Asking as nicely as I can re: ships/troops seperate Ga....

137 posts Member
edited December 2018
Please please please please please please separate ships and troops GA. I hate ships. If I could delete them from my game I would have 2 years ago or however long they came out. I’m a non-revan owner that just lost by one point To a revan owner cuz I took two ship fights and he didn’t. Why did I take two ship fights? Well you’ve played ships. Haha. They are really terrible and so RNG dependant it’s silly. His Thrawn got the one shot off before mine and that was it... for someone minus revan to win the ground section and lose the battle over ships... I personally won’t EVER participate in ANY grand arena that has ships in it again... i worked my butt off to even overcome the huge no revan deficit and was happy til this. I’m sure there’s a large portion of the playerbase that are with me in simply not liking ships. There’s tons and tons of players like me whose arena average is 2 whose ships arena average is 50-100 or even higher. Guys don’t like it. Don’t force it on us. I don’t see any reason the two couldn’t be separate. I’d really like to continue to play Ga but won’t even sign up if I see anything that looks like a ship.

And please I’m not looking for “well it’s a test of your entire roster etc” as an answer. It’s not a test of my entire roster. It’s forcing me to play an aspect that I really don’t like so I have to work on that crap too to stay relevant. Which I won’t.

Again please, I’ve been playing since a month after launch. Probably have missed 600 under 10x, I WANT to play grand arena. Don’t get me wrong. But ships have to be separate. It’s not for everyone. People know this.
Post edited by Your_nerf on


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    Well all you really need is one good squad. You don't even have to gear off meta characters like geonosians if you don't want it.

    Use Thrawn, Vader, Biggs, TFP, Maul, Reaper, Boba and Poe and you can beat pretty much anything.
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    That’s besides the point. I simply don’t like ships. I have ships. I have half decent ships actually. I really want to play grand arena and don’t understand why they can’t be seperate. I have a decent HT etc. But my “deal” is, if I had the option to completely wipe ships and everything they included off my game I would in a heartbeat. Including the store AND ability to buy zetas there. I don’t play it. I don’t want to play it. I have the teams because in TW i want to help my guild, it’s bad enough I have to play ships there.

    I absolutely LOVED the first two that were only ground troops and I couldn’t have been more excited for this game mode.

    After losing today by one point, I’ll never play not one single GA again that has ships
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    I must’ve misspoken if I’d said I don’t have ships. I have a decent ship lineup and geared pilots for the ones I send in when I have to. Our GP’s were really close. Toon and ships. You are right in saying his ship GP is slightly higher than mine and my ground GP slightly higher than his... but 50k or so. He has revan and I don’t, really frustrating to beat stuff that’s better than what I have then lose over ships. I’m really happy to win on ground vs a revan guy. Seriously. But my GP is really close to the 2/3 - 1/3 and for someone who detests ships, I certainly haven’t completely neglected them. I do one ship arena fight a day and stay under 50. That’s how few guys on my ship shard actually even play.

    Seems like it’s for different reasons but happy to see you’d be ok with them seperate as well.. I really hope they go back to seperate. I loved the first two “exhibition” ones and had a blast.
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    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.

    Thanks for carefully reading my original post when I wrote “please don’t tell me it’s a test of whole roster etc”
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    So because you don’t like one aspect of the game, trash it? I happen to enjoy ships. My GA opponents so far have neglected ships. I’m happy because my effort and hard work I put into ships paid off. Your choice to neglect ships is hurting your overall game, not just GA. Have to learn to like it to help the parts of the game you like. Ships are not going away. I don’t like the RNG aspect of ship either, but I adapted and overcame, you should as well.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    So because you don’t like one aspect of the game, trash it? I happen to enjoy ships. My GA opponents so far have neglected ships. I’m happy because my effort and hard work I put into ships paid off. Your choice to neglect ships is hurting your overall game, not just GA. Have to learn to like it to help the parts of the game you like. Ships are not going away. I don’t like the RNG aspect of ship either, but I adapted and overcame, you should as well.

