Game feels like it's progressing too slow...

337 posts Member
edited January 2019
In days like this when no events are happening, the game shows it's true colors. Log in, do your dailies, farm your hard nodes and come back tomorrow...

Whenever there are no events going on I tend to look at my account tab and watch for anything I can do there. Of course the immediate thing that stands out is how much gear I'm missing towards my priority goals. Like getting my ewoks ready for the tier 7 of 3PO ect. Looking at all the gear I need, even months don't look like it's going to be enough time... When you're stuck at 11 carbanti salvages and have no raid Nubians, you know you're in trouble...

I finished zalbar today, felt like a relief except now I need to farm the two bounty Hunter ships for falcon, like a hydra, chop one head and two more pop up... T3 farm was surprisingly good but I still dread finishing Mission. As if that's not bad enough I am completely lost when it comes to omegas. I don't even know if I'll have enough for both Revan and 3PO returns which means I'm stuck and I can't give them to my FO who's a work in progress.

I used to think this game had a very good sense of progression and the pace was really good, but I must admit that after 3 back to back to back legendaries and a ship legendary up coming, it's definitely starting to feel like I'm being left behind very quickly. I haven't even touched the new old republic characters, I guess those will be premium and with sith month coming up I have no clue how much is getting added.

Increasing rancor and haat gear drops would be a nice gesture to help the community deal with those issues and bring some relief...


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    Increasing drops = reduction in revenue. Thats why they nerfed the heroic sith raid rewards.

    What they should do is release some cheap care packages. $5 with a whole bunch of good stuff. Everyone wins
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    Increasing drops = reduction in revenue. Thats why they nerfed the heroic sith raid rewards.

    What they should do is release some cheap care packages. $5 with a whole bunch of good stuff. Everyone wins

    Their definition of "good stuff" is a petty few salvages of gear we actually need mixed with a petty amount of gear we don't need. If you're expecting fully crafted pieces for 5 bucks, undermining shipments I promise you aren't getting them.

    Also 5 bucks here and 5 bucks there, it adds up especially those who will benefit the most is the whales who can stock pile gear that's cheaper than shipments
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    Farming the old republic was surprisingly easy. Two cantina energy characters, three with normal and ship energy so the feeling of progressing each day was there.

    The BH ships though... Three hard nodes. Two of them with characters I already seven starred, that feels like a looooong and frustrating farm.
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    It’s all about 20 energy nodes that suck your soul dry. They take so much time that it’s starting to get boring. When you finish one, there is another 6 waiting. Same with 16 cantina nodes.
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    Miladog wrote: »
    It’s all about 20 energy nodes that suck your soul dry. They take so much time that it’s starting to get boring. When you finish one, there is another 6 waiting. Same with 16 cantina nodes.

    That's one of the issues, there is no end in sight to the grinds. And I'm not very optimistic about what February and March are going to bring.
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    Just kick back and let the grind happen. No sense in getting angry, it is what it is. I'm not optimistic about getting Rey and I've been farming the vets for what seems like years now, oh well.
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    I have to say, the pacing for the last year has been completely wrong. We were inundated with marquee characters for the first 6 months.

    Regarding legendaries, prior to Revan, we'd only had CLS, BB8, JTR and Chimaera in a 12 month period. Now we've had Revan, Chewie, C3PO and the Falcon within a 4 month period, with either Darth Revan or Darth Malak virtually guaranteed for next month.

    These events could have been spaced out.
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    Well we got 33 marquees during this year. That's more than 2 new character/ship every month not including legendaries. So yeah, the release pace is kinda getting out of hand compared to the grind.
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    The biggest issue to me is that nothing is updated. If you've played for a while all the stores become useless. There is nothing in the arena, GW, or cantina stores I need. I don't even bother looking at them unless I am running low on Shard Shop currency. The events are outdated. I rarely play when the reward is another mod... I have to sell those just to make space as is. There needs to be some update to challenge rewards, the various shops, and the different event rewards... something other than health/tenacity mods. Too much time is being spent by the Devs on new characters and content, a little focus on updates would be nice. Update the shops... events... older characters...please. Rotate the shop inventory, add tiers to the challenges that payout higher level gear, add tiers to omega battles and the other events... The game has become stale.

