Revan Portrait???

Ok, I know this is a weird thing to be griping about, but seriously @CG_SBCrumb and others, why isn't there a Revan portrait? I've been looking forward to flaunting a Revan portrait since portraits were first introduced. But to my chagrin, there isn't one in the event rewards for the Revan event!

We get a Chewie one for beating the Chewie event, a C3P0 one for his event, and we get OR portraits for every tier of Revan's event but there's no Revan portrait?? This makes no sense, and I'm sorely disappointed.

Please fix this. I want a Revan portrait. Sorry if I sound like a 5 year old. I don't care at the moment.
"Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" •


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