Experiment. Arena power and GW difficulty.

Let me preface this thread with the disclaimer that this is my results only. If anyone is in the same position and arena power level I was when I began this experiment, and has the ability to finish difficult GW, I would really appreciate if you post your own results.

For the longest time, my arena team was sub 25k power. I didn't not need more, as I was running a droid team and did not need to max either Poe or Poggle, staying top 10 and grabbing first occasionally in an active time zone. My GW runs were ridiculously easy for a long time(I have posted previously various hard hitting teams I had faced, but the difficulty decreased as my overall level rose and arena team stayed the same). After reading all the other complaints in the forums, I decided to experiment.

First I upped my teams power to over 25k. 25258. A few galatic war runs showed no increase in difficulty over my sub 25k team. I then increased my teams power to 25791. Again, after three runs, I noticed no increase in difficulty. Every gw I would face teams ranging from 52 to 70(only 2 full lvl 70 teams on average with a mean of 63).

At this point, nearly a week in, my GS was ready, and would increase my teams power over 26k. After subbing him in, my power was 26267. I noticed a definite increase in GW difficulty after, although nothing too difficult. I went from starting teams of 50-52 to 57-58, and 2 lvl 70 teams to 4. Median went from 63 to 65, various star levels(have noticed no correlation between lvl and stars at this point...star levels seem to be random)

Again, I experimented with different higher power levels, being careful to stay under 27k. I noticed no increase in GW difficulty as long as I stayed under 27k.

Two days ago I increased my arena teams power to over 27k(27731). It should be noted that due to limited synergies available to me, I could not use a lower power level while going above 27 and stay competitive. Once again, GW difficulty has increased....this time a larger increase than the others(I do not know if this is the result of the recent update, which occurred in the middle of my experiment). After the power increase, averaging starting opponents are 67, with 7 lvl 70 opponents. Mean is 68.6. Once again, star levels seem random.

TD:LR. From the results I have gotten, I do not believe GW difficulty increases if your arena team power does not increase above the next 1000 power level. However, this is a small sample , and once again, if anyone is in a position to try and duplicate my results, please do so and post your own results.


  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    That could be true and would make sense of how they would be using arena power.

    I will say mine has been easy and I think my highest power I have used in arena has been around 25-26. So I think it either still broke or there is something else going into the calculations.
  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I had the exact same phenomenon. As soon as I raised my arena team over 26k (exactly: 26,129) the next day all my GW got a sudden increase in difficulty, after I tested 1 unit (my new RP 7*) in arena. It only got "easier" as I made my roster larger, i.e. after I got QGJ , GS, Ackbar and elder (i.e. 2 more healers and 2 fast damagers made GW deaths much more bearable). I have not fielded 27k power yet.
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    Been using same team since before last change to GW. Was easy like it's been a long time. Today, 1st time, faced all maxed teams except the 1st 3 nodes. Win streak still on cos have a good roster.

    My wife's been using the same droid team since ages. Always breezed through GW pre latest change. Post change, been facing maxed teams in the all the nodes, the highest she could complete. Hasn't finished GW twice now 2~3 nodes before end. Except for her droids, she doesn't have a good a roster as mine.

    Make what you want of that. GW matching is still beeped. It's not consistent enough for anyone to start analyzing it.

    My suggestion, stop bothering about it and start working on a deeper bench. That's the only 100% way of clearing GW every single time.
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    Lol. I do clear it every time. And even being still buggy, gaining understanding of how it works, or possibly supposed to work, isn't a bad thing
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    Anecdotal evidence here, be warned.

    FTP player here on a fresh server. I'm player level 64. The first player in my arena bracket to hit lvl 70 just got it a few days ago. I say again - fresh server.

    Ever since I got on the forums and read about the buggy GW matchmaking I've keep trying to keep my arena team power low. It's been a fun balancing act of trying to stay competitive in arena while keeping my GW difficulty low.

    My arena power is 18k. I've been able to stay in the top 100 reward bracket for the past few weeks (once or twice I've dropped to top 200- but I'm cool with that. 10 shards / day is what I'm aiming for). I delay gearing and starring my heroes for as long as I am able to use them. I've had both Sid and Lumi at 6* with the shards for 7* for over a week now, but I don't want to jump my arena power.

