List of Characters that SWGOH Needs (Solo)

Young Han Solo (Corellia)
Qi'ra (Corellia)
Tobias Beckett
Rio Durant
Dryden Vos
Mimbanese Soldier
Imperial Patrol Trooper


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    None only the robotic leg maul matters from the solo movie
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
  • gpeeee
    126 posts Member
    Beckett and Vos
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    Last thing we need is another version of Solo.
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    We need another wookie.
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    Here's a list of canon characters that are still missing in SWGOH (at least in playable form):


    - Padme (maybe several iterations, but at least the blaster-wielding Padme on Geonosis)
    - Anakin (Fallen)
    - Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Quinlan Vos, Adi Gallia, Deepa Billaba, Saesee Tiin, and other Jedi
    - Capital ships: Grievous' Invisible Hand or Malevolence
    - Ships: Vulture droid, Nu-class attack shuttle
    Original Trilogy:
    - Jedi Knight Luke
    - Endor Rebels (Trenchcoat Han, Poncho Leia and the gang)
    - Sand- and Scout Troopers
    - Deathstar Troopers, -Gunners and -Droids
    - Boushh (Leia in bounty hunter disguise)
    - Jabba, Bib, Barada, Pote Snitkin, EV-9D9, maybe even Slave Leia (makes more sense than 3PO)
    - Ships: Y-Wings, A-Wings and B-Wings
    - Ships: TIE Bombers and Interceptors
    - Pilots: Porkins, Nien Nunb


    - Veterans Luke, Leia and Ackbar
    - Maz Kanata
    - General Hux
    - Snoke and/or his royal guard
    - Capital ships: Snoke's Supremacy, the Raddus
    - Ships: MG-100 Bomber
    - Pilots: Jessica Pava, Temmin Wexley, Oddy Muva and others

    Other movies (Rogue One, Solo):

    - Saw Gerrera and his guerillas
    - Tobias Beckett, Val, Rio
    - Dryden Vos and his Hylobon Enforcers
    - Pilots: Admiral Raddus, General Antoc Merrick (Blue Leader) and others

    Cartoons (Clone Wars 2D, Clone Wars 3D, Rebels):

    - General Anakin Skywalker
    - Even Piell, K'kruhk, Roron Corobb, and various other Jedi
    - Sugi, Bulduga, Onca, Derrown, and a dozen other bounty hunters
    - Hondo Ohnaka and his Weequay pirates, old Hondo from Rebels
    - Tactical and Commando droids
    - Spider legs Maul, cyborg legs Maul, old Maul from Rebels
    - Old Rex and the senior clone gang
    - Pre Viszla and Death Watch with younger Bo-Katan, older Bo-Katan from Rebels
    - Ketsu Onyo, Ursa Wren, Fenn Rau, and other Mandalorians
    - Ships: Z-95 Starfighter, V-19 Torrent
  • Options
    Ya I think that's their five year plan summed up
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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