    I HAVENT NEGLECTED SHIPS. I HAVE THEM. I DONT LIKE TO PLAY IT. AND DONT UNDERSTAND THE MECHANICS. Good for you liking ships. You could be the master of your “Ship Grand Arena”. I don’t think I trashed anything either. I said they are RNG dependent and that was the only thing I said besides I don’t like them.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Match me up with OP please.
    I need a new message here.
  • Your_nerf
    137 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Please do. If it has ships I’ll have zero defense.

    I’m done here. @Kyno please delete my forum account. I’ve had my fill of them and it’s never productive.

    Sorry for the simple request guys.
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    Perhaps you don’t like and don’t understand ships is because you don’t play them. If you don’t understand the mechanics, then you have neglected ships. Get in there and get some practice in. You will forever be at a disadvantage if you don’t. Not attacking here, just telling it how it is. Greater preparation yields greater rewards.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Perhaps you don’t like and don’t understand ships is because you don’t play them. If you don’t understand the mechanics, then you have neglected ships. Get in there and get some practice in. You will forever be at a disadvantage if you don’t. Not attacking here, just telling it how it is. Greater preparation yields greater rewards.

    So if you buy super Mario bros. And a little while later it’s super Mario bros and duck hunt and you just don’t like duck hunt you should be forced not only to play it but like it? I tried at the beginning for a solid 30 days. I just don’t like it. And the more game modes that I’ll be excluding myself from the less likely I am to continue to play.
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    So just a seperate ships grand arena would be a detriment why?
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    So say you play in a tournament where the player with the best overall score is the winner. The game is Mario/duck hunt. You lose because your opponent out scored you in duck hunt. Now, you have two choices for the next tournament, practice duck hunt or don’t enter the tournament, simple as that.
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    Why though? It seems to me it’d make matchmaking more fair for the two seperately than together. I could be wrong, I guess. I’m not mad about anything. I was p*ssed earlier. Sure. But if I don’t like something I’m not going to play it. I gave it more than a fair chance for 1-2 months at launch however long ago that was. I don’t understand the connection people are making over not liking something vs neglecting it. It’s different. saying I don’t understand the mechanics may have been the wrong thing to say, I simply stated in the original post and will reiterate:

    I LOVED the first ones that were just the ground troops. If it’s impossible to seperate then so be it. I won’t play the ones that have ships. I literally was asking as nicely as I can to have them be seperate cuz that would make me very happy.
  • Your_nerf
    137 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    So say you play in a tournament where the player with the best overall score is the winner. The game is Mario/duck hunt. You lose because your opponent out scored you in duck hunt. Now, you have two choices for the next tournament, practice duck hunt or don’t enter the tournament, simple as that.

    I’ll graciously wait for the Mario only tourney cuz I really do like mario. And in original post I meant to write ships are terribly RNG dependant. Not they are terrible AND RNG dependant. Not trying to trash it. Guys in my guild love it. To each their own
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    Your_nerf wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.

    Thanks for carefully reading my original post when I wrote “please don’t tell me it’s a test of whole roster etc”
    If you cannot handle dissenting opinions, don't post on Internet discussion forums.
  • Your_nerf
    137 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Your_nerf wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.

    Thanks for carefully reading my original post when I wrote “please don’t tell me it’s a test of whole roster etc”
    If you cannot handle dissenting opinions, don't post on Internet discussion forums.

    If someone says ahead of time please don’t respond with a certain thing and you respond with precisely that, they’ll get frustrated. Forgive me my frustration

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I can offer some slight possible consolation. There is a chance that not every grand arena will have ships.

    good luck.
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    I think my intention completely missed the mark here. I’m not trying to trash ships or grand arena. Or anything. Or anyone. I like the game. I want to keep playing it. I’m not upset I lost. I’m upset I lost having to do a portion I don’t like AND was asking the plausibility of them being seperate all the time. For as upset as this request seems to have made people I don’t understand why. If it can’t be done, that’s ok.. they tell us ahead of time which have ships and which don’t. I won’t play the ones with ships. Only I lose out in that. No one should be upset for me. I’ll be ok.