  • Jubai
    112 posts Member
    I agree but what really annoys me about this game is the drop rate since ship's 2.0.
    I sometimes sim all my energy at once when I just wanna be done with it and I get sometimes 0 chars get a shards and this can happen for multiple days in a row. Some days I will get 1 or maybe 2 shards out of a full 144 energy, it's gotten worse than bad and feels like you really dislike us.

    On top of all that drop rate stuff, I honestly hate the Arena nowadays. It's ridiculous how boring it is, my Revan vs yours, all the same character's. You can all but guarantee that the only reason you see cls or Treya leads is cos their owners don't have revan.
    Stop making legendarys so **** powerful and rebalance the entire roster or face the fact that people will be mass dropping out of this game.

    Honestly, I like this game and have played since just before the maul meta but nowadays it feels like a chore, quests are over in minutes and then it's, "close client time "
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    I think a fleet and new raid are needed.

    For this first off the time for old raids should be cut down or changed to a mythic version which would take considerable higher amount of resources/tickets to start. The gear should be just a factor of the ticket costs.

    Furthermore a new TB would bloom up many things as well and a TW with upgraded characters (i am against taking characters off as this manipulates the GM and can cripple many people with low GM completely resulting in a reduction of the players fun in the end)
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    XKurareX wrote: »
    I think a fleet and new raid are needed.

    For this first off the time for old raids should be cut down or changed to a mythic version which would take considerable higher amount of resources/tickets to start. The gear should be just a factor of the ticket costs.

    Furthermore a new TB would bloom up many things as well and a TW with upgraded characters (i am against taking characters off as this manipulates the GM and can cripple many people with low GM completely resulting in a reduction of the players fun in the end)

    The issue with new raids is that there's a massive gap between players and guilds that makes it challenging to make it hard for everyone at the same time. A guild with 170 million GP will quickly figure out a way to get it to farm while a guild with 70 million will take ages to even get started. And with how raid rewards scale, heroic seems to be the only one that's worth it.
  • Tanzos
    219 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Star Wars has SOOOO much to work with. There's literally so much untapped content that it certainly is getting stale. Not just in progression but content.

    There's literally nothing from Episode 1. Not even a map in Naboo, not even the Darth Maul Obi-Wan Qui-Gon duel area.

    TB has been Hoth forever, you could easily do Endor or Geonosis.

    There could be a Death Star Raid, or an Order 66 event.

    Characters aren't necessarily content that is needed which is mostly what they've been churning out. But characters make money. Legendaries could be content but those only last until you 7* them.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Tanzos wrote: »
    There's literally nothing from Episode 1. Not even a map in Naboo, not even the Darth Maul Obi-Wan Qui-Gon duel area.

    I've seen Ep 1 and I'm cool with no content from it.
    I need a new message here.
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    XKurareX wrote: »
    I think a fleet and new raid are needed.

    For this first off the time for old raids should be cut down or changed to a mythic version which would take considerable higher amount of resources/tickets to start. The gear should be just a factor of the ticket costs.

    Furthermore a new TB would bloom up many things as well and a TW with upgraded characters (i am against taking characters off as this manipulates the GM and can cripple many people with low GM completely resulting in a reduction of the players fun in the end)

    Before Jango was released, me and some guild mates hought he was going to come in a Geonosis Tb with droideka dark side, Padme and Episode II Obiwan light side tb. When it was marquee alot of people were disappointed and all CG did to make it "special" was throw in 2 gears and the new mod salvage.

    Also, it would maybe take a while to make considering how many capital ships, (I have some ideas on ones they could make, let me know if you want to hear them.) but thought it would have been amazing if OT Falcon was a Death Star ship raid reward. Ships is not a majorly important thing in swgoh now, all there is to take notice is tw, grand arena occasionally, and the fleet battles/arena. The only ship events are cargo run and chimera, which doesn't have a mythic version yet.(Also let me know if you want to hear phase ideas for the Death Star)

    Basically I'm trying to say that they barely have built onto the new modes/mechanics brought to the game that we loved and are continuously using marquees and long mission farms instead of stopping their progression into exciting stuff.
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    We literary just finished Grand Arena last month.

