Grand Arena Megathread


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    Ugnaught wrote: »
    You can have the other players roster visible and still get rid of the join phase.
    Those things are not mutually exclusive.
    Its like some people don't understand what others have issues with. Attacking a few teams 3 days out of 7 is simply way to slow and not fun.

    The people who are concerned about the strategy of checking another persons roster completely miss the point...

    Someone had suggested setting defense during the join phase. You wouldn’t know your opponent yet if that was the case.
  • Ugnaught
    481 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Ugnaught wrote: »
    You can have the other players roster visible and still get rid of the join phase.
    Those things are not mutually exclusive.
    Its like some people don't understand what others have issues with. Attacking a few teams 3 days out of 7 is simply way to slow and not fun.

    The people who are concerned about the strategy of checking another persons roster completely miss the point...

    Someone had suggested setting defense during the join phase. You wouldn’t know your opponent yet if that was the case.

    We are spitballing ideas to improve the slowness. That person was me...

    If they do end up auto-filling the D slots like I think they are going to do to fix the problem of people not setting them. You can get rid of the join phase completely, auto join everyone and people will still be able to check their opponents rosters during the D phase. No need for a join phase. ( maybe they limit it to only people who have logged in the last 24 hours?...specifics would have to be determined). The auto-set D teams would also act as recommendations for newer players that could then be switched out.

    That was only one of the suggestions. Understand the point of what is being discussed. Even better, offer alternative solutions.
    Other solutions mentioned were about shortening the time of all phases or shortening the time of the non-attack phases.

    We are spitballing ideas that are solutions to only actually fighting 3 out of 7 (8 counting review) days. Its fine if you disagree but at least understand the problem some of us have with the implementation.

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    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I enjoyed this preview match-up and the strategy was different than any other mode. In TW, I can hold off with a lower team until my guild-mates have cleared the territory and I can take out a lower squad. No one else to lean on in GA, which is kind of fun. My 6 cents:

    1. Yes, it takes a long time. So does every other thing in this game and for good reason. "Patience you must have, my young padawan."
    2. 24 join period gripes - how does this change anything? If they are going to have 2 GAs a month or whatever it ends up being, it is still just 2 GAs. Removing the 24 hours prior doesn't change how many you do, it just allows people with busy lives to participate fully and others who like to strategize get their nerd on. Just hit join and move on like it wasn't there until the next day.
    2. The rewards weren't great, but this also wasn't a full GA and I expect rewards to improve once we get into an 8 person bracket. Also, whatever the rewards, they are better than this mode not existing.
    3. I know I will not win every single match I play and I am fine with that, that is how life works. 50% of the player base will lose every time they have a round of matches, no way around that so get ready to win some and lose some.
    4. You might have had a bad match-up this time, but that will not always be the case.
    5. No ships - I would be in favor of only using character GP in events where only characters are used and using full GP when characters and ships are being used. Shouldn't be hard to implement, but we also haven't seen a full GA round yet so who knows how ships are involved.
    6. "GA is going to ruin the game" - can you not just ignore the icon and move on with your game-playing as if it didn't exist?
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    Ugnaught wrote: »
    We are spitballing ideas that are solutions to only actually fighting 3 out of 7 (8 counting review) days. Its fine if you disagree but at least understand the problem some of us have with the implementation.

    If GA was the only thing to do in the game then sure.

    There's plenty of other things going on too.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ok for those complaining that ga is too slow.

    When they first announced it there were complaints that it would be a huge time sink. Obviously that isn't the case. But if you cram it all into a shorter period of time, then it starts interfering with arena climbs, raids, and real life for some people.

    The reason they give you 24 hrs is so you can do your battles at your convenience. That is also the reasons most pve events run 24 hrs.

    If they didn't have the 24 hrs to do each phase, there would be as many or more complaints about how the times don't work for some or that they are cramming too much in a short window of time.

    So just realize that no matter what they do for this some will complain that it is too much of a time sink while others complain that it isn't enough content. And the answer to that remains to be seen. Depends on how often it rums. Personally, I think weekly along with tw and tb would be fine since I can find time to do both. But we shall see. Depending on the amount of other events running, there is still plenty to do especially for newer players that struggle with some pve content. I can auto most events so I'm all for sim buttons for those and more harder content but that isn't the case for everyone and I understand they have to find a balance.

