Return of The Sith...Month (February)

While everyone's talking about ships this month, I'm looking forward to next month. With Sith month coming up in 2 weeks, I'm noticing that it won't give the us the usual amount of time to farm Carth, Cander or Juhani. So that would mean we're not getting Darth Revan, right? Wait, are we getting Death Watch Maul and Savage?! Actually, the one I really want more than those two is Starkiller.

Anyway, I'm sure that we won't be getting Darth Revan next month because of how long it took them to recolor Bastila and code all her abilities to be the exact opposite. BUT they could end up doing the same thing with Galen Marek that they did with Jedi Knight Revan, but not hide him behind such a huge paywall. Could even have two different versions, one of light (Galen Marek) and one of darkness (Lord Starkiller).

So, what kind of Sithy stuff are you guys hoping/wanting for next month?
#ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround


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    I would love for darth malgus to come to the game as he is one of my favourites
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    When Falcon event is announced, they might push in an update with the remaining kotor toons going on farm. That gives enough time to start a frenzy for feb.

    Edited because forum bans /\/\F
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    We cant discount the Sith ships that are also becoming farmable right now....
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    What is usual farming time? I am expecting the first two to become farmable next week and the last two to be added 2-3 weeks before event launch which still lets us see Darth Revan in the second half of February
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    Kyno wrote: »
    We cant discount the Sith ships that are also becoming farmable right now....

    Ebon hawk?
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    What I hope is coming is a Darth Malak Legendary event, with the Leviathin as his capital ship. I'd also like to see Darth Bane and Darth Malgus. I think they should wait until next February for Darth Revan, but they'll probably push him out after Carth and Juhani become farmable. Personally I don't mind that approach, I get they need money to run the company. I'm fine being FTP and farming for the second coming.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.
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    Lio wrote: »
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.

    To be honest, a Dryden Vos event will probably never happen.
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    What I hope is coming is a Darth Malak Legendary event, with the Leviathin as his capital ship. I'd also like to see Darth Bane and Darth Malgus. I think they should wait until next February for Darth Revan, but they'll probably push him out after Carth and Juhani become farmable. Personally I don't mind that approach, I get they need money to run the company. I'm fine being FTP and farming for the second coming.

    This would be amazing. A chewbaca level difficulty event requiring old republic toons, legendary unlock, having a capital ship that that has sith synergy, that then is used for the ebon hawk legendary event that requires sith capital ships and Malek's Leviathin.

    I hope it's this and not another panic farm for a Darth Revan... which I would honestly ignore.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    Lio wrote: »
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.

    I gotta say, I finally got around to seeing Solo and now I'm curious why Dryden is such a fan favorite. He didn't really do much; he mostly just struck me as "Generic Crime Lord With Cool Scars" who does the "Act All Friendly And Jovial While Threatening To Kill You" deal.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Lio wrote: »
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.

    I gotta say, I finally got around to seeing Solo and now I'm curious why Dryden is such a fan favorite. He didn't really do much; he mostly just struck me as "Generic Crime Lord With Cool Scars" who does the "Act All Friendly And Jovial While Threatening To Kill You" deal.

    I don't really want him in the game because I liked him as a character - I more want him in the game because of the Scoundrel synergy he could potentially bring. There are plenty of characters in Star Wars that aren't very interesting and have generic tropes but some end up being really good in SWGOH.

    On second thought, I much rather have Becket in the game than Dryden Vos. But he'd likely be Light Side and irrelevant to this post.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    mesa176750 wrote: »
    Lio wrote: »
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.

    To be honest, a Dryden Vos event will probably never happen.

    I'm fine with that. I think I prefer Crimson Dawn or Becket but those are also very unlikely
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    Lio wrote: »
    mesa176750 wrote: »
    Lio wrote: »
    I'm hoping for a Crimson Dawn event or Dryden Vos event... but mainly because I farmed the SOLO toons instead of the KOTOR toons when they both became farmable. I never expected Revan to be released so soon.

    To be honest, a Dryden Vos event will probably never happen.

    I'm fine with that. I think I prefer Crimson Dawn or Becket but those are also very unlikely

    Sorry that you panic farmed the solo toons though. At least most of them are very useful for TW.
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    That and the smuggler event
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    I don't regret farming them at all! I've taken 1st in most Grand Arenas in large part because of them. Just wish I had farmed the KOTOR toons first :sweat_smile:
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    I also farmed in the wrong order thinking they might do a Solo Legendary with the Bluray release. Not sure I could 7* any event they put out if it is as hard as Chewie and C-3PO. Most of my Solo toons are around G8 at this point.
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    What makes you think they wouldn't do Darth Revan and/or Malak in February? There's been just enough time for the newer OR characters to start moving into shipments and nodes. They released JKR just 2 weeks after the last group of characters from the first round of OR were moved to nodes.

