Can we fix this?

131 posts Member
edited March 2016
Could just be me, but the game does not feel healthy.


  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Good thing they made him f2p right
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    Edited title : please do not to call out CG/EA, Devs etc in post headers.
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Not all servers are like that though. In my top 20 there's a pretty even split between phasma qgj and Sid. And one barriss, a poggle and one HK47 also. I don't think all servers have mostly only qgj. Or I hope most others don't because there's still some diversity then
  • EwokJedi1
    131 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    DV_27 wrote: »
    Not all servers are like that though. In my top 20 there's a pretty even split between phasma qgj and Sid. And one barriss, a poggle and one HK47 also. I don't think all servers have mostly only qgj. Or I hope most others don't because there's still some diversity then

    When did you start playing?
    Barrok wrote: »
    Good thing they made him f2p right

    I know right. Imagine the outrage, probably why they did that.
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Why? Clearly working as intended, so what's the problem? My server has 6 QGJs in the top 10 and a further 2 in top 20. 8/20 is really not that much. There's even one Rex in there, and the rest are Sids, Phasmas and one or two Barriss(-es).
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    aye, I use teebo lead also. Got him to seven stars this week, can almost crack the top 100. but he sure does look good in the top 5! i salute you!
  • Mythov
    97 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I think people not using QGJ as lead are largely people who dont have him currently; my top 20 is also over 50% qgj but rare outside top 50

    Love the teebo haha
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    aye, I use teebo lead also. Got him to seven stars this week, can almost crack the top 100. but he sure does look good in the top 5! i salute you!

    Ill drop by tomorrow morning, but it will give me something to do tomorrow. You can break the top 10 using almost any combination. QGJ is just tier 1.
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    I find QGJ leading a jedi team a pretty easy win. 7* dooku eats his old padawan for breakfast
  • Mythov
    97 posts Member
    Most of those teams arent jedi, just the lead, maybe occasional yoda or anakin
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    Mythov wrote: »
    I think people not using QGJ as lead are largely people who dont have currently sadly; my top 20 is also over 50% qgj but more rare outside
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when I hear people defending by saying they have Phasmas and Sids in the top 20. I know they aren't on a competitive shard.
    I find QGJ leading a jedi team a pretty easy win. 7* dooku eats his old padawan for breakfast

    No top end speed team has an issue with Dooku. If Yoda meditated first, it would be the best offensive and defensive team.
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    @EwokJedi1 how far do you fall? also have you noticed that teebo unstealths himself.. i think there is a problem where if he uses his special that grants him stealth for 3 turns, sometimes the next turn comes around and he becomes unstealthed because of his leader ability getting confused. kinda a big bug but havent noticed any complaints on here about it
  • Options
    @EwokJedi1 how far do you fall? also have you noticed that teebo unstealths himself.. i think there is a problem where if he uses his special that grants him stealth for 3 turns, sometimes the next turn comes around and he becomes unstealthed because of his leader ability getting confused. kinda a big bug but havent noticed any complaints on here about it

    I can fall 10 or 20 spots. When I sleep its pretty inactive and I do a battle when I wake up 7 hours later. I will keep an eye on that, haven't really noticed it yet.
  • Snake
    158 posts Member
    @EwokJedi1 how far do you fall? also have you noticed that teebo unstealths himself.. i think there is a problem where if he uses his special that grants him stealth for 3 turns, sometimes the next turn comes around and he becomes unstealthed because of his leader ability getting confused. kinda a big bug but havent noticed any complaints on here about it

    Yes this teebo bug exists. I posted about it on a post for bugs started by a dev maybe a month ago. Got no feedback
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    Snake wrote: »
    @EwokJedi1 how far do you fall? also have you noticed that teebo unstealths himself.. i think there is a problem where if he uses his special that grants him stealth for 3 turns, sometimes the next turn comes around and he becomes unstealthed because of his leader ability getting confused. kinda a big bug but havent noticed any complaints on here about it

    Yes this teebo bug exists. I posted about it on a post for bugs started by a dev maybe a month ago. Got no feedback

    AHHH yes i knew it. anything we can do to make our voices be heard?
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    EwokJedi1 wrote: »
    DV_27 wrote: »
    Not all servers are like that though. In my top 20 there's a pretty even split between phasma qgj and Sid. And one barriss, a poggle and one HK47 also. I don't think all servers have mostly only qgj. Or I hope most others don't because there's still some diversity then

    When did you start playing?
    Barrok wrote: »
    Good thing they made him f2p right

    I know right. Imagine the outrage, probably why they did that.

