Elite Guilds Looking For Players - December 2018 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


  • Armyofone
    102 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Greeedo's Galactic Uprising

    >participation in Heroic sith raid (0 is ok unless we ask for damage), TB (play the special missions, deploy phase 3-6 and play missions),TW (can go all defense or all offense, or a bit of both)
    >try to get close to 600 tickets
    42* in LS TB.
    43* in DS
    TW (I show 46 wins)
    Raid times: 8pm EST
    We like to have a good time, and help develop players to reach their potential.

    DM (discord: armyofone#3163) you if you would like to check us out. A link to your swgoh.gg profile in the DM is a plus.
  • DannyLynn421
    15 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Post edited by DannyLynn421 on
  • Options
    WE ARE...


    All Heroic raids on farm

    45/45 LSTB - 47/48 DSTB


    Top 40 in TW Worldwide

    Friendly, Fun, and Enthusiastic Players


    3m + GP (Exceptions possible)

    TB & TW focused roster (see below)

    - Pheonix

    - Rogue One

    - Imperial Troopers

    - Bounty Hunters

    - Nightsisters

    - Quira Scoundrels

    - Arena teams for TW & GA

    Must contribute 600 tix daily

    Have a good attitude !!!


    In game chat 828-156-268

    On Discord: Maxxximus#8209


    (Tag me @Maxxximus or @Ewok Officer upon landing)

    LOWER GP? ask about joining another one of our other guilds !!!

    Mergers available into our other guilds for small groups and new players, leadership positions available.

    NOTE: We are an alliance guild, but each guild grows independently, we don't move people or treat any of our guilds as feeders.

  • Options

    About Awakened
    We are an independently run collective of 3 guilds. The three guilds are the result of organic growth...we're not some big alliance of merged guilds. We are dedicated to being very competitive; especially with regards to TW. Additionally, we have an amazing and helpful leadership group. We're a fun group w/ all the Discord bells and whistles. Please message me if you're interested or join our server: https://discord.gg/4H99wxM
    Guild Highlights:
    - Raidtimes: Rotating (U.S. Central Based Guild)
    - LSTB: 45☆s
    - DSTB: 47☆s (48 likely next round)
    - TW: Top 50 Guild
    - H-Sith: On Farm
    We Require:
    - TW focused roster
    - 600 tickets daily
    - swgoh.gg profile
    - Discord
    My Contact Info:
  • Options
    "Gone to Plaid" is searching for a few bold heroes to join our ranks.
    The Territory Wars and Grand Arena are the last great frontiers and that's where we've turned our focus.
    We're an organized, collaborative guild that's committed to staying friendly while we get the job done.

    What we offer:
    - 150m GP Heroic Guild
    - 45:star:DS 43:star: LS
    -Highly organized territory wars
    -In-depth strategy reviews for tw, mods, ga and roster development

    What kind of hero are you?
    - Self-motivated
    - 2.5m + gp (exceptions for focused roster development)
    - 600s and Discord
    - Interested in roster development and strategy

    Contact: Astronavigatrix#2735 on Discord (or message me here)

  • Options
    The Pi Cluster of guilds is looking for a few good players! We are an enthusiastic group of people from all over the world who come from all walks of life to share are passion for Star Wars.
    Want Traya, all of our guilds are farming her.
    Want TB, we have multiple guilds who's sole focus is TB Titles and the rewards that come with them.
    Want to crush it in TW, we have two top 25 guilds looking for serious warriors.
    Wanna slack and create drama?!?!?!
    Well, I guess we can't accommodate everyone ;-)
    Seriously though, if you have a minimum of 3 million GP,and can get your 600 raid coins a day, we would love to talk to you.
  • Koyo
    73 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Hey everyone,

    I decided im not gonna have 1 of the million posts arround.
    Will just give our most basic info.
    We are looking for 2 active and passionate 3M+ (or 2.5M+ with great roster)players to replace 2 alts after TB.
    We have a superfriendly environment with all adults and no drama. Allong with loads of active members this creates a great vibe.