    Anyone who followed the same hoard crystal philosophy that a select few used with JKR should already have Canderous and Bastilla 6-7*. Juhani and Carth just moved to shipments and there's just enough time between now and end of February for them to be moved to nodes for 2 weeks and a related event to drop. It's not really a stretch to speculate that that's where CG will be going.
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    I don't think that Darth Revan is going to happen because he is second stage of Revan's evolution and we already got his third and final stage in the game . I think it is going to be Darth Malak because he captured and had Bastilla go to DS for a brief time.
    Problem is that OR characters that were released after Revan don't serve for any kind of DS legendary or hero event as Juhani and Cart are LS and Canderous is really neutral if not LS.
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    Zinke7 wrote: »
    I don't think that Darth Revan is going to happen because he is second stage of Revan's evolution and we already got his third and final stage in the game . I think it is going to be Darth Malak because he captured and had Bastilla go to DS for a brief time.
    Problem is that OR characters that were released after Revan don't serve for any kind of DS legendary or hero event as Juhani and Cart are LS and Canderous is really neutral if not LS.

    Well, darth Revan release=money
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    A hero’s fall for anakin would be so awesome! I’d love to farm guys for it. Being the next sith leader would be so cool for him.
    Tag me if you reply to my comment so I know I should answer you!😀 My roster:
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    So many good ideas! They can do a Malak event, but if they do I imagine he'll be required for Darth Revan since they were Master and Apprentice if they do introduce him. Or maybe instead of Anakin's Fallen Hero Journey, they'll do a Darth Revan Hero's Fall Journey instead. Excuse me while I clean up this mess from blowing my mind. Haha

    I'm not much in to ships, but it would be cool to see Nihilus' ship come to the game, along with a couple more. Might strike my fancy to get more involved in ships.
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    Tbirds01 wrote: »
    A hero’s fall for anakin would be so awesome! I’d love to farm guys for it. Being the next sith leader would be so cool for him.

    I've never seen this suggestion but I think it'd be cool. A Sith Anakin would be an awesome addition to the game.

    But between the Malak vs Darth Revan debate, my guess is that Malak would be more likely.
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    Its obviously Darth Malak that is coming. But Starkiller would also be my top favourite.
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    It's still difficult to see what's coming. Malak is definitely a possibility. Right now I'm farming bh ships with one refresh on the two nodes I habe left and putting all additional crystals in a stash.

    I have about 27k right now. It may be enoigh, it may not. I haven't bought carth or any of the new or characters from the store because cantina and regular energy refreshes are more cost effective to do than shipments up to like 6 energy refreshes.

    Also I don't really want one or two at 7 stars and the others at 3. They have been releasing faction packs lately with these events. Those are a better deal in average than shipments as well but only if you don't care which of the 4 you get.

    So my plan is to focus farm them as evenly as possible as soon as they come out, then use crystals on faction packs to make up some of the difference. Then use shipments to top them off if needed.

    Hopefully that will work and get ne a ftp malak or darth revan.

    Of course there could be more information to come that changes which toons to focus on.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    I always love some good speculation. I’m hoping for it all... just not at the same time.
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    KOTOR characters needed in Feb = certainty.

    Darth Malak = certainty.

    Darth Revan = certainty.

    Which comes first is anybody’s guess, but you can also bet your life you’ll be needing 4 Sith ships for a Sith capital ship, and Malak has one of those...

    Predictable, this game is.
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    KOTOR characters needed in Feb = certainty.

    Darth Malak = certainty.

    Darth Revan = certainty.

    Which comes first is anybody’s guess, but you can also bet your life you’ll be needing 4 Sith ships for a Sith capital ship, and Malak has one of those...

    Predictable, this game is.

    Or malak's ship comes in feb and you need it and 4 sith ships for something later.

    Just like a feb malak marque that is needed with or toons later for darth revan is possible.
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    KOTOR characters needed in Feb = certainty.

    Darth Malak = certainty.

    Darth Revan = certainty.

    Which comes first is anybody’s guess, but you can also bet your life you’ll be needing 4 Sith ships for a Sith capital ship, and Malak has one of those...

    Predictable, this game is.

    Or malak's ship comes in feb and you need it and 4 sith ships for something later.

    Just like a feb malak marque that is needed with or toons later for darth revan is possible.

    I figure this is the most likely course of action, though I wouldn't rule out a Legendary Malak where you need OR to get him.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    KOTOR characters needed in Feb = certainty.

    Darth Malak = certainty.

    Darth Revan = certainty.

    Which comes first is anybody’s guess, but you can also bet your life you’ll be needing 4 Sith ships for a Sith capital ship, and Malak has one of those...

    Predictable, this game is.

    Or malak's ship comes in feb and you need it and 4 sith ships for something later.

    Just like a feb malak marque that is needed with or toons later for darth revan is possible.

    I figure this is the most likely course of action, though I wouldn't rule out a Legendary Malak where you need OR to get him.

    Since we already needed 5 OR for Revan there’s not a lot of upside for them in doing this. They would have to make it insanely difficult.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    My guess: I'm betting on Malak. I'm hoping for Beckett, also. Ebon Hawk summer money maker. Jedi rework in spring or fall with Ki-Adi-Mundi and maybe Quinlan Vos. FO/Resistance in Nov/December for movie. GG rework somewhere.
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