Guild bank.. share bank

Rather than donating the way things currently are, could we get a guild bank?? Maybe a way to donate character or ship shards to actually help the guild? I know we can turn them in for gear, but raid progress could be boosted if say the entire guild could farm extra nightsister shards for someone who focused on bounty hunters. Just a thought..


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    I do feel the gear shar feature needs an overhaul or just scrapping. Early game it’s useful but now everyone wants the same 3/4 items anyway
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    CG would never be interested in this. Farming toons is the biggest grind in this game they aren't going to just let guildmates donate toon shards cutting down farm time(cutting into money they can make)
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    Shard sharing would be awesome. It'd be nice if those that have 7 star traya could trade shards of her for stuff they need.

    Or at the very least make shards of characters that are difficult to obtain worth more shard shop currency than ones that are easy to get. 10 extra traya shards or 10 hard node shards should be worth more than 10 sniw trooper shards you get from a free bronzium.
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    It would be great, kind of like in world of warcraft guild bank(not sure if it still there)

    But it won’t happen because a guild can basically power “level” a relatively new account and it will in turn dominate arena and probably other places. Or power up other guild members quickly. A few whales can easily take another 5-10 players to a whole new level and it will just create extreme disbalance.

    Somewhat of a limited guild bank would be great. Max certain amount of gear/shards a day.
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    This has come up before but one of the issues is people sharing things with themselves. While it may seem harmless, it allows someone to make a brand new account, get on a young shard and then get a whole bunch of things shared with them so they jump far far ahead.
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    Yes, I get that. However, if I'm spending 70 dollars for an ewok pack for 2 toons, I'd like to give the ones I dont need to someone that needs them. It's one of the reasons I'm hesitant on buying faction packs.
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    Going from literally every MMO ever with such a feature it opens up a lot of "join and loot" opportunities.
    Hey, it's still better than MSF
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    jejuzang wrote: »
    This has come up before but one of the issues is people sharing things with themselves. While it may seem harmless, it allows someone to make a brand new account, get on a young shard and then get a whole bunch of things shared with them so they jump far far ahead.

    Us old-school MMO dorks refer to this as "twinking"

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