Rey's Falcon when did she gain ownership?

10 posts Member
edited January 2019
In Episode 7 Rey and Finn stole it together, had it for 10 minutes before Han and Chewie got it back. After Han's death (spoilers) ownership surely fell to Chewie, Han's life long friend over Rey whom he had known for only a few hours.

So it should be called Millennium Falcon (Jakku), Rey and Finn's Millennium Falcon or changed back to Millennium Falcon (Episode 7).

If the name refers to Episode 8 then Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca should be co-pilot not Finn.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    many characters, abilities, and scenarios are based on a "snap shot" according to the devs, so yes it is that moment when they had the ship leaving Jakku. Ownership is 9/10 of the law when it comes to illegal actions, but the dev team also stated that they base things like this on what the character would say, and at that point they would have likely said the ship was theirs.
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    It's a bit like Fives' Umbaran starfighter, another stolen ship that only flew one brief mission in the Clone Wars show.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Veteran Han and Chewie were not a part of the game when the Episode VII Falcon was added.

    Finn and Rey were, and they knicked that ship to do a notable chase scene. Also, there's limited content to draw on for the ST, so they didn't have a ton of ships to choose from. Also, it was a Jedi Luke situation early on, where there had to be a Falcon early on, but the most notable appearance, the OT Falcon, would need more prestige, so they threw the more recent appearance in.

    As to who ownership went to on Han's death, that's ambiguous. Chewie, Leia, and Kylo are all viable candidates.
    Still not a he.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Veteran Han and Chewie were not a part of the game when the Episode VII Falcon was added.

    Finn and Rey were, and they knicked that ship to do a notable chase scene. Also, there's limited content to draw on for the ST, so they didn't have a ton of ships to choose from. Also, it was a Jedi Luke situation early on, where there had to be a Falcon early on, but the most notable appearance, the OT Falcon, would need more prestige, so they threw the more recent appearance in.

    As to who ownership went to on Han's death, that's ambiguous. Chewie, Leia, and Kylo are all viable candidates.

    Ah but it was only recently re-named Rey's Falcon with the new falcon release, before this it was called the Falcon from Ep. 7, The thing is, why call it Rey's Falcon? Rey could still be the pilot of the ship and it not be hers, and of course the name change now has happened with the Vets in game.

    I feel like people think too much into this and this is just CG being CG, they never cared about cannon, they have never cared about snap shots or anything, they have stopped caring about what the character would say (lol having Jolee with OR tag but not Visa). Its named Rey's Falcon because she is one of the pilots just to keep it less confusing, that's all.
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    I mean, Rey had just stolen the ship fair and square, so for the big chase scene, you could say it's hers fair enough for a couple scenes. It's nothing to get worked up on. And it's not that they're ignoring canon.

    Assuming Han legally owned the Falcon, didn't leave a will, and was divorced from Leia then Kylo would be next of kin and the Falcon would be his ship by the end of the movie, but while it may be technically correct to call it Kylo's Falcon, that's weird and confusing and fails to communicate anything, and legal ownership of the Falcon is super sketchy anyways since it was probably stolen more times than it was bought and is probably thoroughly undocumented.

    So, Rey's piloting it for the snapshot they take it from? It's hers at the moment, within a reasonable margin of error.
    Still not a he.
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    They should call it Garbage Falcon since that's what Rey thinks about it. She doesn't want it. Chewie should take the Falcon and go home to Kashyyk. He owes no allegiance to Rey and never got any recognition from the New Republic for his heroic deeds.
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    They should call it Garbage Falcon since that's what Rey thinks about it. She doesn't want it. Chewie should take the Falcon and go home to Kashyyk. He owes no allegiance to Rey and never got any recognition from the New Republic for his heroic deeds.
    The last time space **** took over the galaxy, it didn't go well for Kashyyk. It's in his best interests to help out.
    Still not a he.
  • Darth_DeVito
    1235 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    At least the naming is consistent now. Han's, Lando's, Rey's. If Rey's were still called Millennium Falcon without an owner/pilot prefix, we'd likely be complaining that it's not THE Millennium Falcon and Han's ship should be called that instead.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    What about the droid attack on the Wookiee’s?
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    dimi4a wrote: »
    At least the naming is consistent now. Han's, Lando's, Rey's. If Rey's were still called Millennium Falcon without an owner/pilot prefix, we'd likely be complaining that it's not THE Millennium Falcon and Han's ship should be called that instead.

    But technically it is still his ship - he got it back and piloted it again! That's why the (Ep. VII) prefix was perfect, but i guess Disney fanatically wants to "let the past die" by erasing all OT and Prequel memories, just as they did with Anakin's lightsaber (now Rey's)!

    There is approximately a zero percent chance that Disney had anything to do with the change of the ship’s display name. At the very most, Disney would have signed off on the name change (nominally and after minimal review) after it was proposed by CG.
    I demand Grand Arena Elo ratings.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Veteran Han and Chewie were not a part of the game when the Episode VII Falcon was added.

    Finn and Rey were, and they knicked that ship to do a notable chase scene. Also, there's limited content to draw on for the ST, so they didn't have a ton of ships to choose from. Also, it was a Jedi Luke situation early on, where there had to be a Falcon early on, but the most notable appearance, the OT Falcon, would need more prestige, so they threw the more recent appearance in.

    As to who ownership went to on Han's death, that's ambiguous. Chewie, Leia, and Kylo are all viable candidates.

    I'd agree for game purposes the ST Falcon is Rey's in that snapshot moment when they stole it to get off Jakuu.

    However as the actual movies go - Leia and Kylo were estranged from Han.

    The only loyal friend he had that had a stake in the ownership of the Falcon was Chewie - his first mate.

    But now Rey seems to own it, or at least that is what is made to be seen watching the new movies - Kylo or Leia surely would have a stake over her, hec even Lando. But Rey?... That's just weird and does not make any sense at all.
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    The movies make absolutely no suggestion about who owns the Falcon. That said, from the time Han dies, every time the Falcon flies, Chewie is there in his seat, and he's the only person who flies the Falcon alone. I find it far more reasonable to say TLJ implies Chewie inherited the Falcon and gave his friend Rey a lift than to say TLJ implies Rey inherited the Falcon.
    Still not a he.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    The movies make absolutely no suggestion about who owns the Falcon. That said, from the time Han dies, every time the Falcon flies, Chewie is there in his seat, and he's the only person who flies the Falcon alone. I find it far more reasonable to say TLJ implies Chewie inherited the Falcon and gave his friend Rey a lift than to say TLJ implies Rey inherited the Falcon.

    I see your point but like you said - Chewie is in his usual seat - Co-pilot, whenever Rey is in the cockpit.

    This would allude that Rey is the captain or owner of the Falcon and Chewie flies or does what he is told.
  • Options
    Boo wrote: »
    I see your point but like you said - Chewie is in his usual seat - Co-pilot, whenever Rey is in the cockpit.

    This would allude that Rey is the captain or owner of the Falcon and Chewie flies or does what he is told.
    ...or it could allude to the fact that Chewie likes his chair. Or it doesn't feel right to him to sit in his dead friend's seat so soon.
    Still not a he.
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