    So I suggest picking what is worth complaining about. In my opinion, a join period being there isn't complain worthy.

  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Ugnaught wrote: »
    Ugnaught wrote: »
    You can have the other players roster visible and still get rid of the join phase.
    Those things are not mutually exclusive.
    Its like some people don't understand what others have issues with. Attacking a few teams 3 days out of 7 is simply way to slow and not fun.

    The people who are concerned about the strategy of checking another persons roster completely miss the point...

    Someone had suggested setting defense during the join phase. You wouldn’t know your opponent yet if that was the case.

    We are spitballing ideas to improve the slowness. That person was me...

    If they do end up auto-filling the D slots like I think they are going to do to fix the problem of people not setting them. You can get rid of the join phase completely, auto join everyone and people will still be able to check their opponents rosters during the D phase. No need for a join phase. ( maybe they limit it to only people who have logged in the last 24 hours?...specifics would have to be determined). The auto-set D teams would also act as recommendations for newer players that could then be switched out.

    That was only one of the suggestions. Understand the point of what is being discussed. Even better, offer alternative solutions.
    Other solutions mentioned were about shortening the time of all phases or shortening the time of the non-attack phases.

    We are spitballing ideas that are solutions to only actually fighting 3 out of 7 (8 counting review) days. Its fine if you disagree but at least understand the problem some of us have with the implementation.

    If they auto join everyone you’re going to have a lot more inactivity because that will include people that aren’t even playing the game anymore. That isn’t going to result in a better experience.

    If they match after defense setting then you can’t see your opponent’s roster when setting defenses.

    The reason we don’t understand your issue is that how many days of a week you are fighting GA isn’t actually a problem. They aren’t going to run it continually, so changing the amount of time one round of it takes doesn’t mean they are going to have them more frequently.

    They aren’t going to make it so that you get to fight GA matches every 15 minutes just like they aren’t going to give you a credit heist every day or let you launch Heroic Sith 7 times a week. That’s not how this game operates. If they’re going to run GA twice a month, say, it really doesn’t matter if your 20 minutes of activity per round over 6 rounds a month can be done in two consecutive hours or is spread over two separate weeks. It’s still only going to be two hours total for the month.
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    Ok for those complaining that ga is too slow.

    When they first announced it there were complaints that it would be a huge time sink. Obviously that isn't the case. But if you cram it all into a shorter period of time, then it starts interfering with arena climbs, raids, and real life for some people.

    The reason they give you 24 hrs is so you can do your battles at your convenience. That is also the reasons most pve events run 24 hrs.

    If they didn't have the 24 hrs to do each phase, there would be as many or more complaints about how the times don't work for some or that they are cramming too much in a short window of time.

    So just realize that no matter what they do for this some will complain that it is too much of a time sink while others complain that it isn't enough content. And the answer to that remains to be seen. Depends on how often it rums. Personally, I think weekly along with tw and tb would be fine since I can find time to do both. But we shall see. Depending on the amount of other events running, there is still plenty to do especially for newer players that struggle with some pve content. I can auto most events so I'm all for sim buttons for those and more harder content but that isn't the case for everyone and I understand they have to find a balance.

    So I suggest picking what is worth complaining about. In my opinion, a join period being there isn't complain worthy.

    This exactly and “there will always be complaints” no matter what they give us.
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    @Citadel_of_Ricks I'll address your points specifically.
    1) If you think this takes a long time you must not have played 1st gen mmos during their prime. The whole game is designed around playing in only a few minute chunks. That's the issue. Playing a few, few minute chunks over a period of 10000+ minutes is not fun. It's not about how long it takes. It's about the pacing and the way it has been implemented.
    2)Three fold. 1:Again, about pacing. You can still have plenty of time to strategize. 2: The amount of time it takes to play this game is not excessive. Not having time to play is not a valid argument. 3: With the shortening of the down time that does potentially create space for more GAs (or other events).

