Old Daka, Boba Fett or Poe Dameron

Need to choose one to focus on in the cantina shipments. Already have 3 star Poe Dameron, but see a need for Old Daka as a dark side healer. I haven't been too impressed with Talia.


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    Daka's Rez ability (Serve again) is a pain when coupled with tanks. A tank brought back with 20- 30% health can be a big distraction *especially* in a SA battle where the time limit is part of the game.

    ... Not to mention her long animations. :|

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    if u want go higher stage in dark side battle, should buy Daka
    This world is not of those who have money , nor of those who have power !
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    I keep telling myself I should make a defensive team using
    Old Daka
    Savage Opress
    Luminara Unduli
    Jedi Consular
    But I can never be bothered.

    Anyway, Daka is awesome. One of my favourite heroes. Sometimes she doesn't get much love from me as she isn't as powerful as Luminara for example, but her stun is amazing, her revive is AMAZING and her hp pool is very good for a healer. She isn't squishy at all.

    Definitely get her, you won't regret it.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I would actually recommend Poe, because his taunt has a chance to stick expose on the enemy team for two turns...

    Expose means the next attack takes off 20% of the health of the target on top of the attacks regular damage... This makes him very useful for any AOE team... I'm not too sure on his health though as this ability is a taunt, but he is classed as a tank.

    After seeing the nerf to Obi-wan, and fighting groups with Obi-wan without using mine... I'm finding myself think that ability lock is seriously OVER-RATED... As such I don't think Boba brings that much to the table..

    Old Daka is kinda useful for the galactic war and pve stuff... Although I'm not sold on her use in the Arena, as she dies rather quick... Her stun is nice though

    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
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    I'm currently weighing this exact question. Any other comments?
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I unlocked Boba, got him to 5*, and I rarely use him. He's not bad, but he's not great, and his small buff didn't matter because he still does little damage and is slow as a slug.
    Old Daka I am working on. Even though I don't really like her, I think she'll be needed for dark side missions, and I want to play with a stun team.
    Fives is someone I have thought about. He can be a real pain as an opponent with all his counter-attacks and slows. But at the same time, he's more of a nuisance than a threat.
    Poe is a wildcard, I honestly have no idea how good he is.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    You see a need for Old Daka as a dark side healer. Ok then?
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I do. She can be borrowed, but it's not always reliable. And I do want to experiment with her stun. It will take probably close to a month until I have her properly leveled, starred and geared, however. Especially if I go after Fives or Poe (which I probably won't because I already have too many good guys I can't use.)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Fighton
    308 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    As it goes for most toons.....there are positives n negs... but what is ur biggest need 3/4wks from now...cause that's roughly how long it'll take u to max out that toon.....will u still need it? Is it part or your big picture? ....I made that mistake with boba LUST... (I was thinking of now, instead of dec24th) so now I have a unlocked boba....n a unlocked daka..n working to max out daka for my nightsisters. ... have a plan and see it thur..or you'll be chasing toons.....n fives is my toon after daka.......as of right now , but I have a few wks to make sure......
  • Time
    293 posts Member
    Old daka can work with many different teams. She is really good with characters that have assist and can be solid basically in any group vs any team. You will never not need stuns, heals and res.
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    Has anyone been able to max out Poe's taunt ability? How potent is it exactly? Could it be resisted by tenacity? Could it be dodged by evasion? What's the percentage for expose to succeed vs the amount of times it has successfully landed on the targets?
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    So been rolling with Poe for a bit now. Working on 4 star him from Cantina tokens. Basically each person you hit with expose loses 20 percent of health next time attacked. Expose doesn't seem to be reduced by any factor in terms of the damage it deals. 65 percent chance to land expose each enemy at level 4 currently even at 7 doesn't go higher but they can also lose 25 percent turn meter at 7. My experience has been it's widely variable how much it lands. Usually at similar level and gear fights in pvp land on 2-3 characters. swapped him in for Chewie at same level and gear he's about the same health and defense but has less resistance. His taunt is actually very solid. Ran into an opponent today in arena who used Poe and exposed like 3 characters needless to say didn't win that fight. Overall would say landing about 2/5 characters on average.
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    I got daka for pve, and am now 70/80 on boba fett. But I'm thinking I may have really missed the boat on Poe Dameron. I've faced him once and got absolutely torn apart. Yes, small sample size, but, theorycrafting it, it just seems that expose is so good that.a team of Poe and 4 strong attackers (you could include luminaria so that you could get some heals without sacrificing much offense) would just devastate most teams very quickly.

    Here's a question for you: does expose work with aoe? If so, a team of Poe and 3 or 4 aoe types should be able to win most arena battles in 2 or 3 turns I would think.

    Any reason why this wouldn't be absolutely devastating?
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    I just got daka 2 nights ago in a 8 pack and I feel her heal is really underwhelming. I was very disappointed. Mayne it's alot better at skill level 6 or 7 but at 4 it stinks.
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    I have been seeing more and more higher level/geared Dakas of late. I was never impressed with her but now I respect her, and am doing my best to rank her myself.

