Help me decide!

I've got a new zeta ready, and I'm struggling on deciding on who to put it.
My options are:
- Vader's unique (part of my arena team, and buffs his ship)
- Bastila lead (got a decent Jedi team)
- R2 Combat Analysis (got a kick **** Resistance team)
- Palps Crackling Doom (my arena leader)
- GMY unique

It's really hard this time...


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    Vader I wouldn't be in a rush for. R2 is a great zeta but if your set on palpatine in arena for a while I would go with his unique. Bastilla is deffinitely an option as well. If you have alot of palp teams in your arena bastila led jedi teams eat him up for breakfast. Deffinitely her before Yoda unique though. Her zeta is needed to make the team viable
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    R2d2 is probably your best option, but I did palpatine unique before it. He is still my lead until traya finally unlocks.... maybe even after
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    Just a suggestion but you could post your so people can make a better informed opinion based on your characters :smile:
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    It's already decided, my guildmates talked me into Bastilla... Hope I won't regret it, with revan probably unlocked next time around...
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    Palps unique zeta helped his survivability SO much! I’d recommend that one if you decide not to do Bastilla.
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster:
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    Show your inventroy please.
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