Darth Revan leadership need to be improved



  • Jaden
    162 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    I can beat most of the JKR Revan squads with my gear IX aka really slow DS Revan. I think his leadership is fine and I'm talking about the top 20 in my shard as well.

    Everybody’s shards are different mate. My g11 DR and squad can only make it through about 1/4 of the JKR squads in my top 50. When your staring at squads sitting at 300+ speed JKR, gmy and others it’s a whole different story
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    The only reason DR has been intially branded "bad" is because JKR is so wildly overpowered and that's what everyone is comparing to. If Darth Revan had come first, we'd have seen nothing but complaints about him for 6 months and then hailed JKR as the DR-killer - only to get grumpy again when we realized a few months later that JKR was dominating everything.

    Jedi Revan's kit is what a seven-year-old would design if you asked one to make a character:

    "He should make his WHOLE TEAM attack and ignore taunt and do EXTRA damage and he should HEAL AND SWAP TURNS AND DO AOE DAMAGE ALL WITH ONE MOVE and he should get a free revive and he should bOoSt eVeRYoNe's stats aNd AnD and aND and"

    He's the Tarrasque of SWGOH. Making a "hard counter" to him is nearly impossible because he himself is a hard counter to everything. The fact that Darth Revan is able to beat him while still being beatable with non-Revan teams is nothing short of a miracle, if we're being honest.

    Darth Revan is great. Jedi Revan has always been the problem.
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    I hope you guys are joking, "hey CG, I want an unbeatable team that crushes absolutely everything in 45 seconds on offense and can't lose on defense".

    Well no it's not going to happen, stop being entitled, this is embarrassing. You have a character in your hands who can beat the toughest defensive squad in the game in less than 45 seconds, holds relatively well on defense and you still complain about it. You people are worse than the f2p who you keep calling entiled babies.

    Enjoy your number 1 daily and stop wishing others have no chance to enjoy the game as well
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    I have seen them but Darth Revan is crap in defence all they have to do is mass assist Bastila and the team goes down the toilet very quickly from there.

    Need to gear and/mod Bastila properly if she can’t survive 1 Direct Focus mass assist attack.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Lol Darth revan teams hits like a hattori hanzo sword cutting god. The devs were like "hey what if we made a team that you just press a button and a toon dies over and over....

    I'm already starting to see some solid D comps (that people will switch on offense.) but yeah.....with the Devs already planning on making this team 10x worse than Jedi revan with malik....

    I do think people saying DR teams stink are nuts :)
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    D Revan is over powered enough as it is. Players need to learn how to use that weapon before asking for more firepower on it.

    There is so much he can do. Read the kit.

    He is not overpowered when alot of different teams can take him down with little effort.


    Now JEDI Revan is OP af.

    I'm pretty sure if Jason Mansoukas and crew did a podcast version of "how did this get made" and instead of movies they did SWGOH toons Both revans would be the first ones on the list..... followed by Jedi Knight Guardian...maybe tuskans
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    Palp absolutely wrecks him, seeing a lot of counters in 5v5. 3v3 not as much but arena is what most people care about. It is nice to beat JKR in less then 4 minutes but the team is underwhelming. Definitely missing something, malak is my guess but who knows?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    The only reason DR has been intially branded "bad" is because JKR is so wildly overpowered and that's what everyone is comparing to. If Darth Revan had come first, we'd have seen nothing but complaints about him for 6 months and then hailed JKR as the DR-killer - only to get grumpy again when we realized a few months later that JKR was dominating everything.

    Jedi Revan's kit is what a seven-year-old would design if you asked one to make a character:

    "He should make his WHOLE TEAM attack and ignore taunt and do EXTRA damage and he should HEAL AND SWAP TURNS AND DO AOE DAMAGE ALL WITH ONE MOVE and he should get a free revive and he should bOoSt eVeRYoNe's stats aNd AnD and aND and"

    He's the Tarrasque of SWGOH. Making a "hard counter" to him is nearly impossible because he himself is a hard counter to everything. The fact that Darth Revan is able to beat him while still being beatable with non-Revan teams is nothing short of a miracle, if we're being honest.

    Darth Revan is great. Jedi Revan has always been the problem.

    This. I do have to give the devs props for coming up with a pseudo-miracle in DR.