    I've had an extremely easy time with GW so far. I did not experience the level 60 difficulty hike that everyone speaks about on these forums. I finish it every day, normally without losing anybody from my "A" squad. Before the tweaks that happened a few days ago, I would face teams 10 levels lower than myself. Now that the change has happened, I face teams closer to my level, and the last nodes are equal to my power level.

    I completely attribute my success in GW to delaying upgrading my arena team. Is this hurting my arena ranking? Sure. I'm confident I *could* be top 50 every day, potentially higher, but it's not worth the risk. The marginal increase of arena rewards is not at all worth even the potential of messing up my GW matches.

    TL;DR: I also believe that arena power is closely tied to GW difficulty. If you crunch the numbers I think most of us would benefit from a lower arena rank and an easier GW than the reverse.

  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    This thread is about trying to observe factually when GW gets harder despite the subjective evaluation of its difficulty.

    If there's anything related to power thresholds like 27 and 28k then I do mind, especially with expected cap increases, not gonna field a top team if my roster can't exactly follow to beat GW.

    GW > arena especially right after those cap increases (we need the credits more than arena tokens tbh).
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    Fantazy wrote: »
    This thread is about trying to observe factually when GW gets harder despite the subjective evaluation of its difficulty.

    If there's anything related to power thresholds like 27 and 28k then I do mind, especially with expected cap increases, not gonna field a top team if my roster can't exactly follow to beat GW.

    GW > arena especially right after those cap increases (we need the credits more than arena tokens tbh).

    Exactly. Evaluating mathematically is virtually impossible. That being said, if enough players sis something similar, we may have a general idea of how much the difficulty can ramp up with regards to arena team power. Which in my case it has increased, though I am able to beat it. Indeed it still isn't as difficult as it was when I was level 60, even 65.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Lol why is this an "experiemnt" or even a debate as if there were still theories????

    A dev explained on reddit that GW difficulty is decided based on the highest squad power you have won a match with in arena. So there ya go, as you get stronger, GW gets harder lol
    It makes sence that the difficulty scales that way and if your noticing it then its working correctly.

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    Though experiment is probably too much for what I did. Experiential evaluation is probably closer.
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    Abyss wrote: »
    Lol why is this an "experiemnt" or even a debate as if there were still theories????

    A dev explained on reddit that GW difficulty is decided based on the highest squad power you have won a match with in arena. So there ya go, as you get stronger, GW gets harder lol
    It makes sence that the difficulty scales that way and if your noticing it then its working correctly.

    Except based on my admittedly limited observations you could potentially field a stronger arena team without increasing your GW difficulty. The difference between your team being 2501 power and 25900 power could mean several spots, and based off of what I have observed it wouldn't increase your GW difficulty. Or did you read.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Abyss wrote: »
    Lol why is this an "experiemnt" or even a debate as if there were still theories????

    A dev explained on reddit that GW difficulty is decided based on the highest squad power you have won a match with in arena. So there ya go, as you get stronger, GW gets harder lol
    It makes sence that the difficulty scales that way and if your noticing it then its working correctly.

    Except based on my admittedly limited observations you could potentially field a stronger arena team without increasing your GW difficulty. The difference between your team being 2501 power and 25900 power could mean several spots, and based off of what I have observed it wouldn't increase your GW difficulty. Or did you read.

    I read lol, thats why i offered clarity and relayed what the devs confirmed on reddit (cant rember who had the link, sorry for that)
  • TMRevan
    63 posts Member
    Yup, same thing with me, everytime my power got higher (overall power, not only my arena team) my gw increased in difficulty. I even started to face lvl 70 on node 1, but after the 3/3 update my gw got easier (only facing full 70 after node 5)
  • Options
    TMRevan wrote: »
    Yup, same thing with me, everytime my power got higher (overall power, not only my arena team) my gw increased in difficulty. I even started to face lvl 70 on node 1, but after the 3/3 update my gw got easier (only facing full 70 after node 5)

    Interesting. My difficulty spiked between 60-65, then got easier. But I kept using the same arena team from 60-70, with its power only increasing per level increase. GW kept getting easier and easier. So I decided to do what I posted.
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