The Rise of the Omega Bottleneck / Weeklies

4051 posts Member
As the title states, they slowly pulled omegas out of the weekly shipments step by step. I made multiple topics on this where it gets immediately moved to shipments subforum where no eyes will reach it for sure.

We have an omega crisis, weeklies provided a solution temporarily. Now we are back to square one. THIS IS NOT A SHIPMENTS discussion, but one on the state of omega acquirement in general.


  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member

    - Does the bottleneck exist at large?
    - If it does what solution do you propose?
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Every bottleneck is getting worse .... mostly

    Goldeyeball salvage - made worse

    Credits - worse

    Shard shop currency from bronziums-made worse

    Stuns pop rate in GET/**** - some reports lower rate (not seen evidence but seems lower last month)

    More Purple gear being needed at lower levels (cancerous, who else)

    More almost mandatory needed toons than ever needed at once before. ways to get that gear.....
    no change. That said i guess GA gives gear but tank rewards being what they are post challenge gear fix worse...

    Keeps getting tighter and tighter....

    I wonder if this has any correlation to the big 3rd party crystal scandal. Had to be a TON of future Revanue lost in those temp bans handed out... seems like things started getting tighter before all that happened.... but they knew way before they announced it so maybe the tightening is just corporate insuring numbers at least stay the same and do not drop..... that i can believe
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    No_Try wrote: »

    - Does the bottleneck exist at large?
    - If it does what solution do you propose?

    Lots of bottlenecks most of them needed we all know that we all accept that..... the making them worse part to offset some lost earnings or just to make some extra here and there is the part i do not like they were bad enough.....


    Challenge reworks maybe

    Go back to heists from a year ago

    Stuns appear more often in shops (Ya still gotta have currency for em). No reason for it to be random really oh ...... refreshes $$$$$$$$. Which good reason for em not popping as much

    A real solution..... prob not one game needs bottlenecks..... but we had em before NO reason for them to make em worse

    When this is 90% of your fleet challenges Every time for months there is zero goodwill towards the RNG junk way they are delivered.... but hey someone getting 3-4 every challenge day so its fair NOT

    They tell you your bad and to get gud when their RNG allows them to be better cause for some it never EVER levels off because it never has to
    Post edited by Dk_rek on
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    There needs to be several bottlenecks at all times, that's true. My qualm with omegas is mainly that our acquisition rate of them doesn't coincide with zetas. For quite a time I'm experiencing an omega bottleneck while I do fine with zetas.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.

    How do they even manage to run out of purples, are they newish players?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.

    How do they even manage to run out of purples, are they newish players?

    most likely, 100+ member discord server, so i don't really know. Saw a couple screenshots and was quite amazed by it, not enough to find their profile though ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Not trying be to an AS, but even in a game with max flexibility and unlimited resources, you are not going to get everything you want or be able to do everything you like, so admitting your limitations is the first step to any improvements.

    In short, try to be a little more mature even as a game player.

    I am a FTP, btw.

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Edward wrote: »
    Not trying be to an AS, but even in a game with max flexibility and unlimited resources, you are not going to get everything you want or be able to do everything you like, so admitting your limitations is the first step to any improvements.

    In short, try to be a little more mature even as a game player.

    I am a FTP, btw.


    Ok, I'll try to mature up and be like you. Thanks for your non-contribution.
  • Aydnie
    432 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    I wonder if this has any correlation to the big 3rd party crystal scandal. Had to be a TON of future Revanue lost in those temp bans handed out... seems like things started getting tighter before all that happened.... but they knew way before they announced it so maybe the tightening is just corporate insuring numbers at least stay the same and do not drop..... that i can believe
    whats the 3rd party scandal
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Aydnie wrote: »
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    I wonder if this has any correlation to the big 3rd party crystal scandal. Had to be a TON of future Revanue lost in those temp bans handed out... seems like things started getting tighter before all that happened.... but they knew way before they announced it so maybe the tightening is just corporate insuring numbers at least stay the same and do not drop..... that i can believe
    whats the 3rd party scandal

    There was a widespread uncovering of 3rd party crystals sale that's acquired by stolen acc.s, credit cards I think. The accounts that bought these crystals got temporarily banned and now they are back too. No idea how CG is dealing with the suppliers though.
  • Options
    I'll occasionally run into an omega crunch (I just ran out after DR, had to wait a couple days to finish his omegas), but usually I wait until I have a character at higher gear levels (10+) before I upgrade their abilities to Omega. That mostly alleviates the problem for me, since it takes so long to gear characters anyway.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.

    How do they even manage to run out of purples, are they newish players?
    It's pretty easy when you are still powering up squads to round out your GA/TW rosters.