    Your number 2(3)-6 don't have anything to do with what is being discussed. Its not about rewards or matchups etc. My matchups were incredibly easy but that is not the topic being addressed. It's not about the total amount of time it takes. It's about it being boring because it is filled with delays that could be shortened.
    I do enjoy the idea behind GA. But the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.
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    Ok, I love the concept of the Grand Arena. The potential is amazing, where strategy is what will drive us to victory, not our wallets.

    However there is an issue I find with the matchmaking. I know it's been brought up before, but I'll also offer a solution.

    Matchmaking based off of the pure galactic power of players is not fair. In my case, I was matched with someone of nearly equal galactic power, except he had 57 Gear 11 and 12 characters while I have 14. I know, the way he built is roster is a more competitive roster for this game mode, grand arena and TW. I am trying to build my roster to be more tall than wide, gearing more characters to gear 12 than having a huge roster. That is something I can work on and plan to work on. However that doesn't fix the actual issue.

    First off, this preliminary match up did not include fleet battles, yet our fleet powers were calculated into this mix. My fleet is a lot stronger than the average player, so it wasn't fair for me to have my fleet galactic power calculated into the matchmaking when I couldn't even use them in combat. If there is a grand arena match up, it should be based on how many units can be used.

    Second, a nice part about the matchmaking for TW is that your characters that are 6k and under are not factored into the matchmaking portion. That isn't the case in grand arena. That way the penalty of me having half my roster at gear 1, level 1, 7* for territory battle platoon purposes isn't held against me.

    third, I feel that galactic power should be reformated. We have an issue where the galactic power gives you several thousands for a character to reach 7*, even though we all know that they are incredible weak at 7*, level 1, gear 1. I think that we should reduce the amount of glactic power given from star level and even character level (being at level 85 or not) and increase the amount of galactic power based on gear level. Gear level and ability levels are the most important factor.
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    more stupidity ...

    never joined, never participated, never will ... but yet I 'lost'.

    How can one loose at something they never participated in? Stupid programming logic.

    Stop making this GA **** forced participation. I kinda feel bad for the person who gets paired up with me and who really wants to participate. They probably want to duke it out, have a glorious battle. It ain't happening. I will give you nothing to fight, no defense, no offense, you win by doing nothing. I loose by nothing nothing. Dumbest crap ever, and there's an entire holotable devoted to it.
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    I liked it :) I hope we had more way to play it :)
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    RussianSKS wrote: »
    more stupidity ...

    never joined, never participated, never will ... but yet I 'lost'.

    How can one loose at something they never participated in? Stupid programming logic.

    Stop making this GA ****. forced participation. I kinda feel bad for the person who gets paired up with me and who really wants to participate. They probably want to duke it out, have a glorious battle. It ain't happening. I will give you nothing to fight, no defense, no offense, you win by doing nothing. I loose by nothing nothing. Dumbest crap ever, and there's an entire holotable devoted to it.

    The good news is that you can avoid it by not joining future events. Resist the temptation to join. And if you had read any of the threads about GA, you would already know this one was supposed to be the 2nd tutorial. Future events are supposed to require a join action to be involved.

    I liked both events, even though my last opponent decided to not set any defenses.

    My guild focuses on building squads that accomplish things in the game, and we have done well. I think everyone in my guild likes it. This event is almost tailored for our play style. I knocked out most of my opponents in the shortened first event, and would have taken them all if the timer wasn't cut short. I can only do so much in 5 minutes.
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    So @CG_SBCrumb is the latest iteration of GA that just started still exhibition or is it now season #1, and can we have some details on requirements at this stage please
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    Wrathor wrote: »
    So @CG_SBCrumb is the latest iteration of GA that just started still exhibition or is it now season #1, and can we have some details on requirements at this stage please

    8 players and will include ships. You can see by entering the event. Rewards this time is a bunch of stun cuffs and some mod salvage.
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    The only way to please everyone with GA match making is to match everyone against a much weaker team. Get on it devs!
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    Acymetric wrote: »
    Wrathor wrote: »
    So @CG_SBCrumb is the latest iteration of GA that just started still exhibition or is it now season #1, and can we have some details on requirements at this stage please

    8 players and will include ships. You can see by entering the event. Rewards this time is a bunch of stun cuffs and some mod salvage.