    Although, if I'm being completely honest, the fact that you can't take siren even a mediocre DR team without one of the small handful of hard counters all at full g12 is a bit annoying too (in that regard, he's similar to JKR in TW/GA). I do admit though that might just be a side effect of the ridiculous kit needed to deal with the silliness of the original Revan.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I think the only currently legitimate criticism of the DR design (which will likely be negated with Malak) is that in order to make the Sith Empire team viable, you have to throw in 1-2 characters who aren't even Sith Empire.
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    CazNeerg wrote: »
    I think the only currently legitimate criticism of the DR design (which will likely be negated with Malak) is that in order to make the Sith Empire team viable, you have to throw in 1-2 characters who aren't even Sith Empire.

    Yeah I agree, the kit is good and he's fun to play, but I was looking forward to the whole sith empire thing instead of +2 characters we've already seen a lot of in arena. Maybe that opportunity is still possible, and we'll just have to wait a bit!
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    I'm really enjoying the new "Darth Revan vs. Darth Revan"-Arena, it's wonderful new and surprisingly different... Excellent and well done, CG!
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    VaexquaGer wrote: »
    I'm really enjoying the new "Darth Revan vs. Darth Revan"-Arena, it's wonderful new and surprisingly different... Excellent and well done, CG!

    I woke up to four different profiles in the top five of my arena shard for the first time since....maybe the early Traya adopters post zEP re-work?

    We complained about the lack of shard diversity.
    We complained about mods not mattering that much.
    We complained about really long battles.

    And by "We", maybe I just mean "me", but I think the devs did a really great job of conceiving of a kit / faction synergy that addressed all of those issues extremely well without being completely overpowering. I don't recall ever losing to a non-JKR team with JKR. Maybe it happened once against a super fast zEP / Triumvirate team with a ton of bad RNG.

    I've destroyed DR, I've lost in mirrors, I've beat JKR in under a minute, I've lost to JKR in two minutes. I've been unable to beat zEP leads and had to switch to JKR (albeit with B mods) to clear a path.

    I'm really not sure what people have to complain about right now. Congratulations for restoring balance and interest to arena.
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    Currently in my shard the top 50 is a mix of JKR, EP, and DR teams. Seems fairly well balanced at the moment. The top 10 is heavy on the various Sith teams.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    It usually takes a week or two for people to get good squad combos, zeta, mod, and gear up their squad optimally after a meta shift. Jedi Revan was a lot more immediate because many people already had Jedi geared up for the bastilla meta. Darth Revan has a more uphill battle due to the zetas needed on HK and the "stalling" new gear needed for DR. Give it until next week, the tone will change a lot.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    I don't know why such a stategist would be so bad on defense. But what you should do if the assists destroy you're team is take out Badstilla first then GMY then Jolee. Then easy peasy lemon squeesy
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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    I don't have Darth revan if it's bad then just say knew it
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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    Snaklor wrote: »
    There are three lineups that appear to hold: MT, Zombie; Sion, Nihilus; SiT, GK. All are gonna work to varying effect, but zombie and MT is what I’ve been running.

    I’d be careful with MT/Zombie. They are initially tricky to beat, but once you figure it out they go down super easy with a standard JKR team. Sion/Nihilus is probably the best against JKR, since you know have 2 ways to get rid of tenacity up.
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    Actually, you can lose to darth revan on defense if you dont know what to do. I messed around a little too muchand he killed me.
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
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    Darth revan is not someone to be trifled with.
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    With really good droids a fully zeta’d and “super strong” DR led team takes 15-25 seconds to beat on full auto... it’s so easy it’s almost ridiculous and in my opinion pushes the boundaries of what should be achievable in high end arena...

    JKR is a little tougher... 1 to 2 mins for the win... it requires a different setup and to actually control the battle (although you can still win on full auto vs JKR teams about half the time) but it’s still pretty much a gimme...

    Still both of them are super easy to face on offense and climb ranks w/o any real concern for losing battles... it might take a refresh to reach #1 again but it’s worth the expense :)

    The droids got kind of swept under the rug by the perceived disappointment that the community placed on them...
    ... but I’m finding them to be a strong contender in today’s Revan saturated arena...
    I’ve been finishing top 5 daily (#1 or 2 easily when work doesn’t interfere) with them for several weeks now and it’s only gotten easier with the introduction of Darth Revan

    But no I don’t think he needs to be stronger... in my shard at least he’s dominating the top 20 for those that invested in him
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