    At around 9 months played I still have bottlenecks on purples, omegas and zetas as well as various gear pieces *cough*Carbantis,*cough* I work within these limitations by being selective about what I upgrade and when.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    There needs to be several bottlenecks at all times, that's true. My qualm with omegas is mainly that our acquisition rate of them doesn't coincide with zetas. For quite a time I'm experiencing an omega bottleneck while I do fine with zetas.

    ....We get MORE omegas than zetas.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    No_Try wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    Not trying be to an AS, but even in a game with max flexibility and unlimited resources, you are not going to get everything you want or be able to do everything you like, so admitting your limitations is the first step to any improvements.

    In short, try to be a little more mature even as a game player.

    I am a FTP, btw.


    Ok, I'll try to mature up and be like you. Thanks for your non-contribution.

    Just ignore that guy. All he does is post pictures of his obviously-whaled account and claim to be FTP. It's a semi original form of trolling at least, I guess.
    NicWester wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    There needs to be several bottlenecks at all times, that's true. My qualm with omegas is mainly that our acquisition rate of them doesn't coincide with zetas. For quite a time I'm experiencing an omega bottleneck while I do fine with zetas.

    ....We get MORE omegas than zetas.

    True, but it's not proportional. You don't get THAT many more omegas than zetas, but omegas are far more commonly needed - even a "generic" 3-ability character needs 15 omegas. Some characters don't need zetas at all, and every zeta ability also requires a big pile of omegas. So while you do get more omegas than zetas, the increased rate at which they're spent means you eventually hit a point where you're sitting on a pile of zetas you can't use because you don't have enough omegas.
    No_Try wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.

    How do they even manage to run out of purples, are they newish players?

    I'm constantly out of purples. I played pretty hard back at the start and then didn't play for an extended period before I came back. I've been going hard for about a year now and I still can't hold on to purples. I have to treat 30 of them as my "zero" because if I didn't, I'd never be able to add zeta abilities with how many of them I still need for the various squads I want to build up. Half the time I do mod challenges instead of farming slicing mats just because they cough up a decent amount of purples. Ditto prioritizing the 16-energy cantina farms over the easier ones.

    I'm just now finally starting to get to a point where I can sometimes store up 75-100 before a whole bunch go out the window, but it'll still be a while before they become inconsequential like the green and blue mats.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    There needs to be several bottlenecks at all times, that's true. My qualm with omegas is mainly that our acquisition rate of them doesn't coincide with zetas. For quite a time I'm experiencing an omega bottleneck while I do fine with zetas.

    ....We get MORE omegas than zetas.

    And we need way more of them too.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.

    How do they even manage to run out of purples, are they newish players?
    It's pretty easy when you are still powering up squads to round out your GA/TW rosters.

    At around 9 months played I still have bottlenecks on purples, omegas and zetas as well as various gear pieces *cough*Carbantis,*cough* I work within these limitations by being selective about what I upgrade and when.

    9 months puts you at a newish player status. After a while you have so much stock of some things that even though they get frequently used, you can hardly deplete them. Mk5 furnaces on rancy are as such for example. They are both needed and given abundantly.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    I play the game wrong (I’ve been told this before, and a glance at my account makes it pretty evident). I’ve always been out of omegas and purple mats because I use them almost immediately. I’ve upgraded completely useless abilities because I’m a perfectionist and I hate seeing those little red numbers above everything. It’s not a strategy, let me tell you that. But I’m building ALL of my characters at slightly faster pace than new content, so I may catch in five years or so.

    But I think it wouldn’t harm the game if more omegas were made available. It’s tough when it’s only possible to get 3-5 a day, and every character needs 15 of them. I think more should be made available as players reach the endgame, so that they can keep up a little faster.
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.
    Ive seen some people on the forums mention a purple mat crunch too
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member

    I’ll trade purples for MK6 med packs one per one all day long lol
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Haven't run out of omega's (yet). I've got 54 zeta's equiped. 96 zeta matts and 95 omegas hoarded.
    I do however have quite a few abilities that can be omega'd at the moment.
    as a side note, i'm seeying multiple players running out of purple matts on discord.
    Ive seen some people on the forums mention a purple mat crunch too

    Somehow I ran out of purple mats yesterday while leveling up Darth Revan’s abilities. I’ve never been held back by those until now.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    No_Try wrote: »
    As the title states, they slowly pulled omegas out of the weekly shipments step by step. I made multiple topics on this where it gets immediately moved to shipments subforum where no eyes will reach it for sure.

