Arena getting harder

Hey a quick question....when I had weaker players I had a much better ranking in Squad Arena, low 1000s.

Now that my characters are much stronger, I can’t even reach 2, I missing something? Is it supposed to get harder as you progress? I reached level 70 so far

I find the same applies for Galactic makes no sense...I can’t finish all the levels anymore!!!

Someone please help explain this, thanks


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    GW opponents are picked by algorithm and scaled to your current power level. As you get stronger so do they.

    Arena opponents are all advancing at their own rate.

    In both cases, if you make poor choices or simply neglect your arena squad you will lose ground.
  • JoryG87
    259 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    It depends on how you improve. This game is all about resource management and farming the right characters.

    Based on when you start you will be placed in a arena shard. If two players are in the same shard (let say player A and player B ) and player A is always doing his daily activities and farming the right character (Phoenix for example). If player B isn't doing both, he/she will have problems maintaining arena rank.
  • TVF
    36705 posts Member
    Arena constantly gets harder. You have to get better too or you get left behind.
    I need a new message here.
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    post your account and people can actually give you advice rather than guessing
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    Yeah man it’s very competitive everyone pushing towards end game lineups u push to slow u drop u push faster go up.

    GW doesn’t get harder it’s gets easier once u get to a certain lvl they can’t throw 18k plus teams at u and u will have zetas to match. U will auto through if u can’t simulate yet now how long it takes for u to get there depends on time or money u invest.

    If u put less time in it will take u longer and ur rank will drop as well. Everything involves time from gearing right toons to knowing progression towards end game and getting there while others r still mid game. Need to think about where ur going not just where ur at to get ahead or be left behind.
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