Syndicate is hiring!


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    Great Alliance to be in! Every guild here is dedicated to help each other with resources and grow. Come and join our family and see which guild works for you! 22M - 191M GP !!!!!
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    Been with the guild for almost 2 years now and was the best move I ever made. Heaps of experience within the alliance with everyone more than willing to help get what ever you want out of the game whether it be friends, shards or gear. Come say hi and stay for a bit.... then you'll stay FOREVER
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    Why are you still waiting around?!?!?! Boba's alliance IS your new home!!! Come over to the server to see why this place and community is so great. We are here to grow together and have fun doing it. We dont care where you are gp wise in this game. There is room for beginners, all the way to the elite. What more can I say?!?!?!
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    Is this guild full yet?
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    @VincentVanEgo still room, come check it out!
  • EA_Cian
    971 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Hey folks! Lots of passion for recruiting in this thread, but let's be mindful as a guild to slow our roll a bit on how frequently we're posting recruitment messages. While obviously different folks are posting to espouse the quality of the guild, it can still come off a bit spammy when several "join us" posts happen in the span of 10 or so minutes. Just something to be mindful of. :smile:
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    Wish there was an in-game mechanic that made recruiting and guild building more sensible. Forcing people to use an external forums is bad form...
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    Spaces available for after TB join us and see what your new guild looks like
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    Joey? Where are you?
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    If the Force is Strong Within you?
    Are you active?
    Do you want to compete in some targeted fast paced growth and are you also interested in constant Territory Wars, Territory Battles, and Raids including all the fantastic gear and shards,.... ?
    We are looking for you!

    Don’t hesitate, click the link stop in say hi and see what we can offer you and what you stand to gain!!!! Knowledge is the key!!!
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    A great guild who crushes at TW!
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    Looking to bring in some new members so fone stop by our discord server.
    There's even enough room for a merge if you'd like to join forces.

    Alt accounts welcome
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    Always looking for fresh daily players to teach them the ways of the darkside 😏
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    Hiyah! Karate Chop! Now I’ve got you’re attention! We are Syndicate and we like to party! Have some fun raiding with us and meet some great people. Why are you reading this comment any further? Come check us out!
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    Looking for like minded people that are interested in earning their tickets and raiding as much as possible to maximize growth.
    Light minded atmosphere looking to just enjoy the game and make some new aquantances.

    Stop by and take a look. You might just find that you never want to leave. Cheers!!!
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    Just brought another warrior home.
    Still room for you!
    Come check us out
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    Are you in a guild moving at a snail's pace? Are you hungry for more? Then Syndicate is for you! We raid, have fun, we raid, we share tips, we raid, and the growth is fast because we raid often. Did I mention that we raid?

    We're active in TWs, TBs, and raids.

    Come check out our fun group on our very active Discord channel!
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    If you are reading this no doubt you enjoy the game!
    If you are looking for the company of a fantastic group that love the game and truly enjoys sharing the knowledge that will help direct and catapult you towards achieving real power than look no more!

    Stop in, chat with our members, see what’s different and more importantly see what makes our group so successful.

    We look forward to meeting you!
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    Syndicate is the bees knees
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    Join us....
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    Syndicate brought in 6 new players today. And there is room for more!

    All you need to do is click the link and your job is done.
    All levels welcome
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    A really awesome group of players!
    Look no further!
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    Alliances push and pull their members around to favor the strong guilds and shaft the weaker players..
    The Syndicate gives you a saber and points you in the direction of the next goal with the whole guild.
    Two guilds working together to get the job done. Come see us on discord and excuse the desperation of joining an Alliance!
    Syndicate will take in all levels
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    Come chill with the family!
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    This cartel is a great family. You need to come check it out. We kill at tw and have great organization. Everyone is growing fast!
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    Great guild tons of knowledge and experience here with a whole network of players come join the family growing fast!!!
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    Such a fun community!

    Click the link and come say hi

    Tw is almost over
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    Agreed Joey great community of active players looking for new recruits to join the family
  • Jøey
    81 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    The wars are almost over!
    Come on over to Syndicate and say hi
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