    Anyway, the only comment that I really agree with is updating out dated daily challenges and shipments. A lot of players have bought every thing available in the shipments but you still get credits for that shipment. Galactic War and Cantina specifically. I have ally points a pass cuz they updated that a little recently with weekly shioments.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    We literary just finished Grand Arena last month.

    Anyway, the only comment that I really agree with is updating out dated daily challenges and shipments. A lot of players have bought every thing available in the shipments but you still get credits for that shipment. Galactic War and Cantina specifically. I have ally points a pass cuz they updated that a little recently with weekly shioments.

    No thanks, I'd rather get shard shop currency than more Lobot shards.
    I need a new message here.
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    Tanzos wrote: »
    There could be an Order 66
    Hero's Fall Event, Hooded Order 66 Anakin, Kill Shakk Tii, Burn Anakin. Mind Blown
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    TVF wrote: »
    We literary just finished Grand Arena last month.

    Anyway, the only comment that I really agree with is updating out dated daily challenges and shipments. A lot of players have bought every thing available in the shipments but you still get credits for that shipment. Galactic War and Cantina specifically. I have ally points a pass cuz they updated that a little recently with weekly shioments.

    No thanks, I'd rather get shard shop currency than more Lobot shards.

    That's a very narrow view you have there. What if they released Droideka and put it in arena store and malevolence and put it in the guild store or cantina store? It doesn't always have to be trash like lobot. At some point something changed and generosity was no longer a thing but for a long time good characters could be obtained from the stores
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    Well I have no evidence to support this statement but I think the game is in decline now and they are trying the milk the cow as much as they can before it dies. I can't come up with another explanation for such aggressive monetization we are getting thrown at our face lately...
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    Kenjiro wrote: »
    Well I have no evidence to support this statement but I think the game is in decline now and they are trying the milk the cow as much as they can before it dies. I can't come up with another explanation for such aggressive monetization we are getting thrown at our face lately...

    I hear you, I'm just not sure if the game's dying on it's own or if it's being killed on purpose to move into something else. I'm sure the game is profitable but EA has it's standards. I'm poor, if I owned a business that made me 100k a year I'd keep it, for EA a game that makes 10 million a year clean profit may be laughable for them to maintain...

    It's kind of a sad reality for all video games nowadays, not only do they have to be profitable but they must constantly push the numbers to the limit
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    We literary just finished Grand Arena last month.

    Anyway, the only comment that I really agree with is updating out dated daily challenges and shipments. A lot of players have bought every thing available in the shipments but you still get credits for that shipment. Galactic War and Cantina specifically. I have ally points a pass cuz they updated that a little recently with weekly shioments.

    No thanks, I'd rather get shard shop currency than more Lobot shards.

    That's a very narrow view you have there. What if they released Droideka and put it in arena store and malevolence and put it in the guild store or cantina store? It doesn't always have to be trash like lobot. At some point something changed and generosity was no longer a thing but for a long time good characters could be obtained from the stores

    Ok but that's not the model now. It's marquee or bust.
    I need a new message here.
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    I have to say, the pacing for the last year has been completely wrong. We were inundated with marquee characters for the first 6 months.

    Regarding legendaries, prior to Revan, we'd only had CLS, BB8, JTR and Chimaera in a 12 month period. Now we've had Revan, Chewie, C3PO and the Falcon within a 4 month period, with either Darth Revan or Darth Malak virtually guaranteed for next month.

    These events could have been spaced out.

    Agreed. The rate of legendaries (and thus the related power creep) has increased to ludicrous speed in the past 6 months. That said, it is obviously an intentional move on CG's part.

    Whether it is simply a desperate attempt to increase the rate at which they generate revenue, or, as some posters have already hinted at, a frenzied attempt to milk the cash-cow completely dry before chucking the bucket at it's head, I'm not sure.

    Either way, the change is palpable and concerning.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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