Should TW Be Longer Than 24 hours?

Since we are only doing 4 TW a month anyways, should the attack phase of TW be greater than 24 hours? There are at minimum essentially 4 different stages of TW, and possibly 8 if you attack bottom/top first and then go to the next. It’s often times difficult to get the right people on to hit the teams so you can move onto the next territory, where you then have to get the right people with the right counters on again. There have been numerous TW in which our guild didn’t progress near as far as we could have simply because we ran out of time.


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    No.. wish they were 12 hours. Make it more pressure for the guild members to actually participate.
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    I vote absolutely 100% no way on this one.

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    That falls on your guild for not being coordinated enough. 24 hours is plenty of time for everyone of all different time zones to get on.
  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    Daishi wrote: »
    No.. wish they were 12 hours. Make it more pressure for the guild members to actually participate.

    I mean I'd like this in theory, but it would really bone people in some time zones.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I would say no, the TW timer is just like the arena timer, it is a driving parameter. If one guild can set up a defensive plan that you cant beat in a 24 hour period, that's a good strategy, or possibly bad strategy on your part.

    One thing I wouldnt mind seeing is more player control over when to start the attack phase. Each guild could have a "ready flag" and the attack phase would start when both flags have been up for 1 hour. Or something like that, but the attack phase would still be 24 hours.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    12 hours not 24

    (which will never happen IMO)
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    24h is fine imo.
    Still, 48h would be better than 12h like some are suggesting.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    That falls on your guild for not being coordinated enough. 24 hours is plenty of time for everyone of all different time zones to get on.

    It’s not about being coordinated. In fact, it actually encourages us to be LESS coordinated. For example, let’s say we are having trouble beating Revan and Traya teams, so we get each person to save one Revan and Traya counter on offense.

    TW starts and there are is a Revan wall up front. All of the US players get on immediately and take teams down, but half our guild is sleeping on the other side of the world and asleep. 8 hours later they’ve all gotten on and attacked and done there part and the Revan wall down. But guess what, Traya is behind it. So they take down their part of Traya too, and need help from the US side, but hey, now it’s their turn to sleep. So the Asian side has to sit and wait until the US wakes up. And now we are 16 hours in and only halfway through, and we aren’t even looking at work/school schedules or anything on top of it.

    Instead it basically becomes better to just throw whatever you’ve got at it while you are on, and hope being inefficient doesn’t burn you later down the line.
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  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
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    No i wish Grand Arena was faster. It wish the defense you setup was for all 3 rounds then just the 24 hour attacks. Take GA from 7 to 5 days. 3 days for TW is plenty why do you need it longer? I don't think you could reduce it to 12 hours like some suggest as this is a global game so people sleep so you want a whole 24 hours for each phase.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    I would be in favor of shortening the time but by no means increasing it
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    Hell no...We need less TW not more!
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    Since we are only doing 4 TW a month anyways, should the attack phase of TW be greater than 24 hours? There are at minimum essentially 4 different stages of TW, and possibly 8 if you attack bottom/top first and then go to the next. It’s often times difficult to get the right people on to hit the teams so you can move onto the next territory, where you then have to get the right people with the right counters on again. There have been numerous TW in which our guild didn’t progress near as far as we could have simply because we ran out of time.

    No +1. Sorry :-(
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    24 is fine.

    People calling for 12...just a friendly reminder that some people live in different time zones and some people work 12+ hour shifts. So 12 hours would be horrible.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    No i wish Grand Arena was faster. It wish the defense you setup was for all 3 rounds then just the 24 hour attacks. Take GA from 7 to 5 days.