    Wasn’t trying to come across combatitive either. But I’d said I have them. I’ve worked on them. I have the pilots geared. I have every ship and every toon level 85. Every pilot has decent mods. Some better geared than others. I mainly have worked on the for Tb GP. We are close to 45* LSTB and need all the GP we can get.

    But ME being a guy who said (sincerely) please seperate them. I loved troop grand arena. The response didn’t match what I was saying.

    Yeah dude. Would be cool if they are seperate. That’s a good response. Not accusing me of trashing stuff and it being “my fault” cuz I neglected something.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    I can offer some slight possible consolation. There is a chance that not every grand arena will have ships.

    good luck.

    Lol.. I look forward to a chance at playing in some of them. :-)
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    You say you want to play GA, but not ships.
    Well, ships is part of GA, so if you dont want to play ships, then its not GA you want to play. You want a brand new, ground battle game mode. Say that.
    And good luck...

    I personally love ships.
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    You say you want to play GA, but not ships.
    Well, ships is part of GA, so if you dont want to play ships, then its not GA you want to play. You want a brand new, ground battle game mode. Say that.
    And good luck...

    I personally love ships.

    I want a brand new game mode just for me called ground battle game mode.

    They could design it exactly like the two we did before this one that didn’t have ships. Would save time.

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    Key to success in GA. Place your best teams in defense, go watch tv, read a book, take a walk, whatever you like. When it ends bank the rewards and move on with your day.
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    Key to success in GA. Place your best teams in defense, go watch tv, read a book, take a walk, whatever you like. When it ends bank the rewards and move on with your day.

    That’s the plan man. My first round opponent did that. Set awesome d and never attacked. I pulled my hair out getting through his teams. And he never did anything vs mine. Didn’t fight a team.
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    Your_nerf wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.

    Thanks for carefully reading my original post when I wrote “please don’t tell me it’s a test of whole roster etc”

    Then don't complain that something is testing your whole roster when it's specifically billed as a test for your whole roster.
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    Thread Title:

    Asking as nicely as i can...

    ... please give some kind of clue in the title as to what the thread is about?

    As for the content of the original post:

    Um, deal with it? If one person's roster has great pilots but average ground troops, they should struggle on the ground against someone with great ground troops but excel in the space battles. That is kinda how this whole thing works.

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    Your_nerf wrote: »
    Key to success in GA. Place your best teams in defense, go watch tv, read a book, take a walk, whatever you like. When it ends bank the rewards and move on with your day.

    That’s the plan man. My first round opponent did that. Set awesome d and never attacked. I pulled my hair out getting through his teams. And he never did anything vs mine. Didn’t fight a team.

    Whats the point of that? You set the same nr of squads = get the same starting banners. You must defeat more teams in order to win.
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    Ephran wrote: »
    Your_nerf wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Grand arena is supposed to be the "ultimate test of skill" in SWGoH. Wouldn't be very ultimate without ships.

    Thanks for carefully reading my original post when I wrote “please don’t tell me it’s a test of whole roster etc”

    Then don't complain that something is testing your whole roster when it's specifically billed as a test for your whole roster.

    Oh my. I’m not complaining that it’s testing anything. Guys ask for reworks on characters right? Guys ask to see a toon they really want right? I had fun the first two that were only ground troops. Soon as I saw this one had ships, I immediately knew it would be less fun to me personally. What’s so wrong with asking them to be two different grand arenas the same as they are different regular arenas? I’m just asking. That’s all. Can’t be done? Ok. Cool. You are welcome to disagree with me and that’s fine. Guys that like ships, I’m not saying anything negative about anyone that likes them at all. Good for you guys. I just don’t enjoy the gameplay of ships.

    But like i said. There would be pluses to them being seperate for everyone. Matchmaking would be way better/easier. Guys that don’t like it don’t have to miss out on the other part.. is what it is. I’m not upset and not looking to bait anyone into arguing the definition of what grand arena is or was billed as.

    Oftentimes only after seeing things in motion do we realize small changes could really help people. I hope all you guys get me as an opponent. You’ll get easy wins if there is ships
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