Christmas wish list for SWGOH?



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    -Both Training Droid and Credit Heists for 7 straight days
    -7 straight days where Guild Store, Cantina Store, and GW Store has completely different random Toons to buy after each refresh, after the 7 days, go back to what we have today.
    -Squad Management screen, outside of pre-battle set-up
    -Mods counter, how many unassigned Mods till inventory is full
    -added small amounts of Crystals to Bronzium pulls
    -put a Toon or ship in Cantina 2-C & 2-E; Fleet Battles 1-B & 2-E & 4-C. Nodes shouldn't be empty.
    -add an extra 0 at the end of Credit amounts from Bronzium pulls (300 to 3000, 500 to 5,000, 1,000 to 10,000)
    -in the Squad Arena Store, replace CUP, Ugnaught, Greedo, Nute Gunray, and Eeth Koth with useful Toons

    Honestly, I don't think some are too unreasonable to ask for.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    Logray and paploo showing up in guild store more than once a week. All I ask.
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius. My SWGOH.GG Profile:
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    How about a shard pack in the store that allows you to buy x shards for x $? Like a selector shard pack that you can choose any character other than the obvious ie: no legendary raid or journey characters. Like 100 shards of your choice for $99.99 or something like that...
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    Jedi Luke so I can move on.
    Thank you
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    Roahn wrote: »
    So here's my Christmas wish list for SWGOH:
    Remodel the cantina background where the holotables are.
    Revamp the lightside and dark side missions to be more story driven.
    Add KOTOR missions to the missions holotable and have them story driven as well
    Refresh the toons in all the stores please.
    Lastly please add a new raid that in corporates ground battles and ship battles. So phase 1 and 3 ground battles and phase 2 and 4 ship battles or vise versa.
    Ps. Can we have 1 more double drop weekend before the JKR legendary event returns.

    Fix broken things before adding new things that we already don't have time to finish. Don't make new things 3 days long...
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    “Next” Button. For tb, tw, and ga. Same payout times but. Just the ability to CHOOSE to go to the next stage or not.
  • JuliusSkywalker
    509 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    We got a "Troop administration" and why we can't get a "Fleet administration"? Because SWGoH will release much more ships for us.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    Allow me to SELL some of these SIM TICKETS.... also selling inventory parts again would be nice.
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    How about the option to turn my hundreds of extra gear parts i will never use for credits or trade them like 10 for 1 of another part i need?

    They removed that feature.
  • Ultra
    11554 posts Moderator
    Can we get a weekly shipment that is full of gear that can be bought using just credits?

    k thnx
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    A b1 battle droid
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    Grievous rework. Oh wait, that was last Christmas.
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    - Mace Windu
    (- General Grievous maybe got this)
    - Ahsoka Tano
    - Jedi Knight Anakin
    - Clone troopers
    - Separatists incl. their Battle Droids
    - Qui-Gon Jinn

    Zeta ability needed:
    - Admiral Ackbar
    - Mace Windu

    - Increase max energy saving from 144 to 150 for max level player (level 85)
    - more normal and hard nodes for light and dark side battles
    - 9th node for Cantina Battles
    - more new shards for characters offer for Galactic War Store
    - more new shards for characters offer for Cantina Battle Store
    - more new shards for characters offer for Arena Battle Store
    - more new background music
    - more new background maps
    - more new challanges
    - balance ally points!

    Releasing more characters, look here:

    THIS!!! I don't really need new characters if i get all this to be totally honest. Maybe a zeta on Anakin as well.
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    My wish list...

    1. Add Tier VI to the Gear Challenge mode...TAC Challenge is completely useless and a new tier would help mitigate the ever-expanding gear crunch.

    2. Remove 4-dot mods from the store and add six dot mods...who’s buying 4 dot mods?!

    3. More PVE content...I get that PVP pays the bills, but we’re due for new levels for hard nodes and cantina (and hopefully not just to support a level cap increase).

    4. Better payouts for heroic raids...specifically talking Rancor and HAAT, but these awards are increasingly becoming useless. I have hundreds and hundreds of Mk 5 Furnace Salvage and Mk 4 Holo Projectors, which of course means nothing without the other purple gear needed to make those pieces whole...also what does “best” “great” and “good” mean regarding chances for a full piece? I can’t seem to identify any correlation to where I finish in a 3 just means you get a whole lot more salvage. 😄

    5. Throw us a bone. Reward players with a random free high end purple gear piece once in a while; gift 5 omega mats even now and then without having a particular reason; what about double drops on one random day every month?! IMO, these type of awards would do little to upset the balance of the game, but could reinvigorate the player base and encourage additional spending...sometimes the grind is so punishing - give the players an energizing boost.

    Thanks for an amazing game.
    Merry Christmas, Holotable Heroes!
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    Make JKA the beast he should be. A new raid in the Genosian arena. You get Padme shards on Heroic.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    A new raid.

    One that's fun.
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    A new raid.

    One that's fun.

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    Gair wrote: »
    Slave leia, clothing optional.

    You must be 13 years old especially if you get off on some sort of pixelated character
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    Jabba Raid
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    I would be happy with a store rest too. After three years I have all of those and am tired of just collecting shards. Put in some different toons even a Urerorrrr would be better than now
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    Sev74907 wrote: »
    Gair wrote: »
    Slave leia, clothing optional.

    You must be 13 years old especially if you get off on some sort of pixelated character

    Hear, hear. The fact that that comment got 6 likes is depressing.
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    Id like a mod counter also.
    Switch up the stores, maybe? Just a little?
    Zeta battle similar to omegas battles.
    Maybe some new battles?
    At this point I’ll take anything over a new marquee or hero’s journey that need characters I don’t have lol
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    We got a "Troop administration" and why we can't get a "Fleet administration"? Because SWGoH will release much more ships for us in future.
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