Brainstorming jedi teams against Darth Revan

Will the currently best jedi team of Darth Revan (L), GMY, Bastilla, General Kenobi, and Jolee change to something else? It appears Darth Revan is going to give that team a tough time. Any better ones we can think of? I was thinking Bastilla might become the best jedi lead again sense she's so anti debuff and Darth revan inflicts a lot of those. Or Old Ben might replace Bastilla in the current meta jedi team. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.


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    Good luck!
    You'll need it, jedi scum.
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    Good luck!
    You'll need it, jedi scum.

    You're not even in the meta sith team, Maul. What are you doing here?
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    One of big things is mass attacks still work outside of attack Darth revan. So maybe running round and killing other toons like bastilla or the other Sith empire toons. Might be wise.

    I'm thinking either best to take kenobi out and go ham with either juhani or plokoon.

    Plokoon will give major tm to a team and might make it possible to burst a unit or two down before they get a go
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    No. There will be no combination of any jedi that will be beating Revan. His kit is specifically designed for that to be the case.

  • artusa
    175 posts Member
    New Hope looks really promising. With the drop in defense they can tear apart that team.
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    Im fine with jkr emp and traya meta was worse way more rng involved in there mirror matches compared to jkr
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    Why would you want to speculate on a jedi team against a squad that was specifically designed to counter them?
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    Given that his entire kit is basically "LOL Jedi" I think you'd be far better off trying to counter him with something else.

    Since his speed buffs take a couple turns to get rolling, I feel like Grievous/Seps with BB8 on the team might actually have a shot.
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    Genpaku408 wrote: »
    One of big things is mass attacks still work outside of attack Darth revan. So maybe running round and killing other toons like bastilla or the other Sith empire toons. Might be wise.

    I'm thinking either best to take kenobi out and go ham with either juhani or plokoon.

    Plokoon will give major tm to a team and might make it possible to burst a unit or two down before they get a go

    not sure it's works against hk47
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    Jenjhys wrote: »
    Genpaku408 wrote: »
    One of big things is mass attacks still work outside of attack Darth revan. So maybe running round and killing other toons like bastilla or the other Sith empire toons. Might be wise.

    I'm thinking either best to take kenobi out and go ham with either juhani or plokoon.

    Plokoon will give major tm to a team and might make it possible to burst a unit or two down before they get a go

    not sure it's works against hk47

    Yea hk with 150% crit avoidance against a full jkr jedi tesm wont be bursted that easily and bsf probably wont be eithet due to the 75% health increase and the defense (will only matter at the start) revan u cant mass attack that leaves last 2 if its SiT its going yo be hard due to it being tanky and if murader also will be tanky with buffs and debuffs up sass is ur best shot but once u kill 1 you just reset hks 9 turn cd attack and he will start spamming cause if fear or corrupt up on ur whole team
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    I’m thinking sith or empire might be a better counter. Probably EP as a lead, with all those debuffs waiting to expire.
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    Given that a DR will tend to stack multiple debuffs on itself... And will not have a tenacity focus... Vader and Boba Fett could play a roll on a counter team. Depends on the actually damage and speed numbers. And likly just on offense as they would be taken out first by a human opponent.

    Bounty Hunters (who gain health/protection on enemy debuffs) might be via-able if well geared/modded. The catch is the AOE shock and other shock preventing healing.
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    OK, lets think it through. Drop in defense and drop in tenacity means that any team that is strongly dependent on offense and potency with very high speed should do well. So what comes to mind is ultra-speed bounty hunters, a zFinn, Chewie, Han, BB8 and either C3PO or Scavenger Rey may be able to kill them fast enough starting from Badstilla, followed by Sith Marauder.
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    But if u go before tbem they dont have any defense penalty till they go atleast once but they could just fear lock ur whole team
  • H_B0MBZ
    292 posts Member
    But if u go before tbem they dont have any defense penalty till they go atleast once but they could just fear lock ur whole team

    I agree. That's why I think maybe nightsisters could do well. Plague will almost always land and talzin/ assajs unique will prevent your team from being stunlocked by gaining tm when health drops low. Plague would almost always connect too.
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    Cbm shuts down tmg and Darth revan kills asajj unique speed boost. Depending on how hard they hit, with all that healthsteal, they may keep plague cleansed. With that being said, ns may be a soft counter but I don't think they will hold well on def
    482 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    I only run jedi...I'm free to play and have few resources focused towards sith. I'm just wondering which team would be the "least worst" against darth revan.
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    You won't be able to face DR. Exactly like you weren't able to face JKR, not even the weakest one, without a way stronger team specifically designed to deal with him. That's called a cycle and this is Darth Revan's one. Buy or lose.
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    GK lead, Revan, Zarriss, Hoda + GMY
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    Personally I’m gearing up my Rebels to smash Darth Revan —> CLS/Chewie etc
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    this seems like a bad idea to start the battle with shooting yourself in the foot.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    JKR teams should still be faster and can instagib Sith Assassin. But after the first turn, they might be doomed. Dont think they have the firepower to kill Fastilla on open.

    Does DR have a way to dispel Tenacity up? Or Can fear not be resisted or evaded? And then the Jedi just dispel all of their own buffs?
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    VonZant wrote: »
    JKR teams should still be faster and can instagib Sith Assassin. But after the first turn, they might be doomed. Dont think they have the firepower to kill Fastilla on open.

    Does DR have a way to dispel Tenacity up? Or Can fear not be resisted or evaded? And then the Jedi just dispel all of their own buffs?

    Depending on how powerful assassination protocol is, massing all that firepower into one toon from the get-go may end up backfiring. If it’s enough to OHKO lower health toons, what you’ll likely see in turn order is: Badstila, apply fear on a soft target (like GMY). HK-47 assassinates GMY (who is then saved by savior stuck using his basic, and AP cd is reset). Deathmark gets triggered on JKR, DR goes and uses insanity for a double-tap on JKR (likely hard killing him with no revive option available). Now all Jedi are stuck with fear and no Revan. Pretty easy cleanup.
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    I'm not being snarky here, I'm genuinely asking:

    Why would you plan to use a Jedi counter when everything about DR, HK and EmoBastila's kits is so flagrantly anti-Jedi?

    I honestly think Traya or Grievous has a better chance of emerging as the anti-Drevan.
  • Zinke7
    194 posts Member
    Jarvind maybe because with all that defense conversion to offense on DR team and with the fact that event is delayed things might not work well for DR.
    On defense we would depend on stupid AI but on offense I think that replacing GK with Ezra can give Jedi team enough offense to kill the most offensive player on Sith team rendering them toothless for rest of the fight.

    I don't think that Traya or GG have what it takes to take out DR teams. I think it will be team that synergize well but don't depend on leader too much, perhaps Phoenix :smiley:
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    But rember cbm gives -30% crit chance and doubled for none jedi none sith
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    Kit Fisto leading Jedi Knight Anakin Aayla Secura Jedi Knight Guardian and Mace
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    Kit Fisto leading Jedi Knight Anakin Aayla Secura Jedi Knight Guardian and Mace

    Sounds like a plan. But personally, I'd switch out Anakin for Consular or Ima-Gun Di.
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