What can a scientist in my Star Wars fan fic be working on?


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    Star Wars is essential everything that doesn’t make sense
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    Starkiller base is voodoo physics too. Don't let that stop you.
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    How about supernova mining. The heaviest elements are formed in stars that nova, why not go directly to the source instead of waiting for the metals to coalesce? Maybe supernovas could be a perfect environment for synthesizing vibranium.
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    How about supernova mining. The heaviest elements are formed in stars that nova, why not go directly to the source instead of waiting for the metals to coalesce? Maybe supernovas could be a perfect environment for synthesizing vibranium.

    Speaking of large stars... The strongest stars have hearts of kyber.... We know that the empire loves them its kyber to power a certain star of death... Maybe they were working on a process to mine kyber from these strong stars.
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    c1ever_pun wrote: »
    Maximum7 wrote: »
    Okay someone on Reddit informed me that a supermassive black hole could never do what I want it to do. I’ve decided to scrap the whole story.

    So you're scrapping the whole idea just because your story about space wizzards isnt going to be scientifically accurate

    Yeah you’re probably right. I will sit down and brainstorm.

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    I decided to go with a quark star. It’s better than a black hole because we don’t even know if they exist. Perfect for expansion However, I still need something for him to be working on before he deals with the quark star. I’m looking not for a gadget or piece of tech. I’ve decided everything technological that we can think of, can be done. Speeders with deflector shields? Sure. We haven’t seen them but they can easily be done. I’m looking for something that would still be an emerging field of science. Something a Type II/III civilization would do next. Any ideas?
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    Maybe something like a TARDIS, maybe not the time and space travel, but the bigger on the inside part
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    The purgill (space whale in Rebels) can travel in hyperspace. An attempt to figure out how and reproducing it technologically to allow coaxium free hyperspace jumping.
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    My Star Wars story will now involve a scientist who is studying the ancient servers of the Holonet. As he learns about its beginnings, he thinks of ways he can make the Holonet better for everyone. What improvements can he make to the Holonet?
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    How to suck excess greenhouse gasses from the oceans and atmosphere of a catastrophically warming planet (hat tips to both the terraforming and atmosphere vacuuming/harvesting suggestions, as well as Earth scientists’ reality).
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    How to suck excess greenhouse gasses from the oceans and atmosphere of a catastrophically warming planet (hat tips to both the terraforming and atmosphere vacuuming/harvesting suggestions, as well as Earth scientists’ reality).

    I am suddenly intrigued. I like this idea. Anyways, I googled atmosphere vacuuming and this came up


    So atmospheric vacuuming is too close to a real world term. Can you give me a name for a method/procedure that can completely reverse climate change on a world? Sci fi of course. Not a real current method like stratospheric aerosol injection. Thanks!!!
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    Maximum7 wrote: »
    I’m trying to write a Star Wars story about a scientist who is working on something in the era of the New Republic. He does not believe in the Force. I just need something for him to be researching. It really isn’t that important to the story; it just has to sound cool and scientific.It can NOT be game-changing or something that can alter the story in a dramatic way. Also it can’t already have been done in Legends or Canon. I want a fresh idea.

    It cannot be

    - A time machine

    -A teleporter

    -A matter replicator

    -Synthetic tibanna gas

    -A singularity Weapon

    - Any type of droid

    -Anything to do with holograms

    -A food synthesizer

    - Anything to do with the Force or Midi-chlorians

    - A shrink ray

    -A freeze ray

    -pico and femtotechnology

    -A Dyson sphere or any type of megastructure.

    -Liquid metal armor or a nano morph

    -Any improvements on the hyperdrive

    -Limb regeneration

    -Hyperspace nullifier


    - Knowledge Transfer (Instant learning like in the Matrix)

    -Philosophers Stone

    -Kinetic weapons

    -Solar sail

    -Anything to do with kyber crystals

    -Gene editing

    -Mech suit


    -Gender change

    In canon, during the Empire, scientists were researching methods to control droids, lasers that can punch through deflector shields and ship scale disintigrators. These ideas are therefore taken.