    At the beginning of Jan, server reached 70 about two weeks ago so it's not old but it's also not all that new. I think you're just in an unlucky one where everyone is using him. I've seen screenshots from some old servers with a diversity of leaders and not only him.
    Edit- kudos to you for using teebo though :) don't think there's one in the top 100 on my sever
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    Ewok Jedi what team do you run with Teebo
  • EwokJedi1
    131 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Corndog131 wrote: »
    Ewok Jedi what team do you run with Teebo
    Teebo/Ewok elder/RG/and some combination of daka and Dps. I am just messing around with him, I switch between that and QGJ. Which is the point of the thread, that he is too good in the current meta.
    Post edited by EwokJedi1 on
  • TMRevan
    63 posts Member
    Qgj is just too good and easily farmable.
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    Yes we can!!!
    Oh... Sorry I thought we were doing a Bob the builder thing.

    But in all honesty, if a toon is in over 90% of the arena teams, *cough*Sid*cough*, then its clear they need to do something to force players to vary their teams a bit.

    For the sake of variety; they have a wonderfully deep roster, and we keep seeing the same toons in all fights....
  • Pikot
    65 posts Member
    My gods.... Mol Eliza is everywhere.... (3 accounts on my server)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Pikot wrote: »
    My gods.... Mol Eliza is everywhere.... (3 accounts on my server)

    Yep, she's a ***** - she really get's around. That tramp.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    DV_27 wrote: »
    Not all servers are like that though. In my top 20 there's a pretty even split between phasma qgj and Sid. And one barriss, a poggle and one HK47 also. I don't think all servers have mostly only qgj. Or I hope most others don't because there's still some diversity then

    Ditto. In the top 20 on my server, there are 7 QGJ leads, though 3 of those are in the top 5 (the other 2 are Sid). It is mostly Phasma, but sprinkled with some Sid and Rex. And a Barris in the top 10. I started mid-December.
  • Eaywen
    422 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Obvious solution is to half al his abilities. Bariss logic amirite. On my server top 100 about 60 or so perecent lead him top 20 almost all. Those that don't lead him use him.
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    EwokJedi1 wrote: »
    Corndog131 wrote: »
    Ewok Jedi what team do you run with Teebo
    Teebo/EW/RG/and some combination of daka and Dps. I am just messing around with him, I switch between that and QGJ. Which is the point of the thread, that he is too good in the current meta.

    EW? Ewok Elder?
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    Willziak wrote: »
    EwokJedi1 wrote: »
    Corndog131 wrote: »
    Ewok Jedi what team do you run with Teebo
    Teebo/EW/RG/and some combination of daka and Dps. I am just messing around with him, I switch between that and QGJ. Which is the point of the thread, that he is too good in the current meta.

    EW? Ewok Elder?

    Yes, but it is just something I mess around with, its not seriously competitive. Back on topic. I can create any 7* Team maxed out in the game, and QGJ speed teams are just simply the best when ran on full auto.
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    DV_27 wrote: »
    Not all servers are like that though.

    Most people aren't finished farming qgj yet. ;)
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes we can!!!
    Oh... Sorry I thought we were doing a Bob the builder thing.

    But in all honesty, if a toon is in over 90% of the arena teams, *cough*Sid*cough*, then its clear they need to do something to force players to vary their teams a bit.

    For the sake of variety; they have a wonderfully deep roster, and we keep seeing the same toons in all fights....
    Yes we can!!!
    Oh... Sorry I thought we were doing a Bob the builder thing.

    But in all honesty, if a toon is in over 90% of the arena teams, *cough*Sid*cough*, then its clear they need to do something to force players to vary their teams a bit.

    For the sake of variety; they have a wonderfully deep roster, and we keep seeing the same toons in all fights....

    Lol thats not why you see sid everywhere lol
    You see him, Lumi, plasma, etc everywhere cause they are the fastest and easiest farms. They are literally the first toons almost EVERYONE has at 7*. It hs nothing to do with design or with how good/bad they are. Its simply ease of farming.

    It diversifies more the longer you go and besides, you cant say things like "if a toon is in 90% of arena teams" and be even close to passing on accurate info/statistics simply because you cant see a lrge enough sample size.
    1) you did not scroll through and check every leader and battle every player to see their team in your arena group (as there are thousands per group) so you dont have a clue how many sids are in just your group.
    2) you can only see a fraction of your arena group at any given time and your arena group represents only a fraction of the arena groups out there (which you cant see ANY of anyone elses lol)

    So basically your saying hes in 90% of arena teams based a sample size of what you know from a fraction of a fraction of whats out there lmao

    Nice try tho ;)
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    Abyss wrote: »
    You see him, Lumi, plasma, etc everywhere cause they are the fastest and easiest farms. They are literally the first toons almost EVERYONE has at 7*. It hs nothing to do with design or with how good/bad they are. Its simply ease of farming.
    Then how come you don't also see Ugnaught, Coruscant Underworld Police, Dathcha and Biggs just as much? They're exactly as easy to farm as Sid, Lumi and Phasma. ;)

    You see those same characters because they are both good and easy to farm. I agree that ease of farming has a very big effect on who you see, though. On my leaderboard QGJ's started showing up all over after he made it to the cantina shipments and I'm seeing more 5's and Dakas now that people have farmed their QGJ and Poe's.

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