in my shard. Seems up to snuff.
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    Also imagine the outrage if they brought out one character that did everything. Everyone would go crazy with anger because one person could do all that. Oh wait. CLS. JTR. Palp. Traya.

    Remember how nightsisters zombie can revive someone 2 or 3 times? Revan seems to be a great character. And actually well balanced. They did a good job on the kit. I'm glad we have left the 1 team meta place behind. You can actually have fun.

    Maybe there's a Jedi Sion coming out. And what I mean is May a Jedi tank that will work well with Revan and really bolster the defense side of things.

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    I’m gonna actually admit something here. Not that I was wrong (AS IF!), but that I purposely lied to try and soften the impact for those not being able to acquire him 1st time around. >:)


    Thanks man. But i think most of us level headed traya/non-revan users knew a day after his release that he destroyed traya. ;P

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    I think people took a little bit to sort out the mods and comps needed. I think he is pretty good now. He's not a $500 toon but he is certainly meta and will win on D 25 percent of the time vs most meta comps which is really the best you can ask for. 25% is huge deterrent compared to 2%
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    Gonna be great to counter traya teams in tw.
    But Im gonna wait. My CLS chewie team is fine replacement for now
  • Dunedain
    89 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    I wonder how weak revan would be if they removed the built-in AI to target traya :D what a joke by devs, shows the complete lack of innovation
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    Good for them for putting some effort to make sure ai target traya. Cuz thats what everyone one of us would...and for a extememly rare moment...they finally didnt go as normal and throw out a bozo the clown ai. Gj devs on that one. One small step towards right.
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    Maztoras wrote: »
    Good for them for putting some effort to make sure ai target traya. Cuz thats what everyone one of us would...and for a extememly rare moment...they finally didnt go as normal and throw out a bozo the clown ai. Gj devs on that one. One small step towards right.

    wrong on so many levels
  • Dunedain
    89 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Dunedain wrote: »
    Maztoras wrote: »
    Good for them for putting some effort to make sure ai target traya. Cuz thats what everyone one of us would...and for a extememly rare moment...they finally didnt go as normal and throw out a bozo the clown ai. Gj devs on that one. One small step towards right.
  • Options
    Maztoras wrote: »
    Good for them for putting some effort to make sure ai target traya. Cuz thats what everyone one of us would...and for a extememly rare moment...they finally didnt go as normal and throw out a bozo the clown ai. Gj devs on that one. One small step towards right.

    Human players might know to target traya 1st but put revan on defense and lets see if the AI knows that on its own without specific instructions.
  • Options
    Dunedain wrote: »
    Maztoras wrote: »
    Good for them for putting some effort to make sure ai target traya. Cuz thats what everyone one of us would...and for a extememly rare moment...they finally didnt go as normal and throw out a bozo the clown ai. Gj devs on that one. One small step towards right.

    wrong on so many levels

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