    Lots of TW wins
    Raid times 1600 and 1900 utc rotating.
    TB 43 and 45 stars

    Any other questions u might have, plz hit me up on discord to have a personal conversation.
    Discord: koyo#3747
    Post edited by Koyo on
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    Are you active player with 3.7m gp or more? Do you want to be part of 206m gp guild oriented onTW+GA? Then come visit our discord server and introduce yourself. We have couple openings so bring your buddies with you.
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    Look no further. We're an extremely good guild with an amazing record in TW. More importantly, we're also genuine, honest guys, who make playing the game fun.

    This is us:

    Doombringer is an independent guild at 168m GP with 50 members currently. However, we have 1 member who wishes to retire from the game. We therefore seek 1 additional high quality player. We are a really open minded bunch mostly from UK/western Europe with a few from the US. We follow a pretty simple and straightforward mindset: "The real world always comes first, but when you play the game give 100%."

    ​What we OFFER you:
    - European based guild (Guild reset 5:30pm UTC)
    - All (Heroic-)Raids on farm with a 24h sign up (Raid time for all raids 7pm UTC)
    - Extraordinary TW track record (55 W | 6 L)
    - Great TB performance (45* DS | 44* LS)
    - Nice bunch of people who are willing to help on our Discord server

    ​What we ASK from you:
    - a working swgoh.gg profile
    - 600 tickets should be the norm (if you are on vacation it's no problem, just let us know BEFORE you are absent)
    - sub 100 arena ranking (not mandatory but preferred)
    - a solid roster that can perform well in TB and TW
    - pay attention to changed focus instructions in TB and TW
    - be active on our Discord


    If this sounds good, send me a DM preferably via Discord )I'm Innamora#7076) and we'll chat about whether we are a good fit for each other.
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    Serendipity Guild 165M GP is looking to fill 1 opening

    Serendipity is a hard-working guild that works cohesively to better the individual and group while keeping real life conversation and banter to stay grounded in the important things. We are looking for active SWGOH players (2.5M+ GP) seeking a guild that is passionate about T-Wars, T-Battles and your roster is HSTR prepared so you place well in HSTR (completes in 1.5 hours). We are a fun-loving group that cheers one another on in T-Wars battling, raid score growth, and generous with gear donations especially for Legendary events and key toon gearing. We offer guidance on raid and war squads, mods to boost your raid scores and combat mission completions. We are very much a helpful interactive community having a blast playing the game together and understand the balance between Work/Life/Game. Our independent well-organized guild is mostly a U.S. based guild with a mix of FTP/PTP players and even some avid Star Wars buffs. If this seems like a good fit to you please contact us via our discord guild recruitment server https://discord.gg/4dcUSRZ We strive to be a zero-drama guild. We only do player cuts based on participation issues and our membership guidelines are clearly stated.

    Guild Stats:
    • 43* light side, 45* dark side
    • T-Wars: 40W - on our 10th in a row
    • 48 Revans, 28 Milfs, 48 chewbacca, 40 C3PO - climbing daily
    • Guild Reset 8:30pm Eastern Time Zone

    Player Requirements:
    • All Legendary Toons at least thru Revan, and working towards C3PO and beyond
    • Participating in T-Battles and T-Wars during entire events
    • Development of T-Battle specific toons
    • Discord required
    • 2.5M+ GP – flexible if it’s a compact competitive roster 
    • Consistently getting your 600 in daily

    HSTR Raid - 24 Hour Join
    • 9:30 PM Eastern Time zone (guild reset)

    HAAT Tank - 24 Hour Join.
    • 10 PM Eastern Time zone
    • 6 PM Eastern Time zone

    Heroic Rancor - 24 Hour Join
    • 11 PM Eastern Time Zone

    Please contact us via our discord guild recruitment server https://discord.gg/4dcUSRZ
  • KCrocks1
    643 posts Member
    End Game - Recruiting now

    We are group full of dedicated players who are willing to do what it takes to dominate New Content quickly and efficiently. We all share and work together to accomplish our goals and grow faster, and we work as one big guild so no one is left behind.

    - Must have a swgoh.gg account and be active daily on Discord
    - 3+ mil GP - Fully geared squads and High level of dedication are a priority.
    - 600 Daily Raid Tickets
    - Full participation in TB and TW

    What you get:
    - All heroic raids
    - No guilds getting less than 43 stars in TB
    - No slackers, everyone carries their weight.
    - Experienced, veteran players who have your back.

