Can we get a sim on forest moon

106 posts Member
It legit takes longer than it did/does to auto rancor all for 2 omegas


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    Couldn't agree more, to autoplay all tiers takes too long draining unnecessary battery life :)
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    We should get a sim on any event where we beat a tier higher. Although I think it should be: any tier that you 3 starred, but I don't think they'll go for that. But simming any 'lower tier, once beaten the highest' should be a valued QoL update.

    But not be able to sim the first 3 tiers, while you beat (or even: 3 starred) the final (mythic) tier is just lame / waste of time (and battery life).
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    Yeah my team autos the highest tier 3 stars every time now. Please let us Sim it.
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    Yes please
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    Yes, allowing us to auto it before my HK droid team can no longer finish it would be nice.
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    Either that or change the rewards to 2 zetas instead of 2 omegas
  • Donrob
    37 posts Member
    YKMisfit wrote: »
    Yes, allowing us to auto it before my HK droid team can no longer finish it would be nice.

    Works fine with a IG88 lead as well

  • Hantal86
    217 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    I’d like to see more events simmable once you’ve three starred them just to speed things up on those days when real life is kicking you in the bum
  • G20
    132 posts Member
    Can we get sims on all events we have 3*
  • Aydnie
    432 posts Member
    i did made a thread called "quality of life needed" on where i did bring on assault battle simulations, but no one replied to the thread
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    Either that or change the rewards to 2 zetas instead of 2 omegas

    Omegas are just as needed as zetas
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    How about after 150 successfull 3 stars you can gw was
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    B0baf3tt wrote: »
    Either that or change the rewards to 2 zetas instead of 2 omegas

    Omegas are just as needed as zetas

    Agree I need the omegas or I wouldn’t bother even doing it cause it is a pain
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    At least the Jedi v separatists ones even on auto takes me like 10 minutes a tier (No revan so Bastilla lead)
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    B0baf3tt wrote: »
    Either that or change the rewards to 2 zetas instead of 2 omegas

    Omegas are just as needed as zetas

    Zeta's are MUCH harder to obtain, and provide much bigger benefits, thus would make the effort needed for something we should be able to sim, more worthwhile.

    The game has a ton of content and can take up a LOT of time. Anything we have 3 starred or in some cases have just beaten 25/50 times should be simmable, to save us some of that time, please @CG

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    You need omegas to make a full zeta plus the amount needed overall as most characters don't have a zeta but nearly all have omegas. Yes zeta mats might be a little harder/rarer to obtain . But the omegas are definitely needed just as much I think the need out ways the difficulty. More places to farm stun guns than some other gear but we definitely need more stun guns lol
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    Veskasa1 wrote: »
    We should get a sim on any event where we beat a tier higher. Although I think it should be: any tier that you 3 starred, but I don't think they'll go for that. But simming any 'lower tier, once beaten the highest' should be a valued QoL update.

    But not be able to sim the first 3 tiers, while you beat (or even: 3 starred) the final (mythic) tier is just lame / waste of time (and battery life).

    Just it.

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