    How many teams will we have to place. Is it the same as the exhibition. How many fleets and how many squads.
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    Naraic wrote: »
    Acymetric wrote: »
    Wrathor wrote: »
    So @CG_SBCrumb is the latest iteration of GA that just started still exhibition or is it now season #1, and can we have some details on requirements at this stage please

    8 players and will include ships. You can see by entering the event. Rewards this time is a bunch of stun cuffs and some mod salvage.

    How many teams will we have to place. Is it the same as the exhibition. How many fleets and how many squads.

    You don't know that until the matchups are set, because it depends on the GP of the people you are matched against. Can vary from event to event.
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    i dont like how they are forcing grand upon us with the flawed matchmaking and all the issues. the rewards of the whole thing no matter where i place will leave a sour taste in my mouth even if i place first because the matchmaking process decides the majority of the final rankings before the battle even started.

    they couldnt even take time and fix the grand arena from the flawed exhibition before pushing out one with rewards.

    hopefully grand arena isnt something that happens often is a one time thing because this part of the game really is the worst part of the game.
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    i dont like how they are forcing grand upon us with the flawed matchmaking and all the issues. the rewards of the whole thing no matter where i place will leave a sour taste in my mouth even if i place first because the matchmaking process decides the majority of the final rankings before the battle even started.

    they couldnt even take time and fix the grand arena from the flawed exhibition before pushing out one with rewards.

    hopefully grand arena isnt something that happens often is a one time thing because this part of the game really is the worst part of the game.
    People say TW matchmaking is flawed and are now complaining about not enough TWs

    Since the rewards will taste sour regardless of placing, you can just not join and play

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    I need everyone to not set defense so I can claim my 90 stun cuffs. Thanks in advance
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    the tie breaker is a joke.

    Most GP wins.

    Whoever made that call should be ashamed and embarrassed.
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    Mikayas wrote: »
    the tie breaker is a joke.

    Most GP wins.

    Whoever made that call should be ashamed and embarrassed.

    You have options, as does everyone. I'm ok with the tiebreaker, even though I was lower in GP on both. Just means that I'll have to win, to actually win. Not just tie.

    And realistically, the chances of a tie, are pretty slim with the details about health and protection adding points.
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    FolsomTony wrote: »
    Mikayas wrote: »
    the tie breaker is a joke.

    Most GP wins.

    Whoever made that call should be ashamed and embarrassed.

    You have options, as does everyone. I'm ok with the tiebreaker, even though I was lower in GP on both. Just means that I'll have to win, to actually win. Not just tie.

    And realistically, the chances of a tie, are pretty slim with the details about health and protection adding points.

    Actually, I won't have any "options" if a match is tied. If your suggestion is to "just win," then you are missing the point. Obviously that would preclude the tie-breaking measure from taking effect. However, in the very rare case it would set in, it makes no sense to use something that is arbitrary but not random. The higher GP even has the advantage from the start, so why would you reward the person beginning with a slight edge in the event of a tie? The answer is simply that the devs didn't care to think that far through. It's indefensible on any rational basis.
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    So how are places done? Is it an actual bracket tournament? For example, if I lose my first match am I in a losers bracket and playing for 5th place at best after that?
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    So how are places done? Is it an actual bracket tournament? For example, if I lose my first match am I in a losers bracket and playing for 5th place at best after that?

    It is single elimination, yes.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Heh, stun cuffs.

    90 for winning

    10 for coming last.

    Also so many slicing mats that the nodes are now pointless to hit if you doing well in this, which is pretty nice. More Six dot mods for winners ie. the people putting in the effort.

    Had hoped for at least one zeta mat or a new currency shop myself :)

    So I guess coming last entails you losing three matches in a row. losing the first 2 and winning the last one means seventh and so on? Winning all three means you've come first? Seems like the real fights will happen for people who win the first round... and the second round (since some first round wins will be against 0 defence). The third round fights are going to be the best.

