Please help those who are forgotten

As Jedi revan approaches 90% of the current arena meta and as Darth revan is about to make his debut, this game is facing some very big problems. We have a 110 characters in this game and at least 90% of them are not worth pursuing for the biggest aspect of the game (arena). That coupled with the fact that many characters that are required for legendary characters are not even close to being worth the investment (vet smug, juhani, **** Luke), and I fear people may start walking away.

I'm not asking revan to be nerfed.i just want a but more effort in bringing other toons up to viability. And please just let us break the Sith raid already. Stop nerfing EVERYTHING we find.


  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Most of those "useless" characters are plenty useful for raids or GA/TW. Everything doesn't have to be about arena.

    The veteran smugglers are fine, honestly. They do great damage and offer decent debuff and crowd control abilities. They just aren't explicitly required for anything other than JTR, so everyone gets them to g7 and then leaves them there forever. Hell, Traya would be trash too at that level. If you gear the vets up, they can wreck some face on a scoundrel team.

    Also, there are 170 characters. Soon to be 171 with Darth Revan.
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    We have Grand Arena for a reason. Regularly using 60+ characters between offense and defense.

    Plus there are all kinds of teams that can beat Revan. Just none of them hold on defense as well.

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    Firstly squad arena isn’t the only mode of the game. Calling it the biggest aspect of the game is purely subjective. Not everyone plays the game to be competitive in arena. With that being said, most characters have a use outside of arena (mostly TW/GA). There are a decent amount of character that aren’t very useful, and I would be glad to have them reworked. However, viewing a character’s use based on their arena viability hardly considers how good they are. Also, they don’t nerf EVERYTHING that we find. The zFinn P3 solo is definitely something that needed to be fixed. Being able to solo an entire phase with one team in an end game raid shouldn’t be kept in the game.
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    Lagandary wrote: »
    Firstly squad arena isn’t the only mode of the game. Calling it the biggest aspect of the game is purely subjective. Not everyone plays the game to be competitive in arena. With that being said, most characters have a use outside of arena (mostly TW/GA). There are a decent amount of character that aren’t very useful, and I would be glad to have them reworked. However, viewing a character’s use based on their arena viability hardly considers how good they are. Also, they don’t nerf EVERYTHING that we find. The zFinn P3 solo is definitely something that needed to be fixed. Being able to solo an entire phase with one team in an end game raid shouldn’t be kept in the game.

    Wasn't their also several teams with the nightsisters that can solo phase 3 that got nerfed out to?

    not that I invested a lot nightsisters and I love them and I hope that they are amazing and they always seem to be just outside The Meta :(
  • IronCross
    934 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    If they want us to use multiple teams, give us a venue to do so. Daily challenge arena that changes factions daily. Then you won’t have clusters of 90% meta boring battle nobody is enjoying. 3 different factions per day or something that really mixes it up.

    Grand arena, TB and TW doesn’t come around often enough to enjoy the use of other teams. We need a new daily. Just look how stale ships are. What percentage of the player base goes in and does 1 battle to get the daily done? I bet it’s very high. Same with arena with 2 battles and then they are done. I bet it is a very high average.
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    hsof777 wrote: »
    We have a 110 characters in this game and at least 90% of them are not worth pursuing for the biggest aspect of the game (arena).

    At any given point in the time of this game's life, the vast majority of characters were not arena-worthy. I don't know what fantasy land some people have been living in but there are never more than about 10-15 characters that are arena-worthy at any given time.
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    hsof777 wrote: »
    We have a 110 characters in this game and at least 90% of them are not worth pursuing for the biggest aspect of the game (arena).

    At any given point in the time of this game's life, the vast majority of characters were not arena-worthy. I don't know what fantasy land some people have been living in but there are never more than about 10-15 characters that are arena-worthy at any given time.

    Yeah, but if those 10-15 characters are from a part of Star Wars that they like, then it's ok!
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    We have Grand Arena for a reason. Regularly using 60+ characters between offense and defense.

    If Grand Arena was more than once or twice a month, I'd agree... but it's not, thus so many characters just end up wasting space and resources. I agree with the original post, there needs to be some serious rebalancing of characters.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    joelgs23 wrote: »
    We have Grand Arena for a reason. Regularly using 60+ characters between offense and defense.

    If Grand Arena was more than once or twice a month, I'd agree... but it's not, thus so many characters just end up wasting space and resources. I agree with the original post, there needs to be some serious rebalancing of characters.

    Um, they're increasing GA to 4x a month... just so ya know
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