    We’re looking for serious players who want more out of the game, and who are willing to step up and take on whatever CG throws at us this year!!! Stop by our Discord server at https://discord.gg/uGPZjPh and fulfill your destiny!!!!!
  • KingTommy23
    207 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Amadala Guard

    U.S EST Guild

    - 165mil Guild (was 190mil 2 weeks ago)
    - Looking for 1-5 players
    - One open spot although we wanna replace 3 1mil GP players we had to take in for bodies after a few retirements happened at once
    - LS TB 44/45* (shud be back to 45/45 again after the next one)
    - DS TB 45/48* (shud be back to 47/48 again after the next one)


    •ALLY CODE 519-355-155
    Post edited by KingTommy23 on
  • wildirish
    199 posts Member
    edited March 2019

    Degenerates of the 1st Order has one spot open for a 3mil+ GP player to help us further in TW/TB. Other GP's will be considered depending on roster.

    Everything is on farm.

    HSR - 5pm CST
    HPit - 1pm CST
    HAAT - 6pm CST
    TB - 43/44 ⭐

    Join Our Discord - https://discord.gg/Mvs9kgE

    Come check us out!
    Post edited by wildirish on
  • DylarrTS
    126 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Post edited by DylarrTS on
  • Options
    WE ARE...


    All Heroic raids on farm

    45/45 LSTB - 47/48 DSTB


    Top 40 in TW Worldwide

    Friendly, Fun, and Enthusiastic Players


    3m + GP (Exceptions possible)

    TB & TW focused roster (see below)

    - Pheonix

    - Rogue One

    - Imperial Troopers

    - Bounty Hunters

    - Nightsisters

    - Quira Scoundrels

    - Arena teams for TW & GA

    Must contribute 600 tix daily

    Have a good attitude !!!


    In game chat 828-156-268

    On Discord: Maxxximus#8209


    (Tag me @Maxxximus or @Ewok Officer upon landing)

    LOWER GP? ask about joining another one of our other guilds !!!

    Mergers available into our other guilds for small groups and new players, leadership positions available.

    NOTE: We are an alliance guild, but each guild grows independently, we don't move people or treat any of our guilds as feeders.

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    Come Join the GSF Alliance!

    The GSF Alliance is a small 5 guild alliance that is looking for more players!
    GSF Alpha: 204m GP GSF Omega: 180m GPo GSF Gamma: 161m GP GSF Delta: 130m GP
    GSF Phi: 80m GP All guilds run HRancor 3x a week and HAAT 2x a week, with a 24 hour registration period.

    Also, most guilds share the daily reset time at 8:30pm eastern, with Delta at 10:30pm eastern. Raid times vary between guilds, please let us know what times you would prefer!

    The Alliance shares a discord server and movement between guilds is free flowing based on performance and daily contribution, so as your roster progresses you'll have the opportunity to move up, and if you need to take a break we have a place for you as well! We merc within alliance to give everyone the opportunity for Traya shards!

    To join, check out our discord server (https://discord.gg/Gg6SFYg)
  • Binxy
    805 posts Member

    Guild-Name: Brotherhood of the Darkness
    Guild-GP: 126m
    LSTB: 40+
    DSTB: 40+
    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HAAT: 10pm GMT (on farm)
    Ally Code: 493-799-258
    Discord: Binxy#9448

    Brotherhood of the Darkness is a fully heroic guild and is recruiting TB/TW focused players with a minimum GP of 2m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    UK evening raid schedule. Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
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    175m GP - we have openings!
    Independent - 2yrs old and counting.

    GMT/UTC +0
    HEROIC Sith raid @18:00 FFA
    G-Reset @ 18:30
    Rancor @ 19:00 FFA (15 min courtesy wait to post)
    HAAT @ 20:00 FFA
    raids 24hr/0 dmg


    Everyone must have discord to join
    600/day required
    Max effort required in tb/tw
    All raids on farm

    Msg us on discord!
    Darth Reign#4202

    Or drop by and say hello
    "and i will show you ... where the iron crosses grow..."
  • Options
    Guild name: Raw Talent
    All hraids on farm
    9pmet raid times
    Independent guild
    Looking for 2.5mgp+ with teams geared toward hstr
    600 tickets more often than not and participate in Tb/tw.
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    Guild name: Guardians Alpha


    All hraids on farm

    Evening US raid times


    We're an independent guild who's a part of a community that's just for social reasons. We all run our guilds independently.

