Too many new characters... a whole new level of grind



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    I also think if they made drop rates better it would help in a lot of this issue. I get to the point of I do my daily missions and then there isn’t much to do. I spend 144 energy for 1 shard
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    Guys, this isn't Pokemon. You don't have to have them all. I personally love more variety, even if they have to be kotor for now...
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    I agree with OP.
    I don't want to collect them all, but I can't remain competitive without grinding the new releases. Hopelessly behind already, and now more marquees that will undoubtedly be required for Darth Revan. Wasting my time on the farm ...

    ... preparing for Revan's return but that won't matter anyway because he will be passe by that time.

    ... preparing for Chewie's return to get that seventh star

    ... still need Sion's last 3 stars

    So far behind at this point that I have the ewoks on the slow-build plan on the unfounded hope that they will somehow put me ahead of the meta should Threepio make an appearance ... but he will likely be a disappointment if he does.

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    komji15 wrote: »
    Well I think making new chatacters’ speed is not a problem.
    But I think we need more contents like Hoth TB, or Jakku TW for lots of characters who cannot be used on arena or raids.
    Such as New TB based on Clone wars or New raid... or... Fleet Raid after launching more fleets.

    A new TB or TW would be fine...but keep in mind, it would still just be a TB or TW. Yeah, it will seem new and novel and interesting for the first few times and then people will be bored of it. Same goes for raids. Once the mechanics are understood, it's no longer fun gameplay and just becomes a grind to complete the heroic level and then just a repetitive grind for rewards after that. I would be more interested in different game modes like the Grand Arena being added or a fleet raid, as you suggested.
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    Boov wrote: »
    Quite a few of the new characters are easily ignored, so i don't necessarily see it as a problem at the moment. To be honest, i've got more characters at atleast g11 than i would have ever thought possible (slightly more than half of the total amount of toons ingame).

    This has changed. Look at what happened with the old republic characters, two were good three weren't, but if you didn't pay for all five you were screwed out of revan. so they were all important for one thing.
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    I agree with OP.
    I don't want to collect them all, but I can't remain competitive without grinding the new releases. Hopelessly behind already, and now more marquees that will undoubtedly be required for Darth Revan. Wasting my time on the farm ...

    ... preparing for Revan's return but that won't matter anyway because he will be passe by that time.

    ... preparing for Chewie's return to get that seventh star

    ... still need Sion's last 3 stars

    So far behind at this point that I have the ewoks on the slow-build plan on the unfounded hope that they will somehow put me ahead of the meta should Threepio make an appearance ... but he will likely be a disappointment if he does.


    I'm with you. I've been playing for a year. Just got done farming veterans - catch up on BH, didn't finish that - farm Old Republic - wait, now there's new characters that I probably need and have never heard of...

    Meanwhile a guild with only 2 Revan squads was unbeatable for us in our last TW because we didn't have the whales.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    I think the point about toons becoming obsolete before the majority of players unlock or gear them is the big problem.

    There's no incentive to do this unless your a whale with stupid money to spend. Revan is a prime example - rinse the community for money, let the whales have a play and feel special, then release Darth Revan who is extra meta.

    If you aren't a whale, farm what you like. Only money is good around here anymore. Wasn't like that at the start and that's the biggest shame :( . It's not p2p/f2p - it's p2w or struggle along
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    Mirkraag wrote: »
    Smapty wrote: »
    Jeffrome wrote: »
    I disagree. I hear where you’re coming from, but I disagree. If you want to stay on top in arena, then you have to stay ahead of the meta... but with more characters released, all the old characters are still relevant in many areas of the game and new characters become relevant in other areas as well. There will always be whales and there will always be F2P. But if they stopped releasing characters somewhat often... everyone would eventually catch up.

    If you didn’t invest in Revan then you are F’d in arena currently....

    Sure some teams can beat them...

    sometimes... 😬

    But that’s the current “meta”...

    If you don’t invest in the next ridiculous character to replace Revan as the top dog... then you are going to fall behind again

    But who’s that going to be?

    Darth Revan? Reworked Tuskans?

    Other factions are surely great in some other aspects of the game... scoundrels, BH, droids, etc...

    But are they worth the investment? (god I hope so... since mine are all awesome :)

    If you didn't invest in Revan you are also F'd in territory wars...

    Heck-I’m in a 125M GP hSTR guild. In our most recent TW we came across a Revan squad that took us nearly 10 attempts to topple. Revan alone had 300+ speed. But we still beat him with F2P toons. Had to apply some strategy with Bastilla and then allow the timer to run out so he could not be respawned by Bindo. Then the rest of the squad eventually fell.

    In the same TW we later encountered a stand alone zzzCLS which took use 13 attempts to take down. Revan may be all powerful for now, but f2p is stay capable of holding its own. Just wait for the next time Revan comes around.....we’ll see a ton more Revan walls in TW.

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    Meanwhile a guild with only 2 Revan squads was unbeatable for us in our last TW because we didn't have the whales.

