Zeta refund option

Can we get an option to refund zetas for credits or crystals ?

Some of us that have been playing for a few years now some zetas that used to be good but are pretty useless now.

Like QGJ lead, vader lead, savage ... or ewoks....


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    Ewoks are amazing in TW and GA
    Savage is good in GA

    QGJ Lead can be used with some lesser Jedi

    Vader Lead is pretty useless now, I do agree with that. He’s always put in a zPalp Lead.

    CG will not refund Zetas, Gear, or any other materials that build up characters.
    This is because people got use out of them at that team and earned resources because of it.

    The only time they refund is if they drastically change a character to the point that the Zeta ability is completely different in functionality, Eg. Barriss and Old Daka.
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    You just never know what someone may or may not eventually allow. With that said, even despite logical reasoning as to why not; it would still be nice to be able to refund everything (except stars and mods) once per year. One can't deny that from year to year a lot changes as this game evolves. Wishful thinking never hurt anyone.
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    Ewoks are amazing well i didnt read past that....

    We need an option 1000 crystals or 2.5 to 5 million credits per something like yoda lead was great for a week then bastila came out and was obsolete..
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    Why? You already reaped the benefit of having those zetas when they were useful in raids or arena. Why should you be allowed to refund them once they become obsolete, as all things in this game will become over time?
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    Although selfishly that would be cool, a zeta’s permanence is kind of what makes them so valuable. If you can remove at will, it’s just a high power mod.

    Exactly.....they aren't going to allow that unless there is a high crystal cost.
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    Krazyy57 wrote: »
    Ewoks are amazing well i didnt read past that....

    We need an option 1000 crystals or 2.5 to 5 million credits per something like yoda lead was great for a week then bastila came out and was obsolete..

    No,to the refund, and secondly, LOL. I can’t wait until you realize why you need ewoks, and then afterwards realize why they are so much fun.
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    Still need the option even just once a year.

    They are letting us change payout times we are getting raid siming.

    This is a quality of life change needs to be ingame.
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    Ewoks arent to be underestimated. If a person mods them correctly, Paploo can often go first (such a fast toon), he gives turnmeter, then youre kinda stuck behind a barrage of attacks and perhaps a character down. On offence Ewoks can act like a weaker NS and dominate most teams, you just need to put the effort in

    And of course theyre needed to unlock 3p0, so realistically you need to invest
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Krazyy57 wrote: »
    Ewoks are amazing well i didnt read past that....

    We need an option 1000 crystals or 2.5 to 5 million credits per something like yoda lead was great for a week then bastila came out and was obsolete..

    That one was pretty bad
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    As awesome as that would be, no. I'd love to get some zetas back as well but I used the characters I did zeta and they served their purpose. What's the point of collecting zetas if you just got to get them back everytime there was a meta shift.
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    There are a lot that are useless now, but they served their purpose when you had them and they were useful. Now you can use them to have a deeper bench for TW/GA
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    How many rancors did you solo with that Vader zeta lead? How are you liking the c3po that the ewoks can get you? Etc. That's way more than "1000 crystals or 5M credits". I really say no to zeta returns (and I have some I would like back)
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    We get one of these about every 3-4 weeks. Same arguments. On both sides. Always check in to see if there's anything new.
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    Droideka wrote: »
    Why? You already reaped the benefit of having those zetas when they were useful in raids or arena. Why should you be allowed to refund them once they become obsolete, as all things in this game will become over time?

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    That would be horrible if its a zeta refund for crystals, can I turn it off so it cant accidentally be hit.

    Another reason its horrible is its short sighted characters get reworks, so if you refund it and then its reworked well now you're spending again.

    Ill agree there are weak zeta abilities that need to be modified, upgraded or switched to Omega abilities.
    One that stands out is Scav Reys Zeta, it doesnt compare to other zetas, but still costs high. Situational and useless in Raids.

    Compare Reys to Revans unique or JTR or Luke or Talzin or even Wicket. Those gen Zetas need a boost or cost reduction.
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    I wouldn’t mind like a one zeta refund per quarter/yearly thing. Maybe for like 500 crystals just to do it once to really weed out the useless zetas we have on our rosters.
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    The only case Id support is if a zeta could be 'destroyed'. No refund, nothing, just so that it stops pumping your galactic power unnecessarily.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    I wouldn’t mind like a one zeta refund per quarter/yearly thing. Maybe for like 500 crystals just to do it once to really weed out the useless zetas we have on our rosters.

    500 is nothing compared to a zeta's value. 10000-20000 would be coming closer to their actual value (example, anyone who tripled zetaed revan the first time he came has made more than thrice that number crystals since from arena payouts)
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    Zader lead with the right toons will almost doestroy anything on Offense, except the newest Meta. Best zeta EVER!
    Ok, maybe not ever, but still....
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    1 special zeta, earned for every 365 days you consecutively log in, that can be moved from character to character at will at a cost of 10,000 crystals and can only be move once a 1/4. So available to everyone, and rewards loyalty not wallet.
  • Affy
    64 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    1 special zeta, earned for every 365 days you consecutively log in, that can be moved from character to character at will at a cost of 10,000 crystals and can only be move once a 1/4. So available to everyone, and rewards loyalty not wallet.

    And there in lies your problem.... Whilst I don't have a problem with paywall (I just won't pay and I'll wait until its FTP) but it's obvious that CG won't do anything which doesn't have some form of paywall.
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    Affy wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    1 special zeta, earned for every 365 days you consecutively log in, that can be moved from character to character at will at a cost of 10,000 crystals and can only be move once a 1/4. So available to everyone, and rewards loyalty not wallet.

    And there in lies your problem.... Whilst I don't have a problem with paywall (I just won't pay and I'll wait until its FTP) but it's obvious that CG won't do anything which doesn't have some form of paywall.

    I know. Just wishful thinking.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    That zeta helped you gain rewards in the past no matter how useless you think it is today. Enjoy your rewards and progress. You will soon collect enough ability materials for another zeta.
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    The only time you'll get a Zeta refund is when that Zeta becomes unviable and there's a (larger than usual) public outcry about it, such as the Nightsister Zombie retune that made Daka's Zeta somewhat redundant
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I don't like the idea of refunding zetas to be honest.
    I'm one of those players who zeta'd GMY's lead just prior to bastila being released, a choice i do regret in hindsight. Still don't care much for the idea of being able to re-equip a zeta.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    dominiQC wrote: »
    I always thought that having a function that allowed you to strip all the gear and abilities upgrade once per month from any character would prevent lots of whining when they adjust something in the game (ie zombie acolyte and eventually finn are good examples) and also help older players feel their rosters represents better their way of enjoying the game. It would also be less daunting to gear up useless toons that becomes part of a temporary meta (M-F).

    I prefer the complaining over being able to correct mistakes and/or re-equip gear/zetas on more usefull characters. I rather enjoy the resourcemangement aspect of the game.
    The complaining is never going to stop anyway, whether it's about this particular issue or something else.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Yet, it would relieve the pressure of always chasing the power ceeep. In no way shape or form would I ever feel inclined to gear out some Jawas in a resource scarce game. Bum deal for someone who comes along and enjoys Jawas, but would feel instantly punished for elevating them.

    If there was a return on that, then one would be much more likely to experiment and/or gear far less practical, but fond of toons; if they knew the harsh word of permanency wasn’t involved.
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