Quest Progress Without Territory Wars

Since the next 3 Territory Wars are suspended will I count as 'winning' them for the purposes of the Jedi Master (4/4) Quest 'Aggressive Negotiations?


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    No, they won’t count.
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    They should count, these quest chains are already stupidly long. These "Wins" should complete the quests too.
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    ikr? So annoying
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    @CG_SBCrumb can you get a position on this issue please? The support guys have had me restart my device and its still not counting...
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    2 payouts for events, with no challenge progress- Jedi Master is going to take me 2.5 months at the previous frequencies (assuming my guild wins every event). With less events this will take years!
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    So this getting the rewards for territory wars is very cool and much appreciated, but I find myself stuck and delayed on completing quests that require I beat 10 territory wars (Jedi master 4, Fulcrum 4) while at the same time unable to take part in the grand arena quests as you can only have 3 active quests and it seems insane to drop over half a year of progress on those.
    Would it be too much to ask to allow for more quests to be allowed to be active at the same time so that I'm not missing out while having my progress impeded at the same time?
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    +1. The quest limit restriction is dumb.
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    Same here - I'm stalled on Jedi Master
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    And there's the 3rd Event
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    TW should be back January. Which starts tommorow
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    That won’t happen. We don’t actually play and win TW.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They are not meant to be done quick, they are also designed with rewards that are a little lacking, so there is no reason to rush.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    They are not meant to be done quick, they are also designed with rewards that are a little lacking, so there is no reason to rush.

    Quests taking a long time to complete is one thing, not being able to progress on them due to a months worth of canceled events is another.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    c1ever_pun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They are not meant to be done quick, they are also designed with rewards that are a little lacking, so there is no reason to rush.

    Quests taking a long time to complete is one thing, not being able to progress on them due to a months worth of canceled events is another.

    Nope, same thing. They take a long time because they are dependent on events that are spaced out.

    Again the rewards are not anything that need to be stressed about, it's not stopping progress, just extending it.
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    Accepted, but some people actually care if TW gets shelved...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    DaveyJones wrote: »
    Accepted, but some people actually care if TW gets shelved...

    It's not shelved, it was just pushed off for this month due to all the holidays and GA.

    It will be back next month.
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    Patience (my young apperentice).. wasn't that a Jedi way? How do you aspire to the Jedi Master rank if you can't wait just one month?
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Patience (my young apperentice).. wasn't that a Jedi way? How do you aspire to the Jedi Master rank if you can't wait just one month?

    You misunderstand. It's perfectly fine having to wait to advance in the quest with this delay. The problem is that the way it is, the opportunity to play and advance is stalled not just for this quest but also for new quests that we had known nothing about and we're denied the choice of partaking in due to choosing based on the information available at the time. Also the difference in rewards and length of these new quests is a major factor here as they are far from similar in these details and people who are months along pursuing these quests have effectively had these new quests taken away from them.
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    The OP has a point. The fact that they cancelled a month worth of TW means that you are stalling on Jedi Master, BH and other older quest while you don't even have the chance to start one of the GA quests (where you could really make a progress, having so many of them in December) without abandoning months of progress that you have already made in other quests.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    c1ever_pun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They are not meant to be done quick, they are also designed with rewards that are a little lacking, so there is no reason to rush.

    Quests taking a long time to complete is one thing, not being able to progress on them due to a months worth of canceled events is another.

    Nope, same thing. They take a long time because they are dependent on events that are spaced out.

    Again the rewards are not anything that need to be stressed about, it's not stopping progress, just extending it.

    What version of reality do you live in that the natural progression of a quest, and canceled events are the same thing?
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    Kyno wrote: »
    They are not meant to be done quick, they are also designed with rewards that are a little lacking, so there is no reason to rush.

    You need an asterisk in your response. The rewards for the original quests are lacking. The rewards for GA include omega mats and 5 zeta mats. They can be knocked out in 2-3 GA. They are worth it to spend some focus but I'm not sure I'd abandon one of the originals at Rank 4.
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    The limitation of 3 quests made sense when there were only 4 but doesn't really make sense now that there are 8. We went from being able to run 75% of the quests at the same time to being able to run 37.5% of them.
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    There is no good reason to limit the number of active quests
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    There is no good reason to limit the number of active quests

    I agree with this. IMO the title quests aren't terribly worthwhile but no reason to have to make a choice between finishing a current one and starting one of the GA ones.
    I need a new message here.
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Patience (my young apperentice).. wasn't that a Jedi way? How do you aspire to the Jedi Master rank if you can't wait just one month?

    I'm stuck on the Sith master only needing one more win. Patience is not the Sith way, how bou that?
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    for the Fulcrum 4/4 quest also. im stuck at 6/10 wins, we get rank 1 rewards but no quest counter...and to abandon the quest is no option because of losing the sub quest progress.
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    for the Fulcrum 4/4 quest also. im stuck at 6/10 wins, we get rank 1 rewards but no quest counter...and to abandon the quest is no option because of losing the sub quest progress.
  • Jackow
    32 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    im also stuck at 6/10 wins on Fulcrum 4/4, we get rank 1 rewards but no quest counter...and to abandon the quest is no option because of losing the sub quest progress.
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    Quests got dropped a while back, I wasn't too impressed but they seem kinda fun and I've been gunning for the Sith Master title. Problem is that I made to to 3/4 where you need to win 10 battles on offence in Territory Wars with Sith as well as a couple other things like 100 stars in TBs.
    With all the cancellations of Territory Wars because of Grand Arena my progress in the quests has ground to a dead halt. I would love to see the quest requirements updated to something like "win 10 battles on offence with Sith in TWs or GAs". I mean, I even brought savage to g12 for that title and now what... just kidding, false advertising, wait another month or so. Come on! It's a Sith Master title and you want me to be patient! Get it together EA ;)
  • Beyol
    328 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    If they didn't have restrictions on how many quests can be done at once, when people finished that quickly, the forum would be overrun in, " I finished all my quests and now I'd like more now". Does no one have patience anymore?
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