Can a good guild be low on raid tickets?

572 posts Member
edited March 2019
I’m in a decent hsith guild but had a feeling tickets were low and I checked 21k smh.

It’s good competitive guild for tw but still wish more frequent raids. Am I expecting too much or is this the norm. Was in another (hsith farm now) not before.

They pulled in a lot of tickets to start raids frequently. But not competitive (140-150 gp at the time) always lost tw never put effort into sith but did for Tb lol. Also a lot of effort into pit raid auto races and join list competitions seems like give in take with guilds.

If there is better can at least ride it out until top sith and traya farmed and explore other options then. Even sim pit which gives lower rewards hope they change that soon as players have complained me included already.


  • Options
    30k is the max on raid tickets. To get that you need 50 dedicated players who will play every day. This is what you call a dedicated guild

    A good guild and a dedicated guild aren't necessarily one in the same. You could have a guild that is so constantly demanding of its members that it becomes a chore to play rather than fun. This guild would be extremely dedicated, but they wouldn't be a good guild IMO because I don't want playing to stress me out.

    A good guild could mean that they are friendly, that they have a high GP, that they can raid well, that they are dedicated, that they are good at tb, that they are good at twar, or any combination of any amounts of those (none of which are dependent on each other).

    So can a guild be a good guild without being dedicated? Sure, all depends on what you consider good.
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    Good is subjective but imo you should never be more than a thousand or two away from 30k. It's not hard at all to get 600 tickets. You may be doing good in tw now but as your gp creeps up you're gonna hit a wall if they arent fully dedicated. My guild is fairly strong and idk that we've won a tw after moving up to top tier
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    There are so many guilds out there, the norm is what you want it to be.

    if you are not happy with the level of commitment of your guild, and you want more. Go looking. you will find a guild that suits you better.
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    I define a “good guild” as one that serves my purposes. I provide to the guild what I expect out of the other members.

    Exchange is a wash, as it’s just trading pieces for pieces. TW is a wash, as each one is different, and can’t expect perfect attacks from everyone all the time (everyone is subject to bad rng). TBs I expect everyone to fully participate, as it’s free and doesn’t take much effort. Tickets for raids is something i don’t waver on: I expect 30k day in day out. More raids = more prestigious gear more often from HSTR (life happens, I understand a random <600 Tickets happens).
    If I found myself in a guild pulling in 21k tickets I’d ask leadership to rectify, or I’d leave. No bad blood, no drama, just need a guild to serve that serves me. 😊
    Participation trophy? No. You want something: earn it.
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Get traya to 7* and decide if you want more guild currency per raid per week.

    21k seems low IMHO. I would shoot for a guild that does +28k a day, due to absences.
  • 2smooth
    572 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Get traya to 7* and decide if you want more guild currency per raid per week.

    21k seems low IMHO. I would shoot for a guild that does +28k a day, due to absences.
    Yeah I think I’ll do that think raid tickets are probably only in guilds that are Tb focused and easy raids that’s like a focus I”ll have when I’m not trying to do much else not there yet. And those type of guild are too pushy with demands I’d only be in one to complete Tb quest when I get there to not deal with that for long lol.
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    Good guilds also often have characters from Rocky movies in them
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    4 minutes of tapping on your phone (usually accomplished on the toilet, or in line at the grocery store) can get you your 600 of the guild's 30k. It's the barest of bare minimum effort. Any decent guild should be pretty close to 30k daily. No need to be dictators about it, but being off by 9k a day is pretty bad. I'd ditch a guild in a heartbeat if they missed by that much.
  • Options
    If you like the guild other than the quantity of tickets generated, can you raise your concern with an officer? If there is a minimum ticket contribution expected, and not being met then the officers should try and rectify this imo. One thing that may surprise you is the number of players who don't know how raid tickets are generated. It's the first question we ask new members who miss our minimum target when we dm them to see what support, if any, we can give to resolve the issue.
    We have a channel on our server that illustrates this but still find members that assume mod and fleet energy goes to tickets.
    If you judge a guild to be good only if it maxes ticket contributions then that makes mine bad as we average 27k that's based on a minimum of 450 but ideally 600.
  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    Depends on your definition of "good", but that many tickets means you have about 15 people not playing at all. I'd get out of Dodge and join somewhere that at least has everyone active.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    21k isn't alot if you've had a guild reset after a raid was launched. It's low enough to make me wonder if there wasn't a raid launched that "day".
    Save water, drink champagne!
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