    No way they’d do this. You want to take away the ability of players to scout their opponents and set defenses and strategize based on their specific opponents? No thanks.
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    24 hours is perfect. Gives everyone a day to partake in the destruction.
  • Gannon
    1645 posts Member
    12 hrs could be possible if they accounted for the guild reset time. It would reduce the matchmaking pool tho, so you could end up facing the same guilds again, but that could also be fun.
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    If anyone recalls, when TW first came out, it was supposed to be 12 hours. They did 24 to ease everyone in. We all agreed back then 24 was the sweet spot. Still is.
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    Gannon wrote: »
    12 hrs could be possible if they accounted for the guild reset time. It would reduce the matchmaking pool tho, so you could end up facing the same guilds again, but that could also be fun.

    There are people in multinational guilds that literally span 6-10 far differing time zones. Guild reset time as a participation indicator by time is meaningless.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Gannon
    1645 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Gannon wrote: »
    12 hrs could be possible if they accounted for the guild reset time. It would reduce the matchmaking pool tho, so you could end up facing the same guilds again, but that could also be fun.

    There are people in multinational guilds that literally span 6-10 far differing time zones. Guild reset time as a participation indicator by time is meaningless.

    Every guild I've seen or had experience with had members who's active play time falls within reach of guild reset, as that's when the guild's ticket deadline and also raids typically are. Everyone in my guild is active from noon to midnight, with the reset being right in the middle at around 6. I have members in very different parts of the world, but everyone is online primarily during that 12 hour span, otherwise I'm sure they'd find a guild that better aligned with their timeframe.
    It's not unreasonable to do that.
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Edited Post: 24 Hours is fine.
    Post edited by HK22 on
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    HK22 wrote: »
    Why not 18 hours per phase? Someone else may have purposed it before, but I only remember 12 and 24 receiving the most attention. At 18 hours a phase, you reach a compromise that still gives most guilds sufficient time to post their scores and shortens the TB from 6 days to 4.5 days. Yes, I will concede that 18 hours goes against what currently exists in the game and players would have to be paying attention to when new phases started, but it might be worth a shot.

    You are getting this confused with TB.

    I’m not surprised the majority doesn’t want it changed, but I’m shocked not a single person wants more time. I know my guild isn’t alone in running out of time. Our opponents frequently are the same way, attacking right up until the buzzer.
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    TW should just be one battle per guild member and done. Make it quick and dirty.
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    in the words of Vader "Noooooooooooo!"
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    HK22 wrote: »
    Why not 18 hours per phase? Someone else may have purposed it before, but I only remember 12 and 24 receiving the most attention. At 18 hours a phase, you reach a compromise that still gives most guilds sufficient time to post their scores and shortens the TB from 6 days to 4.5 days. Yes, I will concede that 18 hours goes against what currently exists in the game and players would have to be paying attention to when new phases started, but it might be worth a shot.

    You are getting this confused with TB.

    I’m not surprised the majority doesn’t want it changed, but I’m shocked not a single person wants more time. I know my guild isn’t alone in running out of time. Our opponents frequently are the same way, attacking right up until the buzzer.

    Opps, you are absolutely correct. Edited Post.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    HK22 wrote: »
    Why not 18 hours per phase? Someone else may have purposed it before, but I only remember 12 and 24 receiving the most attention. At 18 hours a phase, you reach a compromise that still gives most guilds sufficient time to post their scores and shortens the TB from 6 days to 4.5 days. Yes, I will concede that 18 hours goes against what currently exists in the game and players would have to be paying attention to when new phases started, but it might be worth a shot.

    You are getting this confused with TB.

    I’m not surprised the majority doesn’t want it changed, but I’m shocked not a single person wants more time. I know my guild isn’t alone in running out of time. Our opponents frequently are the same way, attacking right up until the buzzer.

    I think it's mostly due to changing it to 48h leads to TW taking twice as long. It somehow feels like your rewards will effectively be halfed. I get that we will still be doing the same amount of TWs, but still.
    Personally i don't really like TW partly due to having to check often if there's a territory open for which i have a suitable team. Your proposal is a double edged sword, you'll have to check less often, but during a longer period of time. Couple that with having to wait longer when you're no longer playing (full clear or no more teams available to attack with), i think 24h is prererable over 48h.
    I do get where you're comming from with your proposal though.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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