    Looking for 3.5mgp+ with teams geared toward TW

    600 tickets required and we do look for participation in tb/tw.

    LS/DS 45/47

  • Options
    WE ARE...


    All Heroic raids on farm

    45/45 LSTB - 47/48 DSTB


    Top 40 in TW Worldwide

    Friendly, Fun, and Enthusiastic Players


    3m + GP (Exceptions possible)

    TB & TW focused roster (see below)

    - Pheonix

    - Rogue One

    - Imperial Troopers

    - Bounty Hunters

    - Nightsisters

    - Quira Scoundrels

    - Arena teams for TW & GA

    Must contribute 600 tix daily

    Have a good attitude !!!


    In game chat 828-156-268

    On Discord: Maxxximus#8209


    (Tag me @Maxxximus or @Ewok Officer upon landing)

    LOWER GP? ask about joining another one of our other guilds !!!

    Mergers available into our other guilds for small groups and new players, leadership positions available.

    NOTE: We are an alliance guild, but each guild grows independently, we don't move people or treat any of our guilds as feeders.

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    Come join us in the Hive of Scum and Villainy where we have a guild for every type of player! Let's find the right fit for you today!
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    HD House Salaktori is looking for TW focused players.


    45/47 TBs
    All heroics on farm
    600 daily
    US eastern based guild except reset (18:30 UTC/2:30 pm EDT)

    Drama free guild of dedicated players who also have lives. Our goal is to share the work of this game whenever possible, including TW. So we need solid rosters with good mod depth. DM me here or on discord at Garth#6035
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    Death Star Rebel Wranglers
    192M GP

    The Death Star Rebel Wranglers are currently 48/50 and 192M GP. We're looking to add more TW focused players to help take our guild to the next level.

    Find us in-game or join via Discord: https://discord.gg/YAvJjnp

    What do we offer?
    • Australian time zone – guild reset at 6:30pm AEDT (7:30am UTC | 11:30pm PST)
    • 192M+ GP – top TW rewards, 45/45 stars in LS TB, 47/48 stars in DS TB
    • All raids on easy farm – guaranteed Han, GK and Traya shards (if you still need them)
    • Serious about TB and TW – but without being maniacal about it
    • Supportive alliance – with the freedom to run our guild our way with no interference
    • Active Discord server – plenty of help and support and lots of laughs
    • Low-stress guild rules – active participation is all that’s really required

    What do we want?
    • 4M+ GP and Top 50 Arena or 3.5M+ GP and Top 10 Arena – motivated players
    • 600 daily raid tickets – more tickets, more raids, more rewards, faster progress
    • Discord account and swgoh.gg profile – for communication and guild event planning
    • Active participation in Guild Events (TW, TB and Raids) – no passengers

    When do we raid?
    • Weeknights: 9 pm AEDT | 10 am UTC | 3 am PDT | 6 am EDT (UK/EU friendly)
    • Weekends: 2 pm AEDT | 3 am UTC | 8 pm PDT | 11 pm EDT (US/CA friendly)
  • Options
    KøR Resurgence
    194 M

    Resurgence is a heroic Sith guild that is looking for a dedicated player to join us.
    We get 45/47 stars in TB.

    We are a Guild that was created when guilds first began.
    Together we defeated the Rancor.
    Together we defeated General Grievous.
    Together we defeated the Sith Triumvirate.

    The question you need to ask yourself is...

    Are you worthy of joining the Knights øf Ren❓

    Adequate roster
    Sith Raid teams
    Territory battles teams
    Must be active and participate in all Guild events.
    600 and guild events are mandatory.
    Serious players only.