    Do you have anything g to back this statement up?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    As the title states, they slowly pulled omegas out of the weekly shipments step by step. I made multiple topics on this where it gets immediately moved to shipments subforum where no eyes will reach it for sure.

    Do you have anything g to back this statement up?

    Which part? I can provide evidence, just gotta know which portion you're debating.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    I play the game wrong (I’ve been told this before, and a glance at my account makes it pretty evident). I’ve always been out of omegas and purple mats because I use them almost immediately. I’ve upgraded completely useless abilities because I’m a perfectionist and I hate seeing those little red numbers above everything. It’s not a strategy, let me tell you that. But I’m building ALL of my characters at slightly faster pace than new content, so I may catch in five years or so.

    But I think it wouldn’t harm the game if more omegas were made available. It’s tough when it’s only possible to get 3-5 a day, and every character needs 15 of them. I think more should be made available as players reach the endgame, so that they can keep up a little faster.

    Keep at it. You eventually get where you want to be. I have all the abilities on my characters upgraded through purple, so now every T3 purple ability mat gets stockpiled until a new character comes out, then I upgrade all their stuff.

    Omegas are another matter, but even those you eventually wind up hitting critical mass. My .gg profile is under this name, look at my collection, sort by power—everyone through Farmboy Luke is fully omega’d. That’s about half the characters.

    Keep on doing what you’re doing. You aren’t playing wrong unless you’re not having any fun at all—which, ironically, the people telling you that you’re doing it wrong probably aren’t ;)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    No_Try wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    As the title states, they slowly pulled omegas out of the weekly shipments step by step. I made multiple topics on this where it gets immediately moved to shipments subforum where no eyes will reach it for sure.

    Do you have anything g to back this statement up?

    Which part? I can provide evidence, just gotta know which portion you're debating.

    Have they stated they are not going to put omegas in weekly shipments again?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »
    I play the game wrong (I’ve been told this before, and a glance at my account makes it pretty evident). I’ve always been out of omegas and purple mats because I use them almost immediately. I’ve upgraded completely useless abilities because I’m a perfectionist and I hate seeing those little red numbers above everything. It’s not a strategy, let me tell you that. But I’m building ALL of my characters at slightly faster pace than new content, so I may catch in five years or so.

    But I think it wouldn’t harm the game if more omegas were made available. It’s tough when it’s only possible to get 3-5 a day, and every character needs 15 of them. I think more should be made available as players reach the endgame, so that they can keep up a little faster.

    Keep at it. You eventually get where you want to be. I have all the abilities on my characters upgraded through purple, so now every T3 purple ability mat gets stockpiled until a new character comes out, then I upgrade all their stuff.

    Omegas are another matter, but even those you eventually wind up hitting critical mass. My .gg profile is under this name, look at my collection, sort by power—everyone through Farmboy Luke is fully omega’d. That’s about half the characters.

    Keep on doing what you’re doing. You aren’t playing wrong unless you’re not having any fun at all—which, ironically, the people telling you that you’re doing it wrong probably aren’t ;)

    Lol @NicWester I guess you’re right, I am having fun. I have omega’d about half of my roster as well, but that includes Bodhi Rook. So some quality characters have been left behind. Anyway, thanks for the input, hopefully I’ll get to the stockpile threshold someday!
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    The omega (along with gear, credits, etc...) issues hit when a journey,Legendary (characters)or new team is needed for an achievement (in raid or other war). Then a massive amount of resources are used and your stockpiles are depleted.
  • Options
    I kinda get what the Op is saying but then again we have more events and challenges that provides omegas and there are nodes you can farm Omegas on yes low drop rate but they are there. So if your hurting for Omegas try and farm a node that has them on them and you might get lucky and have a couple drop. Personally save up about 100 Zeta mats and omegas if am going to upgrade 3 toons to max abilities. During this hording i also save up the gear till i get the omegas and Zetas. Same with Credits and training droids. My account prolly has Spikes of GP increase then Flat lines for a couple weeks. I am also super casual in my play and dont worry about metas in PVP i am top 200 to 350 in arena with a Ok CLS team i could climb higher if i wanted too but then id drop like a rock. I think its just saving up and Focusing on one toon or team to level and dont worry about the rest.
  • Options
    Maybe you sjiuld just stop omega chars you dont want to level, like my gk.
  • Stick
    647 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    As the title states, they slowly pulled omegas out of the weekly shipments step by step. I made multiple topics on this where it gets immediately moved to shipments subforum where no eyes will reach it for sure.

    Do you have anything g to back this statement up?

    Which part? I can provide evidence, just gotta know which portion you're debating.

    Probably the part he put in bold ?
    You don’t have proof. You’re a conspiracy proponent.
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