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    I didn’t read everyone else’s ideas, but if no one said terraforming a planet, moon, region, etc that can be made as specific or vague as you want. You could do poison research. You could do habitation modules, studying old language, studying a species, testing biochemistry of objects sent by the empire for examination. I think the key is specific enough to sound important yet vague enough to not need huge back story or plot altering information necessary to understand! Good luck !
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    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Anti Darkside eye contacts

    I love you already.
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
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    Why disney bought star wars. No really, research it, it makes a great fanfic idea.

    You actually have a strict list here.
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
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    Why not(just an idea for the future) try having select Imperial scientists working on attempting to replicate or create something close to the Star Forge on Palpatine’s orders so the Imperial fleet doesn’t have to take more time to be constructed and more Super Star Destroyers could be made? Or maybe it’s a project mentioned that was ultimately shut down due to not having much info on the Dark Side fed space station, as if the files from KOTOR were lost and corrupted over the thousands of years between KOTOR and this time.
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    I’m going about this all wrong when it comes to asking what idea I want. I’m looking for a science thing that my scientist could study. On Steven Jackson games forum, someone suggested the migration patterns of Purgills. It would have been perfect except for the fact that it might lead someone to Ezra and Thrawn. That story will be told in the future. I want something unique but also a science that my scientist can study as his main work. Not an invention.
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    Someone on writingforums.org knocked some sense into me. The Star Wars galaxy has had 1,000’s of years to develop stuff so all science left to do is theoretical or observational. I’m going to have him study asteroids. Thanks for putting up with me.
  • Perfzilla
    60 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Fasteroids, they're like regular asteroids but faster

    Your protoganist would be researching why they're so fast
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    I’m thinking about doing something related to Hyperspace. What science can my scientist study about Hyperspace before he’s called away to deal with the supermassive black hole?
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    I'd go with a jealous force non-sensitive scientist using synthetic midichloreans turning average people into dangerous force users, who are basically like time bombs because they can't control their abilities.
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    Maximum7 wrote: »
    I’m thinking about doing something related to Hyperspace. What science can my scientist study about Hyperspace before he’s called away to deal with the supermassive black hole?

    Back to the supermassive black hole? :)

    Something about hyperspace...

    - Hyperlane multi-degenerate vibrative modes (a rare phenomenon by which hyperlanes that pass too close to a massive star can start shacking, potentially destroying ships)
    - Hyperspace spurious resonance (a mysterious background noise that can be noticed in ftl communications)
    - Hyper-specular neutrino chirality (a theory that suggests that, in hyperspace, not all neutrinos must be left-handed)
    - Non-linear momenta of hyper-mass (an observation that the mass of an object in hyperspace slightly exceeds the conventional theoretical values, suggesting there might be more-than-linear momenta at play)

    Or so many other things

    I like some of these but I don’t understand a lot of them. Do you have any more?

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    I asked John Jackson Miller himself what he could be working on and he said something to do with improving navicomputers. That meshes well on what I’m looking for as I want him to do something related to Hyperspace and navicomputers are used to make Hyperspace jumps. What could the scientist be working on in order to make navicomputers better or more efficient?
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    I’m making one last round on all the forums I posted on. I’m looking for something highly advanced.
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    What about studying the uniqueness of the MAW ?
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    Bermuda Triangle of Hyperspace lanes?
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    Ok my scientist is studying sub-Hyperspace, the dimension in which quintessence can be turned into Phantom Energy and then travel to destroy star systems in real time. This is how Starkiller Base fires it’s weapon after draining a sun. (I’m sure Disney will explore it more in due time). However, in the mean time; I wonder what other things my scientist can study about it. Applications I’ve considered would be a sub-hyperdrive which would allow for instantaneous travel like Star Trek: Discovery’s Spore Drive. It also could be used for instant communications. Good stuff but too much of a gamechanger to tinker with. What else could my scientist be studying about sub-hyperspace?
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    Maybe a new type of spice.
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    I’m going about this all wrong. I need an advanced but totally BORING detail intensive thing for my scientist to be studying. I WANT to start my story and this detail is unimportant. Does anyone have some science gooblegook that sounds coherent that I can use?
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