    Message me on Discord.
    Discord ID: Fearless#3370
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    Kraken’s Revenge
    191M GP

    Undefeated in TW since August 2018

    We are a highly focused and competitive group. TW is one of the events we pride ourselves on as a guild. We are looking for people who are as active and dedicated to the game as we are. Come check us out if you want to join a winning guild.

    We are looking for:
    - 3.6M GP or higher (we do make exceptions)
    - Top rankings in both Arenas
    - Active on discord and in all guild events
    - 600 tickets a day is mandatory

    Contact me in discord directly (MikeB#1326) or come check out our server https://discord.gg/xU7ptES
  • AceCV
    999 posts Member

    We are a GMT+0 time based guild, independent, created since the inception of guilds, with members from all over the world (mainly from europe), a friendly environment and some competitive standards that all members must put an effort to accomplish.

    Our raids normally begin arround 20:00 GMT.
    All Heroic and all on easy farm.

    Only 0 damage until "damage release time" (20:00 GMT of the day after launch) and then is FFA.
    Whoever breaks raid rules (even by mistake) is warned. If someone does it again, he/she will be suspended for 2 raids (which can be replaced for x donations in y days).

    TB INFO:
    45* in LS TB and 47* in DS TB.
    We have commitment rules for TBs.

    TW INFO:
    We play to win but we don´t have an hardcore behavior. Commitment needed always (if there is situations where you can´t do offensive phase you must compensate in defense).

    We are organized in LINE app chat rooms. Don´t need to be super active in chat but you must see important messages and direct messages.

    The minimum requirements for joining us are:
    • LINE app
    • Spend at least 600 tickets energy/day (exception made to real life stuff like holidays, etc).
    • Level 85 - with values higher than 3.5M GP, some top teams ready and a decent number of g12 chars (more than 35).
    • At least an average top 100 in arena.
    • Respect all members of the guild and the rules. A good roster isn't enough, we want good team spirit.

    If you are interested in joining us please send a PM to “AceCV” (in forum) or use LINE app (LINE id = acecv) / Discord (Ace#7103) and I'll get back to you.

  • Binxy
    805 posts Member

    Guild-Name: Brotherhood of the Darkness
    Guild-GP: 123m
    LSTB: 40+
    DSTB: 40+
    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HAAT: 10pm GMT (on farm)
    Ally Code: 493-799-258
    Discord: Binxy#9448

    Brotherhood of the Darkness is a fully heroic guild and is recruiting TB/TW focused players with a minimum GP of 2m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    UK evening raid schedule. Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
  • ManBalz
    254 posts Member
    Are you living in fear of being booted for not earning your 600 tickets a day, but still want to complete all Heroic Raids? Then come join us in Too Old For This Sith!

    We are more casual than your current hardcore Guild, yet we still complete all content within the game. Life is a balance, and we understand that everyone cannot be available 24/7 for a mobile game.

    Quick info about the Guild: 185m GP, earns 45 LSTB and 47 DSTB stars, farms Heroic Pit/Tank/Sith Raids, Raids primarily on weekdays between 7-8pm EST, and we are GMT -05:00.

    We're pretty laid back in comparison to other Guilds, so there's no hounding for 600 tickets a day, or about that next daily Guild activity, etc.

    Right now I'm looking for 2 new members to replace people who have quit the game, and I'd like these people to be pretty proactive in terms of TB/TW activity.

    If you're interested in joining please send me a PM. Below is my profile if you needed a Guild-progression check.

    SWGOH Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/manbalz/

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
  • Options
    STATUS: Recruiting

    Low drama high performance guild.

    Do you want to be part of a top 40 world wide guild but don't want to be part of their guild farm? Do you want to be in a top guild that everyone is expected to keep up growth without having a billion crazy rules? Come roll with us!

    We are an independent top 40 global GP guild looking for people with TW focus.

    We run Heroic raids exclusively on a rotational starting time of 6am 12pm 6pm 12am EDT with a 24hr zero attack then under 24hrs remaining free-for-all. We try and keep things simple and drama free. We use discord to communicate.

    We have guild members from around the world. If you'd like to join us please note the requirements listed above and let us know!

    You can check out our guild here:

    If you'd like to join feel free to contact our guild leader:
    DRGrizz#4843 (Discord)
    DRGrizz (Line App)
This discussion has been closed.