    She can change a fight quick.
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    So who do you replace with daka? JC? Certainly not luminara. I can see it I guess - but you're giving up a couple of things: JC's ability to get to gear level VII (easily) and the ability to get fett or fives from Cantina shipments (at least for a few weeks, assuming you are maxing out daka.

    As a (mostly) FTPer, I have some regrets, but sticking with JC over daka for arena isn't one of them.
  • Time
    293 posts Member
    Lorenzo wrote: »
    So who do you replace with daka? JC? Certainly not luminara. I can see it I guess - but you're giving up a couple of things: JC's ability to get to gear level VII (easily) and the ability to get fett or fives from Cantina shipments (at least for a few weeks, assuming you are maxing out daka.

    As a (mostly) FTPer, I have some regrets, but sticking with JC over daka for arena isn't one of them.

    I'd much rather see jc on my enemies team then old daka. Jc may be easier to star and gear, but any team that runs a heal blocker makes jc way less effective then daka. Jc I usually leave until the end because the heals don't bother me and even at 7* jc does average damage. With daka you need to kill her early otherwise you run the risk of double stuns and res.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Just unlocked Daka and geared her up to purple today. She's not there for her heal, that's a slight bonus and sometimes a waste of her turn. She's there for her stuns and her passive revive.
    I like her. Holding off on Fives and Poe and starring her up. It will take weeks of course. :(
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    If I could start over again, I would choose Daka 1st for her revive, stun and dark side missions.
    God bless~
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    I can tell you from experience Daka is a free kill in the higher echelon of arena on defense. I'm really glad people pass on Boba. Less Boba's in the game means an easier time for me in arena.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Boba is da bomb
  • Time
    293 posts Member
    If you are using Boba it's probably for his leader ability. Otherwise he is a slightly above average hero if only for his tankiness and his aoe. The rest of his kit is unimpressive as there is no team composition where he is a priority to attack and his basic attack ability might be the worst in the game. But man do I avoid Boba led teams.
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    ZarAzi wrote: »
    Has anyone been able to max out Poe's taunt ability? How potent is it exactly? Could it be resisted by tenacity? Could it be dodged by evasion? What's the percentage for expose to succeed vs the amount of times it has successfully landed on the targets?

    Poe is an amazing tank, 25% turn reduce 65% chance to land expose. It is resisted sometimes, but usually it lands on 3 or so people. As with any debuff if their tenacity is high enough it can be resisted. Poe has abnormally high potency at 40% when maxed that lets him expose most people unless you have a tenacity leader like Luke, then you are lucky to get 1 expose.
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    Lorenzo wrote: »
    Here's a question for you: does expose work with aoe?

    Yep. Just tested it out. My experience so far with Poe is that his expose ability is fantastic at lower levels, but as I'm approaching 50 he seems a bit squishy to me.

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    I'm Level 57, gear level 6 on Poe (only 4 star). I have Phasma as leader (5 star). I find that with his and phasmas turn gaining ability combined you can expose a few toons and then focus one or two of the Nasty ones down while they are engaged with Poe (eg Take out dooku, Ray or maul etc) - works best with Sid to stop the healing. Only problem is sometimes you don't want to hit all of the exposed characters - if they have lots of healers or a lot of counter attacks. I usually hit phasmas March get advantage then poes taunt - he usually survives only one turn or a little more ( so no point upgrading his cool down time). But By the time he's dead its usually 4 vs 3 and phasma has assist so Consistently in top 50 in arena. My big mistake has been too much investment in Jawa - good assassin if I can get poes taunt off but sometimes he's dead before then :persevere:
    Trying to swap him out for Luke daka or dooku
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    Ps I have level 5 taunt - don't ever seem to need anymore - always lands on at least 2 or 3 and at least one of these I'm happy to target first. Can AOE but heavy healers will fix quickly. (Level 6 taunt of -1 cool down is useless - see above)
  • rotam
    120 posts Member
    I have daka 6* and is a beast. I just faced a poe team in gw. I killed poe the last one and he could not make any single move in all the battle. Stun, stun, stun and more stuns. Well, yeah, i was lucky with rng, but still, daka is a great toon. Now i dont know if keep farming daka till 7* or start with poe....
  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    Last post was almost 2 month's ago in this thread. I am having trouble deciding which character to continue to 7 star. I have both Old Daka and Poe Dameron. Both are 5 STAR both are gear 8 and both are 5/85 until STAR 6. As far as Abilities goes. Poe has level 3 basic, level 5 special, level 4 leader, and level 5 unique.

    Old Daka I have her abilities up to : level 6 basic, level 5 special, level 3 leader, and level 5 unique.

    So who should I finish first to 7 STARS and max abilities?
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    Poe and RG are the only legitimate tanks right now. One is easier to get than the other and just as effective though in a different manner. Daka is also about the only dark side healer but since they fixed Talia's life steal and there are threads around for borrowing Daka if needed, but most DS missions are completed with pure damage. Stick with those 2 early.

    Boba Fett is like ST Han, can be amazing with very specific combos of chars and that's it. Poe and Daka are good with any composition.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    Old Daka ,
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