    Though its not too bad to lose the first round on purpose, sure you get less stuff but really easy to beat the next 2. in the end it will be free stuff for a tiny amount of effort.
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    Preview Phase needs to be cut out altogether.
    24 hrs preview
    24 hours defense set up
    24 hour offensive strike
    24 hour review
    24 hour defense set up
    24 hour offensive strike
    24 hour review
    24 hour defensive set up
    24 hour offensive strike
    24 hour review and receive rewards
    That’s 10 days to do at the most 3 opponents. Time needs to be cut. If I have this figured wrong then please let me know. To me it’s going to cut the joy out of this arena just because it’s drug out through way to many days.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Ok for those complaining that ga is too slow.

    When they first announced it there were complaints that it would be a huge time sink. Obviously that isn't the case. But if you cram it all into a shorter period of time, then it starts interfering with arena climbs, raids, and real life for some people.

    The reason they give you 24 hrs is so you can do your battles at your convenience. That is also the reasons most pve events run 24 hrs.

    If they didn't have the 24 hrs to do each phase, there would be as many or more complaints about how the times don't work for some or that they are cramming too much in a short window of time.

    So just realize that no matter what they do for this some will complain that it is too much of a time sink while others complain that it isn't enough content. And the answer to that remains to be seen. Depends on how often it rums. Personally, I think weekly along with tw and tb would be fine since I can find time to do both. But we shall see. Depending on the amount of other events running, there is still plenty to do especially for newer players that struggle with some pve content. I can auto most events so I'm all for sim buttons for those and more harder content but that isn't the case for everyone and I understand they have to find a balance.

    So I suggest picking what is worth complaining about. In my opinion, a join period being there isn't complain worthy.

    I agree in theory but if 90 seconds of setting D thows you off then only having 10 min a day to play should not hurt pppl who have more min a day to play

    Edit im drunk major drunk posting now but your lack of time should not affect others non lack of time
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    Heh, stun cuffs.

    90 for winning

    10 for coming last.

    Also so many slicing mats that the nodes are now pointless to hit if you doing well in this, which is pretty nice. More Six dot mods for winners ie. the people putting in the effort.

    Had hoped for at least one zeta mat or a new currency shop myself :)

    So I guess coming last entails you losing three matches in a row. losing the first 2 and winning the last one means seventh and so on? Winning all three means you've come first? Seems like the real fights will happen for people who win the first round... and the second round (since some first round wins will be against 0 defence). The third round fights are going to be the best.

    Though its not too bad to lose the first round on purpose, sure you get less stuff but really easy to beat the next 2. in the end it will be free stuff for a tiny amount of effort.

    So more for you less for others so you can rule right ???? Ok
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    Heh, stun cuffs.

    90 for winning

    10 for coming last.

    Also so many slicing mats that the nodes are now pointless to hit if you doing well in this, which is pretty nice. More Six dot mods for winners ie. the people putting in the effort.

    Had hoped for at least one zeta mat or a new currency shop myself :)

    So I guess coming last entails you losing three matches in a row. losing the first 2 and winning the last one means seventh and so on? Winning all three means you've come first? Seems like the real fights will happen for people who win the first round... and the second round (since some first round wins will be against 0 defence). The third round fights are going to be the best.

    Though its not too bad to lose the first round on purpose, sure you get less stuff but really easy to beat the next 2. in the end it will be free stuff for a tiny amount of effort.
    Gorem wrote: »
    Heh, stun cuffs.

    90 for winning

    10 for coming last.

    Also so many slicing mats that the nodes are now pointless to hit if you doing well in this, which is pretty nice. More Six dot mods for winners ie. the people putting in the effort.

    Had hoped for at least one zeta mat or a new currency shop myself :)

    So I guess coming last entails you losing three matches in a row. losing the first 2 and winning the last one means seventh and so on? Winning all three means you've come first? Seems like the real fights will happen for people who win the first round... and the second round (since some first round wins will be against 0 defence). The third round fights are going to be the best.

    Though its not too bad to lose the first round on purpose, sure you get less stuff but really easy to beat the next 2. in the end it will be free stuff for a tiny amount of effort.

    Yor acting like 1000+ guild currency is NOTHING you say its not enough fo winninh.... thats a whole raid + really ????
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