    I think we might've fought you. We had a single Revan squad rack up 22 (!) wins on defense.
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    OP, I feel just as you do. However, the business model is about creating frustration and a craving that can never be permanently satisfied. And since people pay more every time they push the limit, it will get worse.
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    I totally agree with the OP, and the worst grind is not farming the toons themselves, it is trying to gear them (or even a handful of them) up to a level where they will actually be useful. Also the inflated rate which they have been releasing new toons lately removes a lot of the fun and excitement with having new areivels, even when it is a character you really like lore-wise.

    There are other ways to renew the game and raise the bar other than just flooding us with new characters.
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    I started playing in July of this year (5 months). I'm 2,030k GP. I invested a bit at the start knowing that it was a resource securing game. Once I got to rank 1/1 I have mostly been able to coast without spending tons off the free 1200 daily crystals.

    I don't have all the characters and have struggled to get some up when I felt I needed them. That should be fine and normal I think.

    For starters, new characters is the best way to keep the game fresh for players new and old. It's also the best business model for making money. The important thing I think is that not all characters need to be META. You get exceptions like both Bastilas, but in general most Marquees shouldn't become required characters. In fact, not all legendaries should either. I think Chewy was a perfect example of a release done well. He is an iconic character and a legendary, but he doesn't break the game. He shows up all over in PvP in tons of factions, not just Rebels, but he isn't META for PvP or required for raids. That's fine... someone desirable but not necessary... something people will want to spend for without punishing those who dont.

    That being said, I think it's also important for them to make a good business. Revan-powered characters are acceptable for this. However, if day there should be no more than 2 of these per year. If you want people to heavily invest in something, he should not only be META for a long time but also primary when it rolls back around some 3 months later. I do think Revan should have been delayed another 2 to 3 weeks, but at the same time what they did limited the quantity of people effected on different servers. If they delayed Revan, and twice as many people got him, then that's twice as many revans players who dont invest USD can t beat. After the fact, I think this was a good idea to rush out Revan to prevent the number of them from being too dominating to dolphins who didn't want to whale.

    I am concerned about the current marquees. Mot for them specifically, as I think they are ok to average characters that are *necessary* but they clearly are setting up for Darth Malak or Darth Revan. If that's the case I'll find it hard to believe that isn't the new META when you slap them on a Traya team. If that happens I think it's a mistake. Revan needs more time than just until February. That investment needs more than a 3 month payout. Plus community is still sick of a full year of Sith META.

    tl;dr New characters are great, not all characters need to be OP and/or "required", don't obsolete high investments too quickly.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Stokat wrote: »
    I totally agree with the OP, and the worst grind is not farming the toons themselves, it is trying to gear them (or even a handful of them) up to a level where they will actually be useful. Also the inflated rate which they have been releasing new toons lately removes a lot of the fun and excitement with having new areivels, even when it is a character you really like lore-wise.

    There are other ways to renew the game and raise the bar other than just flooding us with new characters.

    Yeah, and we don't even have energy for gear farming because of all the hard node characters. Really, reviving the stores is the only way out of this mess, but I don't believe it's ever gonna happen...
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    ottomaddux wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Quite a few of the new characters are easily ignored, so i don't necessarily see it as a problem at the moment. To be honest, i've got more characters at atleast g11 than i would have ever thought possible (slightly more than half of the total amount of toons ingame).

    This has changed. Look at what happened with the old republic characters, two were good three weren't, but if you didn't pay for all five you were screwed out of revan. so they were all important for one thing.

    That isn't a recent change, looking at phoenix and the vets etc.
    I also wasn't refering to those characters, but to characters like ordo, jango, NS spirit, young lando, visas, holdo etc etc. While some of them are pretty solid, it's not like you really need them in order to do great in any game mode.
  • Boov
    604 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Stokat wrote: »
    I totally agree with the OP, and the worst grind is not farming the toons themselves, it is trying to gear them (or even a handful of them) up to a level where they will actually be useful. Also the inflated rate which they have been releasing new toons lately removes a lot of the fun and excitement with having new areivels, even when it is a character you really like lore-wise.

    There are other ways to renew the game and raise the bar other than just flooding us with new characters.

    Yeah, and we don't even have energy for gear farming because of all the hard node characters. Really, reviving the stores is the only way out of this mess, but I don't believe it's ever gonna happen...

    To be fair, we're able to get our hands on quite a bit of gear from the various shops nowadays. Not having much energy left for gear farming isn't that bad because of that imo.
    (i still really dislike single hard node farms though)
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    SebPovic wrote: »
    Correct me if Im wrong, but actually the entry barrier for new players keep rising. Surely they will be able to skip Palp/Traya meta and catch up a bit. Yet the burden in farming phönix, FO, CLS, Vets and Vets 2.0 to get the needed toons for many game modes is adding up. Adding new meta-defining characters every few months can be overwhelming for some.

    Speaking as a relatively new player, it doesn't really make a difference to me if there are a total of 150 or 165 characters. I know which ones I need or want to farm right now and which teams are next. Everything else is a distant future option. If anything, I'd say the more, the merrier. After all, I want this game to keep me busy for a long time to come.

  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    I disagree. you don't have to buy everything, I sure the hell don't, I spend on what interests me and medium interest I may start farming early from shipments for crystals. yes I got revan, I still see the same names in top of arena some that got revan and some that didn't, the ones that didn't still get top ranks as before.
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